Run-time error '424': Object required (1 Viewer)


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:20
Mar 2, 2016
I am having issues with an Access Database that we have used for years with no issues, it was created around 2004 I think.

Anyway, while trying to save a persons information I got the Run-time error '424': Object required. After some troubleshooting I noticed that it is only about 1% of the records that result in this error and it works fine for the other 99%. Also, it doesn't just happen on my computer, it gives the same error for those specific records on every computer in the office.

When I click debug it displays this code and the line that I colored red is highlighted...any ideas?:

Option Compare Database

Dim globReportName

Private Sub CmdRunReport_Click()
    On Error GoTo CmdRunReportError
    Dim strWhere As String
    Dim strDocName As String
    If Me.FilterOn Then
        strWhere = Me.Filter
    End If
    strDocName = globReportName
    DoCmd.OpenReport strDocName, acViewPreview, , strWhere
    Exit Sub
    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume CmdRunReportExit
End Sub

Private Sub ComboReportList_AfterUpdate()
    globReportName = ComboReportList
End Sub

Private Sub ComboReportList_Click()
    globReportName = ComboReportList
End Sub

Public Function GetString(szStr As Variant, bReturnNULL As Boolean) As Variant
   If (bReturnNULL) Then
       GetString = IIf(szStr = "", Null, szStr)
       GetString = IIf(IsNull(szStr), "", szStr)
   End If
End Function

Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)

    '  Function:  Event Handler for 'Before Update' for the Form
    '  Purpose:   This routine will ensure that the participant and membership data in the
    '             SQL Server database is consistent with any updates made to this record.
    If Is4HMember() Then
        '  Validate the data
        If Not IsValidated() Then
            Cancel = True
            x = MsgBox("The data you entered did not pass validation rules for a 4H member record.  Please ensure the following: " & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & Chr(10) & "1. First Name, Last Name, Address Line 1, City, State and Zip all have entries" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "2. Telephone Number, if entered, is 7 or 10 digits, excluding formatting characters" & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & "3. Zip Code, if entered, is 5 or 9 digits, excluding formatting characters", vbInformation, "Validation Error")
            '  Data was valid, so check if this member is listed in the XRef table which indicates that
            '  he/she has been added to the SQL Server database.
            Set dbs4H = CurrentDb
            Set rsXRefInfo = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("Select * from 4H_XRef Where t4h_AccessID = " & Str(Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID))
            If rsXRefInfo.BOF Then
                '  BOF here indicates that no records exist in the record set and the
                '  Access ID was not found in the XREF table which in turn indicates
                '  that record has just been added to be a 4H member.
                '  However, we must ensure this is not an update to to a just Added record that
                '  has not been processed by the Event Processor yet.  If it is, then, we will not
                '  add a 2nd sychnronization record for the same add.
                Set rsCheckDuplicateAdd = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("Select * from 4H_Synchronization Where ts_AccessID = " & Str(Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID) & " and ts_Action = 'Add' and ts_Status in ('Open', 'Error')")
                If rsCheckDuplicateAdd.BOF Then
                    '  No other Synch record found, so continue with add
                    ' Populate the new synchronization record.
                    ' Add a new record to the synchronization table.
                    Set rsSyncTable = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("4H_Synchronization")
                    rsSyncTable![ts_AccessID] = Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID
                    rsSyncTable![ts_Action] = "Add"
                    rsSyncTable![ts_4HMember] = True
                    rsSyncTable![ts_Status] = "Open"
                    ' Save the record to the table.
                End If
                '  The XREF record was found, which means that the member has already been defined
                '  as a 4H member at some time in the past.  Write an Update record to the Synch table
                '  to verify that the participant identified from the XREF table is still listed on
                '  that membership.
                ' Add a new record to the synchronization table.
                Set rsSyncTable = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("4H_Synchronization")
                rsSyncTable![ts_AccessID] = Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID
                rsSyncTable![ts_SQLID] = rsXRefInfo![t4h_SQLID]
                rsSyncTable![ts_Action] = "Update"
                rsSyncTable![ts_4HMember] = True
                rsSyncTable![ts_Status] = "Open"
                ' Save the record to the table.

