Random Cursory Observations Concerning Law and Order

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 03:44
Jul 5, 2006
Several headline caught my attention. The theme of those headlines, if you want to apply that label, is that law and order has become politicized. That is never actually formalized in print, but you get the sense that it does from how the headlines are written. Of course one also needs to consider that headlines are a form of "click bait" to grab your attention so you never really know the factual subtleties of the stories based on the headline.

Consider this story: "Texas grand jury indicts 19 police officers over protests in Austin" and compare it to the Canadian trucker "sit-in". In a loose sense, their is a connection. BLM/Antifa riot and loot, and the police in attempting to maintain law and order. They are consequently charged with "crimes" for violating the "rights" of protesters, who may have been also involved in looting, rioting, and property destruction. The Canadian truckers hold a peaceful protest and they are the ones being charged with "crimes". This is unequal justice and highlights that "justice" is being applied based on politics not the actual commission of a crime.

An update concerning Kim Potter recently appeared. She was tried and convicted of accidentally killing Daunte Wright. Yet, Michael Byrd, who purposely shot into a crowd and accidentally killed Ashli Babbit was never charged with that murder.

The video clip below reviews and analyzes the bias of journalists against conservative values.
The Canadian truckers hold a peaceful protest and they are the ones being charged with "crimes". This is unequal justice and highlights that "justice" is being applied based on politics not the actual commission of a crime.
The truckers should start looting Target and Walmart. Maybe then the cops will leave them alone.
Why not go for the good stuff at Gucci and Tiffany?
Recall the hysterical outrage of the left wing media and the Biden administration when border control agents used horses as an attempt to control the entry of illegal immigrants into the US. Were is their outrage now? The left's apparent silence concerning the abuse the truckers are receiving from the Trudeau government demonstrates how hypocritical the left is.
Recall the hysterical outrage of the left wing media and the Biden administration when border control agents used horses as an attempt to control the entry of illegal immigrants into the US. Were is their outrage now? The left's apparent silence concerning the abuse the truckers are receiving from the Trudeau government demonstrates how hypocritical the left is.
I was thinking the same thing 🤔
How many points go you get for running down an old lady with a walker while you're on horseback? Does anybody know?

Can you spell Brownshirts? Do these people even know that "I was just following orders" doesn't fly when the orders are illegal?
I really need to roll up my pants legs. The bull**** is getting seriously deep when you can cry crocodile tears for the lie in picture one and not say a word about the video evidence in picture two.

Please, some liberal respond. I want to hear you justify knocking over an old lady because she wasn't quick enough to move away from the horse. I'm not even saying this was done on purpose. I want to know why this isn't headlines on CNN. The hyprocasy of it is so overwhelming, there there are simply no words to describe it. And the feckless pieces of dog do do that call themselves Republicans can't bring themselves to make a statement because they don't want to be called racists?
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I really need to roll up my pants legs. The bull**** is getting seriously deep when you can cry crocodile tears for the lie in picture one and not say a word about the video evidence in picture two.

Please, some liberal respond. I want to hear you justify knocking over an old lady because she wasn't quick enough to move away from the horse. I'm not even saying this was done on purpose. I want to know why this isn't headlines on CNN. The hyprocasy of it is so overwhelming, there there are simply no words to describe it. And the feckless pieces of dog do do that call themselves Republicans can't bring themselves to make a statement because they don't want to be called racists?
The images posted by @AccessBlaster above are an extension of the extreme moral relativism demonstrated by the Democrats. Previously, the Democrats claimed that Trump was putting kids in cages. Turned out, that Biden used the same cages. Of course they were not referred to as cages by the Biden administration.
So much so that yesterday the Biden administration had to open its first temporary child detention center in Carrizo Springs, Texas. The center will hold up to 700 children ages 13 to 17. The emergency facility was used in the summer of 2019 for one month under the Trump administration before it was widely demonized by Democrats for not following the standard of care of more permanent government shelters and closed.
Now "for the children" posturing.
Under Trump, the Democrats went after his administration for "losing" children a major humanitarian concern since we must dedicate ourselves to protect the children according to Pelosi.
Children are still being "lost" under Biden. Amazingly, for Democrats, "losing" children is no longer a humanitarian concern. I guess Democrats believe that children can now take care of themselves under a Democratic administration.
The Biden administration has lost contact with thousands of unaccompanied illegal immigrant children who have been released from federal custody, according to a shocking report Wednesday.

Axios found that between January and the end of May, the Department of Health and Human Services’ (HHS) Administration for Children and Families made 14,600 calls to check in on kids released from government-run shelters to sponsors inside the US. Of those calls, 4,890 (33.5 percent) were not answered by either the child or their sponsor.
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Previously, the Democrats claimed that Trump was putting kids in cages.
Even worse, is the pictures that were posted in the first story were actually faked. They were from a protest and the pictures were of children in dog cages that their own parents had brought to the protest and put their children in. The crop was tight so you couldn't see the protesters until you searched for the source photo. After that was debunked, someone found pictures from 2014 and posted those as the pictures of children in cages except that the cages were built by Obama/Biden and it wasn't until the third try that some current pictures of the 2014 facility built by Obama were released. So, yes, Trump was using the same cages that Obama built. Apparently no one actually understood the purpose of using chain link for walls rather than solid walls in these temporary holding areas. I will leave it to the more intelligent readers to come to some conclusion as to why you would actually want to use chain link walls in a temporary shelter.

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