Solved Removing pages in report with Module


Local time
Today, 08:01
Dec 21, 2020
Hi, I know I have several problems I am working on at once, but each time a new one comes up it is more pressing than the previous one.

Right now I am using the following code in a database.

Option Compare Database

Public Function DeletePages_FromPDF(ThisPDF As String, _
FromPage As Integer, _
Optional PageCount_ToDelete As Integer = 1) As String

' =================================================================
' Procedure Name: DeletePages_FromPDF
' Purpose: Delete several pages from a given file
' Procedure Kind: Sub
' Procedure Access: Public
' Parameter ThisPDF (String): The full path to the pdf file
' Parameter FromPage (Integer): start deleting from this page
' Parameter PageCount_ToDelete (Integer): Count of pages to be deleted.
' Omitting = only one page
' 0 = up to the end of pdf
' Returns Passed : Deletion was successful
' Failed : Deletion was failed
' Author: Kitayama
' Date: 2022/05/19
' =================================================================
On Error GoTo ErrorTrap

Dim PDDocSource As Object
Dim DeleteFrom As Integer
Dim DeleteTo As Integer
Dim cnt As Integer
Dim Msg As String

DeletePages_FromPDF = ""
Set PDDocSource = CreateObject("AcroExch.PDDoc")

' Open file
If PDDocSource.Open(ThisPDF) <> True Then
MsgBox "Unable to open the source PDF"
DeletePages_FromPDF = "Error"
GoTo ExitFunction
End If

cnt = PDDocSource.GetNumPages
If cnt > 1 Then

' Calculate Deleting pages
If PageCount_ToDelete = 0 Then PageCount_ToDelete = cnt - FromPage + 1
DeleteFrom = FromPage - 1
DeleteTo = DeleteFrom + (PageCount_ToDelete - 1)

' Start Deleting
If PDDocSource.DeletePages(DeleteFrom, DeleteTo) <> True Then
MsgBox "Unable to Delete " & ThisPDF
DeletePages_FromPDF = "Failed"
GoTo ExitFunction
DeletePages_FromPDF = "Passed"
End If

' save the file
If PDDocSource.Save(&H1, ThisPDF) = False Then
MsgBox "Failed to Save Changes to " & ThisPDF
DeletePages_FromPDF = "Save Error"
End If
End If

' Application.Echo True
Exit Function
Select Case Err.Number
Case Else
Msg = Err.Description
End Select
MsgBox Msg
Resume ExitFunction

End Function

However, the problem is, my report has 70+ pages in it and grows by 1 page every month. So unless I hit the button that callsfor this process it only deducts one page from the report. What I need is for the report to show just the previous month.

So this code is run on the 1st sometimes the 2nd of every month. I need it to only show the previous months report, not the current month or anything prior to the previous month. Hopefully, someone has an idea on this.
i don't think you can do that on the pdf.
you need to tackle it on the root, the report.
just print the previous month.
It was working for almost 2 years, until this month it stopped working. It would process all the reports, and then it would remove all the extra ones. I have no idea why it stopped working.

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