            End If
            '  Clean-up
[B][COLOR="Red"]            rsSyncTable.Close[/COLOR][/B]
            Set rsSyncTable = Nothing
            Set rsXRefInfo = Nothing
            Set dbs4H = Nothing

        End If

        '  Not currently shown as a 4H member, so we need to check if the Access ID exists
        '  in the XREF table indicating that the member was a 4H member before this update.
        Set dbs4H = CurrentDb
        Set rsXRefInfo = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("Select * from 4H_XRef Where t4h_AccessID = " & Str(Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID))

        If Not rsXRefInfo.BOF Then
            '  NOT BOF here indicates that a record was found in the XREF table which in turn indicates
            '  that this was a 4H member.
            ' Add a new record to the synchronization table.
            Set rsSyncTable = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("4H_Synchronization")
            ' Populate the new synchronization record.
            rsSyncTable![ts_AccessID] = Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID
            rsSyncTable![ts_SQLID] = rsXRefInfo![t4h_SQLID]
            rsSyncTable![ts_Action] = "Update"
            rsSyncTable![ts_4HMember] = False
            rsSyncTable![ts_Status] = "Open"
            ' Save the record to the table.
            ' Clean-up
            Set rsSyncTable = Nothing
            '  If not XREF record exists, just ensure that it is not because the Add has not yet occurred
            '  on the SQL side, so check the Sync table for an Open or Error record for the same Access ID and delete
            '  if found.
            Set rsSyncTable = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("Select * from 4H_Synchronization Where ts_AccessID = " & Str(Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID) & " and ts_Status in ('Open', 'Error')")

            If Not rsSyncTable.BOF Then
                '  Sync record found so delete it
            End If
            ' Clean-up
            Set rsSyncTable = Nothing

        End If
        '  Clean-up
        Set rsXRefInfo = Nothing
        Set dbs4H = Nothing

    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Delete(Cancel As Integer)
    '  This subroutine will add a record to the synchronization table to prompt the CERO
    '  application to remove the 4H membership for this deleted record.
    If Is4HMember() Then
        ' Add a record to the 4H_Synchronization table.  This table will be read and processed
        ' by the CERO application.
        Set dbs4H = CurrentDb
        Set rsSyncTable = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("4H_Synchronization")
        Set rsXRefInfo = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("Select * from 4H_XRef Where t4h_AccessID = " & Str(Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID))

        If Not rsXRefInfo.BOF Then
            '  NOT BOF here indicates that a record was found in the XREF table which in turn indicates
            '  that this was a 4H member.

            ' Add a new record to the synchronization table.
            ' Populate the new synchronization record.  This is added as an Update record with
            ' False since we only want to remove the participant from the 4H membership is SQL
            ' and not remove the participant him/herself.
            rsSyncTable![ts_AccessID] = Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID
            rsSyncTable![ts_SQLID] = rsXRefInfo![t4h_SQLID]
            rsSyncTable![ts_Action] = "Delete"
            rsSyncTable![ts_4HMember] = False
            rsSyncTable![ts_Status] = "Open"
            ' Save the record to the table.
            '  If not XREF record exists, just ensure that it is not because the Add has not yet occurred
            '  on the SQL side, so check the Sync table for an Open record for the same Access ID and delete
            '  if found.
            Set rsSyncTable = dbs4H.OpenRecordset("Select * from 4H_Synchronization Where ts_AccessID = " & Str(Forms![MailingList Form]!AddressID) & " and ts_Status in ('Open', 'Error')")

            If Not rsSyncTable.BOF Then
                '  Sync record found so delete it
            End If

        End If
        ' Clean-up

        Set rsSyncTable = Nothing
        Set rsXRefInfo = Nothing
        Set dbs4H = Nothing

    End If
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Dirty(Cancel As Integer)
     Me.DateUpdated = Now()
End Sub

'  Function: Event Handler for CASSAgent button.
'  Purpose:  This event is fired every time the user clicks on the CASS Agent button.  It will
'             also be called if you explicitly call CASSAgent.DoClick()
'  Notes:    There are two main sections to this function.
'            1) Setup properties for the batch process, see documentation for CASSAgent.BeginBatchProcessing
'            2) For every record in your database, do the following:
'               I) Get current address from the database
'               II)Call CASSAgent.CertifyAddress, note the first parameter is the record id of the record.
'               III) Save address returned by CertifyAddress.
'               IV) Move to next record in record set.
Public Sub CASSAgent_Click()

