Ron DeSantis

Pat Hartman

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Yesterday, 23:26
Feb 19, 2002
There are a lot of us who thought DeSantis would make a great candidate in 2028 but I am rethinking my opinion.
1. He is soliciting donations and he has not even announced his candidacy - campaign violation already and don't think the Dems haven't noticed. They will kill him with this.
2. His donors are RINOs. They are not supporting HIM, they are supporting non-Trump and he seems to have the second place at the moment
3. He has refused to help Florida residents who were ensnared in the Jan 6 debacle even though their civil rights are being violated.
4. In his attempt to distance himself from Trump, he was making jokes about the NYC prosecutor's case rather than standing up for what is right. Just because you don't like the evil orange man doesn't mean that it is OK for him to be persecuted this way. This is just another made up crime and attempt to keep Trump off the ballot in 2024
5. DeSantis doesn't realize that a battle between him and Trump will be disastrous for the Republican party. On the off chance he wins the primary, no Trump supporter will vote for him in the General and if Trump feels like there are enough of them left, he'll just run as a third party candidate and that will be even worse.
6. As it stands, not only will I not vote for anyone but Trump as long as Trump says in the primary, I will not vote for DeSantis in 2024 if he is the ultimate winner of the primary. There are others I might vote for.
7. If he cleans up his act and distances himself from the RINOs, I would consider forgiving him for 2028 but not if he runs in 2024.
8. He is showing support for continuing the war in Ukraine rather than finding a peaceful solution that gives Russia a land bridge but otherwise keeps Ukraine intact.
9. Trump supported DeSantis in his reelection for governor and now DeSantis is turning his back on Trump and the citizens of Florida who voted for him. Not a good look. If I were a resident of Florida, I would be seriously angry if my governor spent two years of his term trying to get a different job. That is why I actually admire Tulsi Gabbard so much. She did not run for her House seat "just in case". That was honorable. Foolish maybe, but honorable and I respect that. Our campaign laws should prevent that from happening anyway but they don't.
DeSantis doesn't realize that a battle between him and Trump will be disastrous for the Republican party. On the off chance he wins the primary, no Trump supporter will vote for him in the General and if Trump feels like there are enough of them left, he'll just run as a third party candidate and that will be even worse.
But in this scenario, Trump would be equally guilty and IMHO, more culpable
But in this scenario, Trump would be equally guilty and IMHO, more culpable
Only if Trump loses the primary and makes a 3rd party run. But polls have Trump up and rising and DeSantis dropping due to his stupid remarks about the persecution of Trump and his support for the war in Ukraine. DeSantis could have made himself the hero by standing behind Florida citizens being held as political prisoners as well as Trump and he joked instead. Bad image.

DeSantis really needs to finish his term as governor and get a grasp on world politics. He is doing many good things as Governor but that is because he has the legislature behind him.

If DeSantis makes the mistake of taking on Trump, he will sink into oblivion if he loses. I really don't want that to happen.
Well I do feel like I have an ability that I have developed with quite effort over the past few years, to sort of step back and watch reactions in my self from a detached third party viewpoint if that makes sense. The ability to note how things make me feel instinctively and then analyze them more rationally.
And I will report something that actually surprised the heck out of me. But it corresponds with what quite a few people predicted with regards to this current situation.
Once I saw that Trump had actually been indicted, I felt like I was being pretty much forced to go from opposing him in the primary, to either being neutral or kind of feeling like I needed to support him in the primary.

I still don't think he was ever anywhere near the best candidate, and if I could just push a magic button and make the Republican nominee be someone a little bit more likely to win in the general election I would of course.
But when I see this prosecutor cooking up silly misdemeanor nonsense in such a nefarious and Nation stability threatening way, then I feel like turning that on its head and making sure people don't go down that route ever again it's probably more important for the country. Thus I hope he wins.

Can you imagine the state that our nation will be in within just a year or two if a dozen State prosecutors begin doing similar things on either side? I mean it's not like we don't have enough evidence to put Biden away for a lifetime what little he has left. But I don't really think going down that route is the optimal outcome. Free flow of information that exposes things that actually change people's minds to see the truth is definitely preferable.
the Jan 6 debacle
That was where some tourists weren't allowed to take selfies?

