My problem is finding a Running Total calculation that helps me keep track of how I'm going.
The database is in a Horse-Racing context and I want a column/field that gives a progressive balance of wins and losses on a given day(s).
I've tried using DSum without much success but have gotten closer using Sum in a query but the query would have to be continually updated.
I need to have a column which adds each race result (win or loss) into the current column called "Progressive Total". It sounds simple, but it is
harder to solve than I thought. I have a field that returns "Win/Lose", a field that holds "Dividend", other fields that have "Stake", "Result" of race,
The Running Total needs to add the Win or Loss on a race to each row to keep a Progressive Total. The trick seems to be getting the total up to the previous row and then adding the current result to that. Then the next race becomes the previous race and that total continues to accumulate.
It would be helpful if you are familiar with betting on Horse-Racing. I tried to attach an Excel Sheet to illustrate but they're not allowed, that makes things difficult. (I have now attached an Excel file in Access below).
The database is in a Horse-Racing context and I want a column/field that gives a progressive balance of wins and losses on a given day(s).
I've tried using DSum without much success but have gotten closer using Sum in a query but the query would have to be continually updated.
I need to have a column which adds each race result (win or loss) into the current column called "Progressive Total". It sounds simple, but it is
harder to solve than I thought. I have a field that returns "Win/Lose", a field that holds "Dividend", other fields that have "Stake", "Result" of race,
The Running Total needs to add the Win or Loss on a race to each row to keep a Progressive Total. The trick seems to be getting the total up to the previous row and then adding the current result to that. Then the next race becomes the previous race and that total continues to accumulate.
It would be helpful if you are familiar with betting on Horse-Racing. I tried to attach an Excel Sheet to illustrate but they're not allowed, that makes things difficult. (I have now attached an Excel file in Access below).