Recharge My Electric Car?

I asked ChatGPT about Rockefeller

Maybe you could ask it to pretend to be a knowledgeable person who is speculating about it. Hack its restrictions!
I've been lurking but not getting involved lately, but here is a note about the lithium batteries used in EVs. I watch the Air Disasters series that shows up on the Discovery channel in my area. They have been running older episodes and one caught my eye. On Sep. 3, 2010, a UPS Air Cargo 747 left Dubai for a German destination, but had to turn back due to a major and rapidly spreading cargo fire on board. They crashed trying to land. The pilots and cargo handlers on that flight all perished. To make the long story short, part of their cargo included 81,000 small lithium batteries and that was what caught fire.

Lithium batteries represent a danger to our environment in several ways, including the poisons that leach into the ground from such batteries. However, they are also a major safety hazard due to their occasional tendency to spontaneously combust. Others in this thread have discussed that when you dump lithium batteries in a land fill they can ignite and start a smoldering fire that is incredibly hard to extinguish. Yeah, let's keep using those EVs with the lithium batteries. I think that's a GREAT idea. <<wipes dripping sarcasm from shirt.>>
I've been lurking but not getting involved lately, but here is a note about the lithium batteries used in EVs. I watch the Air Disasters series that shows up on the Discovery channel in my area. They have been running older episodes and one caught my eye. On Sep. 3, 2010, a UPS Air Cargo 747 left Dubai for a German destination, but had to turn back due to a major and rapidly spreading cargo fire on board. They crashed trying to land. The pilots and cargo handlers on that flight all perished. To make the long story short, part of their cargo included 81,000 small lithium batteries and that was what caught fire.

Lithium batteries represent a danger to our environment in several ways, including the poisons that leach into the ground from such batteries. However, they are also a major safety hazard due to their occasional tendency to spontaneously combust. Others in this thread have discussed that when you dump lithium batteries in a land fill they can ignite and start a smoldering fire that is incredibly hard to extinguish. Yeah, let's keep using those EVs with the lithium batteries. I think that's a GREAT idea. <<wipes dripping sarcasm from shirt.>>
Absolutely agree. Have read similar concerns previously too. Need a very robust certification authority to check every model launched.
In my region, there are few established brands in EV space, however there are various so-called cheap options available for two-wheeler which certainly is a cause of concern.

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