    Dim szFormName As String
    Dim szIdx As String, szFirstName As String, szLastName As String, szBusiness As String, szAddressLine2 As String, szAddressLine1 As String, szCity As String, szState As String, szZip As String, szCarRt As String, szLOTNum As String, szDPC As String, szCASSDate As String

    Dim nRecords As Long, nIdx As Long, nErrorCodes As Long, nResult As Long, nCASSDate As Long
    Dim bContinue As Boolean

    On Error GoTo Error_Occurred
    ' Save current record
    DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

    ' Get number of records in recordset
    nRecords = Me.Form.RecordsetClone.RecordCount

    ' Preprocessing info: Name of Form (Printed on Form 3553), number of records, and CASS process flag (see documentation)
    szFormName = Me.FormName
    bContinue = CASSAgent.BeginBatchProcessing(szFormName, nRecords, 5)

    If (bContinue) Then
        If Me.Form.RecordsetClone.Updatable Then

            For nIdx = 0 To nRecords - 1
                szIdx = nIdx + 1

                ' Get current record from recordset.
                GetFieldInfoBatch szFirstName, szLastName, szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, nCASSDate
                ' Pass record to CASS Agent for certification.
                nResult = CASSAgent.CertifyAddress(szIdx, szFirstName, szLastName, szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, nErrorCodes, nCASSDate)
                ' Save returned information.
                SetFieldInfoBatch szFirstName, szLastName, szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, nErrorCodes, nCASSDate

                ' Return valid less than 0 from CertifyAddress means that the user canceled or an error occurred.
                If (nResult < 0) Then
                    GoTo Exit_CertificationSub
                End If

                ' Set bookmark to the next record.
            Next nIdx

        End If

    End If

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_CertificationSub

End Sub

'  Function: Event Handler for CASSAgent button.
'  Purpose:  This event is fired once for every addres that is Kept during the Review of Errors
'            stage of the batch processing.
'  Notes: The RecordID is the same that was passed in during CertifyAddress
Private Sub CASSAgent_SaveAddress(RecordID As String, szFirstName As String, szLastName As String, szBusiness As String, szAddressLine2 As String, szAddressLine1 As String, szCity As String, szState As String, szZip As String, szCarRt As String, szLOTNum As String, szDPC As String, nErrorCodes As Long, nDate As Long)
    Dim nRecord As Long
    nRecord = RecordID - 1
    Me.Form.RecordsetClone.Move nRecord

    SetFieldInfoBatch szFirstName, szLastName, szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, nErrorCodes, nDate
End Sub

Private Sub GetFieldInfoBatch(szFirstName, szLastName, szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC As String, nCASSDate As Long)
    With Me.Form.RecordsetClone
      szFirstName = GetString(![FirstName], False)
      szLastName = GetString(![LastName], False)
      szBusiness = GetString(![Business], False)
      szAddressLine2 = GetString(![AddressLine2], False)
      szAddressLine1 = GetString(![AddressLine1], False)
      szCity = GetString(![City], False)
      szState = GetString(![AREA_STATE], False)
      szZip = GetString(![ZipCode], False)
      szCarRt = GetString(![CarRT], False)
      szLOTNum = GetString(![LotNum], False)
      szDPC = GetString(![DPC], False)
    nCASSDate = IIf(IsNull(![CASSDate]), 0, ![CASSDate])
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub SetFieldInfoBatch(ByVal szFirstName, szLastName, szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC As String, nErrorCodes As Long, nCASSDate As Long)
    Dim szCountyName As String, nCountyCode As Long
    With Me.Form.RecordsetClone
      ![FirstName] = GetString(szFirstName, True)
      ![LastName] = GetString(szLastName, True)
      ![Business] = GetString(szBusiness, True)
      ![AddressLine2] = GetString(szAddressLine2, True)
      ![AddressLine1] = GetString(szAddressLine1, True)
      ![City] = GetString(szCity, True)
      ![AREA_STATE] = GetString(szState, True)
      ![ZipCode] = GetString(szZip, True)
      ![CarRT] = GetString(szCarRt, True)
      ![LotNum] = GetString(szLOTNum, True)
      ![DPC] = GetString(szDPC, True)
    ![CASSDate] = nCASSDate
    ![ErrorCodes] = nErrorCodes
    End With
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)

