Shooting of little Rhys Jones!!

You could always vote for me - to become dicator (?) I might get it wrong - but hell the buck would stop with me .

I would free up judges to impose punishments that fit the crime

Education would hav a major boost - cos if you don't get a set level then you don't get to leave school


If you stood for office I would vote for you, you are a much better alternative to the offerings that we have now, and your world picture seems a much better image. :D
Hell - a lump of wood gives you more benfit that what we have at the moment.

welcome the revolution ...
When Canada stopped executing murderers in the 70's and replaced the rope with Life Inprisonment I was one of the first to ask "What do we do with them for the rest of their lives?".
I would like to build a Gulag in the high Arctic and this is where they spend their time. No parole, no chance of escape, no nothing. Just 3 meals a day and hurry up and die of natural causes.
After its built, we will accept inmates from other countries.
When Canada stopped executing murderers in the 70's and replaced the rope with Life Inprisonment I was one of the first to ask "What do we do with them for the rest of their lives?".
I would like to build a Gulag in the high Arctic and this is where they spend their time. No parole, no chance of escape, no nothing. Just 3 meals a day and hurry up and die of natural causes.
After its built, we will accept inmates from other countries.

Now that sounds like punishment. ;)

Although in reality that will never happen as we have to many do-gooders saying that even the most hardened criminal / Sex Offender / Child Murderer can be rehabilited... I often wonder what planet these people are on... take for example a child sex offender, that is his / her sexual preference, if you are that way, then you are thay way, you cannot turn a Gay person straight, so why do these do-gooders assume that you can re-habilitate these people.

Beyond me :confused::confused::confused::confused:
To chip in on this , THere was a programme a couple of years ago, where a child molester was interviewed (after his prison sentence ,) and he gave a frank interview (very brave of him to do so) and tried to explain what/why he had done what he had done..
and did he belive he was rehabilitated , and he also went down the lines that a leopard cannot change its spots anmd that he felt it best that all child offenders were taken out of society - as they would always pose(?) a risk ,
this person was truely sorry for what he had done , but he still felt that he was a danger to others ,and asked could he be de-nobbled .. as this he thought would resolve any danger to others

now I am not defending this person(still brave to go on TV and discuss this -knowing that he would be a marked person for life) - but as a person from the inside so to speak, knew that he and others like him were always going to be a risk proves that re-habilitation does not work for the vast majority of people.

I deviate fromt he thread here . but as those who know me I ramble
To chip in on this , THere was a programme a couple of years ago, where a child molester was interviewed (after his prison sentence ,) and he gave a frank interview (very brave of him to do so) and tried to explain what/why he had done what he had done..
and did he belive he was rehabilitated , and he also went down the lines that a leopard cannot change its spots anmd that he felt it best that all child offenders were taken out of society - as they would always pose(?) a risk ,
this person was truely sorry for what he had done , but he still felt that he was a danger to others ,and asked could he be de-nobbled .. as this he thought would resolve any danger to others

now I am not defending this person(still brave to go on TV and discuss this -knowing that he would be a marked person for life) - but as a person from the inside so to speak, knew that he and others like him were always going to be a risk proves that re-habilitation does not work for the vast majority of people.

I deviate fromt he thread here . but as those who know me I ramble

Unfortunately "De-nobbling" is not always effective in stopping these people from molesting children as these urges are often the result of psychological trauma and go deeper than just the sex urge.

I suspect that these things have always gone on in society but now it comes out into the open more and so we are more aware of the problem.
I suspect that these things have always gone on in society but now it comes out into the open more and so we are more aware of the problem.
Plus the media knows a good selling point when it spots one and blows the risk out of all proportion to the threat.:(
The Chindamo case seems a good recent example of how human rights protect the scum at the expense of decent people.

I shall make sure I tell the next lawyer I meet what a scumbag they are.

The right to a family life - ffs!

Too bad would be my response - he has opted out of all civilised rights - certainly one to associate with a family that let him grow up to be such an elf in the first place.
In a free society no one may be denied there rights, except by due process of law.
One of the purposes of a trial should be to decide if this person is guilty of the offence and if so to be denied all rights for a period of time.