Trump's self-descriptive words of "alternative truths" have long since been internalized by loyal followers.
That was where some tourists weren't allowed to take selfies?

Trump's self-descriptive words of "alternative truths" have long since been internalized by loyal followers.
Have you seen the new video that came out? Showing the person who Democrats have claimed is the great dangerous ringleader of the so-called national insurrection? Being led around on a tour by Capital police during the time when Democrats claim he was committing a crime Worthy of a half a dozen years in prison, the police even attempting to open doors for him and encourage him to continue.

This is a party that prosecutes people like him with years in prison but lets murderers get out the next day.
if I could just push a magic button and make the Republican nominee be someone a little bit more likely to win in the general election I would of course.
Do you think the Dems would be persecuting Trump this way if they thought they could beat him fair and square:):):)
Trump's self-descriptive words of "alternative truths" have long since been internalized by loyal followers.
You may be confusing the video of a few people causing a ruckus outside the building with the 40,000 hours of footage inside of people admiring the artwork and taking selfies:) The interior footage which was SUPPRESSED because it didn't fit the narrative was even withheld from the defence. How's that for "justice"? The prosecutors deliberately withheld exculpatory evidence. That's how banana republics work. Do you think for a minute that if any of that interior footage confirmed the Jan 6th commission's allegations, it wouldn't have been broadcasted 24/7? What they repeatedly show is a small group of people who broke the door and some windows. And others who were fighting with the cops. I'm pretty sure all those people got speedy trials and life in prison. Let's not forget the murder of Ashley Babbitt. Oh! Right. That wasn't a murder because a black cop shot a white woman point blank without even a "stop or I'll shoot".
You may be confusing the video of a few people causing a ruckus outside the building with the 40,000 hours of footage inside of people admiring the artwork and taking selfies:) The interior footage which was SUPPRESSED because it didn't fit the narrative was even withheld from the defence.

This needs to be repeated and broadcast until the public actually becomes aware of it as a whole.

People who get their news from NPR CNN etc, literally have no idea that this is the case. I don't necessarily blame them for ignorance, but I do blame them for not wanting to find out the truth in cases where that's happening..
8. He is showing support for continuing the war in Ukraine rather than finding a peaceful solution that gives Russia a land bridge but otherwise keeps Ukraine intact.

Pat, on this one point I think your goal may not be possible. Ukraine wants their territory back in one piece and has paid too high a price to settle for less. They are in the situation of defending THEIR homeland and Russia was a clear aggressor. Neither one of them is angelically pure, but in this case I have to side with Ukraine. Not to mention that Putin's defeat in humiliation might improve life for Russians when someone finally decides enough is enough. And I don't see Putin taking defeat calmly. His nose has to be rubbed in it for it to stick.
I am not siding with Russia. Ukraine is losing the war and we are bankrupting ourselves and depleting our military arsenal to fight it for them. I'm trying to allow Ukraine to survive if possible rather than being absorbed back into Russia which is the only alternative at this point.

I know that Russia was the aggressor. What did the UN do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!!!!! No sanctions, Didn't kick Russia off the security council. NOTHING!!!!!

Doc, this is not a war WE should be fighting. Europe should be fighting this war. I'm looking for a way to end the war and stop the killing. This is another war like Vietnam. We can't fight to win so we shouldn't be fighting at all. Biden did everything he could to provoke this war and he got his wish. He (his handlers) think they can bring Putin down by using Ukraine as a punching bag.
Europe should definitely be fighting this war. It is lazy and totally unacceptable that France, Germany, and Britain aren't primarily doing the fightintg - they're the ones in Russia's backyard compared to us! But we have to step up and do everything it seems.

Not sure what would have happened if we'd allowed Russia to take Ukraine. What would be next?

I'm torn on this issue and I admit it.
Allowing Russia to take Ukraine is totally wrong. THAT IS WHAT THE UN IS ALL ABOUT. But those feckless pieces of dog poo just let it slide. This should be a UN action and in so far as we are part of the UN, we would participate. What good is the UN if it refuses to even kick Russia off the security council for this act of aggression? The UN is totally impotent. Why are we wasting taxpayer money to support it?

Russia blocks Security Council action on Ukraine | UN News
A joke org that had enemies on council
North Korea just got a seat in the world health organization too

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