End Sub

'  Function: Event Handler for Presort Agent button.
'  Purpose:  This event is fired after a the presort is completed for every record passed to Presort Agent.
Private Sub PresortAgent_OnGetSortedRecord(PresortID As Long, RecordID As String, nTrayID As String, nPackageID As String, DPBC As String, Endorsement As String)
    On Error GoTo Error_Occurred
    Dim nRecord As Long

    If (PresortID = -1) Then
        ' No more records to receive.  At this point you may want to
        ' sort by PresortID to display addresses in Presorted order.
        'Me.Form.RecordSource = "PresortResults" 'Simple query to sort by PresortID
        nRecord = RecordID - 1
        Me.Form.RecordsetClone.Move nRecord

        With Me.Form.RecordsetClone
            ![PresortID] = PresortID
            ![TrayID] = GetString(nTrayID, True)
            ![PackageID] = GetString(nPackageID, True)
            ![EndorsementLine] = GetString(Endorsement, True)
            ![DPBarcode] = GetString(DPBC, True)
        End With

    End If

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Description
    Resume Exit_OnGetSortedRecord

End Sub

Private Sub GetLabelInfoFields(RecSet As Recordset, LabelFields() As String)
     On Error Resume Next
     With RecSet
          LabelFields(1) = GetString(![FirstName], False)
          LabelFields(2) = GetString(![LastName], False)
          LabelFields(3) = GetString(![Business], False)
          LabelFields(4) = GetString(![AddressLine2], False)
          LabelFields(5) = GetString(![AddressLine1], False)
          LabelFields(6) = ""
          LabelFields(7) = ""
          LabelFields(8) = ""
          LabelFields(9) = ""
          LabelFields(10) = ""
          LabelFields(11) = ""
          LabelFields(12) = ""
     End With
End Sub

Private Sub GetLabelFieldNames(FieldNames() As String)
     On Error Resume Next
     FieldNames(1) = "FirstName"
     FieldNames(2) = "LastName"
     FieldNames(3) = "Business"
     FieldNames(4) = "AddressLine2"
     FieldNames(5) = "AddressLine1"
     FieldNames(6) = ""
     FieldNames(7) = ""
     FieldNames(8) = ""
     FieldNames(9) = ""
     FieldNames(10) = ""
     FieldNames(11) = ""
     FieldNames(12) = ""
End Sub

Private Sub GetPresortFields(RecSet As Recordset, szCity As String, szState As String, szZip As String, szCarRt As String, szLOTNum As String, szDPC As String, szWS As String)
    With RecSet
         ![PresortID] = -1
         ![TrayID] = -1
         ![PackageID] = -1
         ![EndorsementLine] = Null
         ![DPBarcode] = Null

         szCity = GetString(![City], False)
         szState = GetString(![State], False)
         szZip = GetString(![ZipCode], False)
         szCarRt = GetString(![CarRT], False)
         szLOTNum = GetString(![LotNum], False)
         szDPC = GetString(![DPC], False)
         szWS = GetString(![WalkSequence], False)
    End With
End Sub

'  Function: Event Handler for Presort Agent button.
'  Purpose:  This event is fired every time the user clicks on the Presort Agent button.  It will
'            also be called if you explicitly call PresortAgent.DoClick()
Public Sub PresortAgent_Click()

    Dim szName As String, aFlds(12) As String
    Dim szIdx As String, szCity As String, szState As String, szZip As String, szCarRt As String, szLOTNum As String, szDPC As String, szWS As String

    Dim nSortOption As Integer
    Dim nRecords As Long, nIdx As Long, nResult As Long
    Dim SortRecSet As Recordset

    ' Save current record
    DoCmd.DoMenuItem acFormBar, acRecordsMenu, acSaveRecord, , acMenuVer70

    On Error GoTo Error_Occurred

    Set SortRecSet = Me.Form.RecordsetClone

    ''''' Get number of records in recordset
    nRecords = SortRecSet.RecordCount

    ''''' Preprocessing info
    szName = Me.FormName
    nSortOption = -1 'tkPresortLetUserChoose
    nResult = PresortAgent.BeginPresortProcessing(szName, nRecords, nSortOption)

    If (nResult >= 0) And (SortRecSet.Updatable) Then

        GetLabelFieldNames aFlds
        PresortAgent.SetLabelFieldNames aFlds(1), aFlds(2), aFlds(3), aFlds(4), aFlds(5), aFlds(6), aFlds(7), aFlds(8), aFlds(9), aFlds(10), aFlds(11), aFlds(12)