When the military used to run their own prisons this was the concept.
As John Dillinger said "the toughest place I ever served time was the stockade at Hickam Barracks". It was also the only prison where he was not a repeat offender.

I wish someone would come up with a system whereby we can determine whether a person is a candidate for rehabilitation. If yes, they could go to a medium/minimum security facility. If no, punish them and let them know that this is what awaits them for the remainder of their criminal career.
In a free society no one may be denied there rights, except by due process of law.

Unless of course you happen to look 'foreign' and are in the USA, then you get banged up with no trial or access to lawyers. You also get abused and tortured.

But it's ok, because it's the USA doing it so it must be good.

But it's ok, because it's the USA doing it so it must be good.


That's because they are the world's police force, funny how they make the rules as well:rolleyes:.
Still now that Bush wants a war with Iran we can all sleep safely in our beds under their protection:rolleyes:
Colin and Rich:

I am shocked that you would use a discussion forum regarding the death of a child as an outlet for your anti-US tirades.
I am not suprized but I am shocked.
Colin and Rich:

I am shocked that you would use a discussion forum regarding the death of a child as an outlet for your anti-US tirades.
I am not suprized but I am shocked.

Death of a child - yes it's sad.

But how about this quote from a New Orleans survivor of the 1600 who died in Katrina

"Mr Bush has spent $600billion on Iraq and is set to spend another $400billion on a war he won't win. If he'd spent that here everyone in New Orleans would have a home by now."

Bush has condemned the city to ruin and totally ignores it. It's disgusting he's such a cretinous pig, but as long as the good ol USA is going to start a world war with Iran, who cares about the people back home? certainly not Bush, that's a fact. No doubt the US populace will vote to continue the Iraq / Iran carnage, it's how the Yanks are brought up isn't it? on blood and bullets?


And the Yanks are charging $47 to have a 'disaster tour' trip round the bad parts of New Orleans to see the blacks living in squalor - it's disgusting, doesn't America care? No - why should they? it's not affecting they're white picket fenced middle class lives, why should normal whites care about the blacks of New Orleans?

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Colin and Rich:

I am shocked that you would use a discussion forum regarding the death of a child as an outlet for your anti-US tirades.
I am not suprized but I am shocked.

I'm as equally shocked and saddened by the statistics of those who have lost their lives as a result of Bush and Bliars war in Iraq including children. When those two are put on trial, the same as the bloody idiot killer of Rhys, then we'll have equal justice
I'm as equally shocked and saddened by the statistics of those who have lost their lives as a result of Bush and Bliars war in Iraq including children. When those two are put on trial, the same as the bloody idiot killer of Rhys, then we'll have equal justice

I will fall on the side of Rich and Col on this one, I know I started this thread about the very sad death of little Rhys Jones, but if Blair had not been so pre-occupied about his buddy Bush's adventures in the Middle East we would have had a PM focusing on home issues.

Let's hope now that Mr Brown does not fall into the same Bush trap as did Blair, we need to have the focus on Home issues not foriegn issues, especially ones where we have no business sticking our nose into it anyway.

And if Mr Brown doesn't, then I feel it is time for a change of Government at No.10.

The bloodshed of innocents should be top priority no matter where in the world they are, but lets start putting our own house in order.
Bliar got tough on crime and the causes of crime by taking away the right of parents that care to discipline their children and then started a bloody war in a foreign country! He's as big a tosser as Bush, Bliars government was one lie after another:rolleyes:
Bliar got tough on crime and the causes of crime by taking away the right of parents that care to discipline their children and then started a bloody war in a foreign country! He's as big a tosser as Bush, Bliars government was one lie after another:rolleyes:

Again, I agree with you, parents should have the right to discipline their children how they see fit as long as it is not excessive.

My two young children get smacks if they do wrong, I was smacked as a child and I have grown into a well rounded individual.

I also believe that the police should have more powers with regards to discipline of young people, when i was a lad I had respect for a policeman and certainly would not think about answering him back.

Police should be able to give young people a thick ear, without fear of legal reprisal.
As a Liverpool lad I would just like to say that Croxteth was full of scally (Anti social) teanagers in the late 60s when I used to go out with a girl from the area. So nothing has changed. Scally parents = scally children.
Dennis - That includes you and your girlfriend and any subsequent children either of you had?

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