        For nIdx = 1 To nRecords

               GetLabelInfoFields SortRecSet, aFlds
               nResult = PresortAgent.AddLabelFields(aFlds(1), aFlds(2), aFlds(3), aFlds(4), aFlds(5), aFlds(6), aFlds(7), aFlds(8), aFlds(9), aFlds(10), aFlds(11), aFlds(12))

               If (nResult >= 0) Then
                   szIdx = nIdx
                   GetPresortFields SortRecSet, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, szWS
                   nResult = PresortAgent.AddToMailingList(szIdx, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, szWS)
               End If

               If (nResult < 0) Then
                   GoTo Exit_CertificationSub
               End If

           Next nIdx
       End If


        Exit Sub

        If (Err.Description <> "") Then
            MsgBox Err.Description
        End If
        Resume Exit_CertificationSub
End Sub

'  Function: Event Handler for ZipAgent button.
'  Purpose:  This event is fired every time the user clicks on the Zip Agent button.  It will
'            also be called if you explicitly call ZipAgent.DoClick()
'  Notes:    This function gets an address from the current form (not the recordset),
'            call CertifyAddress, and saves changes back to current form.
Public Sub ZipAgent_Click()

    Dim szBusiness As String, szAddressLine2 As String, szAddressLine1 As String, szCity As String, szState As String, szZip As String, szCarRt As String, szLOTNum As String, szDPC As String
    Dim nErrorCodes As Long, nCASSDate As Long, szCountyName As String, nCountyCode As Long

    ' Get address from active form.
    szBusiness = GetString([Business], False)
    szAddressLine2 = GetString([AddressLine2], False)
    szAddressLine1 = GetString([AddressLine1], False)
    szCity = GetString([City], False)
    szState = GetString([STATE_AREA], False)
    szZip = GetString([ZipCode], False)
    szCarRt = GetString([CarRT], False)
    szLOTNum = GetString([LotNum], False)
    szDPC = GetString([DPC], False)
    nCASSDate = 0
    nErrorCodes = 0

    ' Certify it.
    ZipAgent.CertifyAddress szBusiness, szAddressLine2, szAddressLine1, szCity, szState, szZip, szCarRt, szLOTNum, szDPC, nErrorCodes, nCASSDate

    ' Refresh form with new data.
    [Business] = GetString(szBusiness, True)
    [AddressLine2] = GetString(szAddressLine2, True)
    [AddressLine1] = GetString(szAddressLine1, True)
    [City] = GetString(szCity, True)
    [STATE_AREA] = GetString(szState, True)
    [ZipCode] = GetString(szZip, True)
    [CarRT] = GetString(szCarRt, True)
    [LotNum] = GetString(szLOTNum, True)
    [DPC] = GetString(szDPC, True)
    [CASSDate] = nCASSDate
    [ErrorCodes] = nErrorCodes
End Sub
Last edited:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:20
Jan 23, 2006
Has anyone made changes recently? Even a very simple change?


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:20
Jan 20, 2009
Post your code in a code box and indent it. Otherwise it is too difficult to follow.

Such errors can arise due to the execution following a branch of an If structure that does not create the object. Looks like plenty of potential for that kind of error in your code.


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:20
Mar 2, 2016
Has anyone made changes recently? Even a very simple change?

We have added some new records but no changes to the form itself. It was setup so when we opened it you just saw the form and made changes there such as updating someones phone number, etc. We never even knew there was this "code" behind it until we got this error.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:20
Jan 23, 2006
Tell us more about the application and database. Is it split( front end and backend)?

Can you post a copy with enough data to show the issue?

As Galaxiom said, you may have followed a line of logic that did nit create/set the object.

You have shown a lot of code, but we don't know the data nor the application.

Have you tried to step debug with breakpoints?
See the links in my signature for more info.


New member
Local time
Yesterday, 22:20
Mar 2, 2016
Tell us more about the application and database. Is it split( front end and backend)?

Can you post a copy with enough data to show the issue?

As Galaxiom said, you may have followed a line of logic that did nit create/set the object.

You have shown a lot of code, but we don't know the data nor the application.

Have you tried to step debug with breakpoints?
See the links in my signature for more info.

It is a database for members of 4H, including address phone number, etc. Not sure what you mean by front end and back end? We just open the database and go directly to the form and never touch the tables, etc.

It said I didn't have enough posts to see signatures.

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