Shootings in US schools

Those would be the archives with you and Col going on and on about how the the US invaded Iraq for the oil.
Opinion is not evidence (unless you're qualified experts in the area).

BTW I am not defending the war, just challenging your impressions.

So what's your impression as to why the USA has made the world a much more unsafe place by invading Iraq? Was oil not an issue then?

Yes it's tiresome but that's Americans for you. The Americans will always argue because they insist that what they see on their censored TV news is actual fact.

I noticed that SumGuy avoided the USA being the biggest polluter and the biggest porn producer in the world.

Note - many English live in little villages with house names and the pub is the centre of social meetings, your assessment is accurate.

I could respond by asking why aliens from outer space always a) land in the USA b) always in the desert and c) always near a small town which they wipe out with their virus or whatever (until Dustin Hoffman rescues the situation)

Cindy said most of my postings were inaccurate - the bus tours was in fact one of many accurate ones, I was merely pointing out that they exist.


Please don't hijack my post to back up your arguements. It's an indication of your predjudice that your read my post to be an attack on all Americans.

That post was ment against both sides of this 'debate'. Allthough I have to admit it's the Americans that are just rising to the bait set by the UK posters. I have to give them their due for trying to reason with you in the face of suce narrow minded ignorance.
It's an indication of your predjudice that your read my post to be an attack on all Americans.

It's not. Just because I read something one way when it could in fact be read different ways is not an indication of predjudice. It's an indication of your non specific writing.

Come on son, get a grip. Please be more specific in future if you wish to avoid any misinterpretation. Mind you, if you wrote it deliberately to be misinterpreted, then thats ok, just don't get ratty when one way is highlighted.

The dead spouses of the towers did get $5 million each, the BBC interviewed one such wife and she was overjoyed that her husband was dead as she was going to divorce him anyway.


Col, where are you getting your numbers on how much each family/spouse was paid? I have been doing some looking and the number I have found is an average of 1.8 million per spouse/family. could you please post your source?

there are some small discrepancies of course considering some are only taking into account one fund and others are using all of them
It's not. Just because I read something one way when it could in fact be read different ways is not an indication of predjudice. It's an indication of your non specific writing.

Come on son, get a grip. Please be more specific in future if you wish to avoid any misinterpretation. Mind you, if you wrote it deliberately to be misinterpreted, then thats ok, just don't get ratty when one way is highlighted.


Ok then, let's get pedantic...

Lol, it is prejudice. I personally fail to see how the post could be misinterpreted in the way you misread it. In no way, shape, or form do I imply that post was targeted at an American, never mind ALL Americans. Just because I (purposefully) didn't specify who I meant in the post, it doesn't give you licence to twist it as you see fit. The most one could logically deduce from the post is that it was targeted at the "antagonists" participating in this UK vs. US 'debate'. That was how I intended it to be interpreted. Anything else is conjecture, your opinion and your judgement.

Assuming it can be misinterpreted, and you recognise that, then you have PRE-JUDGED the meaning of the post based on your own beliefs without knowing, or bothering to find out, what was meant. That IS prejudice.

By the way, I find "son" quite patronising.
No, I live in the South of England, but am originaly from the North of England.
No, I live in the South of England, but am originaly from the North of England.

I looked at your profile but didn't see anything that told me where you are. I would imagine that being in the South of England would be quite different than being in The South in the USA. We just have a lot of good ole boys here and they don't mean anything by calling you "boy" or "son", it's just the way we talk. I have really good reasoning skills:D, so I can come to the assumption that if I ever get to visit your country I probably better leave some of my Southern talk at home.:)
I have really good reasoning skills:D, so I can come to the assumption that if I ever get to visit your country I probably better leave some of my Southern talk at home.:)

Yeah, you definatly wouldn't want to mention a "fanny pack" :D

If you said "booger" in Cornwall you might get a few funny looks. :D
As does your arrogance

I have no problem with being called arrogant. My arrogance is intentional.

If my arrogance causes you to cease dismissing people's conflicting views on the basis of the country in which they were born [deep breath], then it would have served a purpose.

Come up with a non-prejudiced way of countering my opinion and you will quickly see my arrogance disappear.
Yeah, you definatly wouldn't want to mention a "fanny pack" :D

If you said "booger" in Cornwall you might get a few funny looks. :D

"fanny packs" don't seem to be much of a Southern thing. I'm of the mindset that they are a little on the "Mama's boy" side of things.:eek:

While "booger" can mean a little kid that is a handful to mess with, for the most part it is only used in it's gross meaning.

Then again if you come over here, it would probably be a good idea not to tell someone "your going to smoke a fag!":)
I have to give them their due for trying to reason with you in the face of suce narrow minded ignorance.

If some had their way we would be unable to express a conflicting view simply on the basis of the color of our passports.

With regards to your 'xenophobic' remark, I really can't see much evidence of a UK poster being told his/her view is unwarranted because they were British.

If I'm wrong please point it out. :)
If some had their way we would be unable to express a conflicting view simply on the basis of the color of our passports.

With regards to your 'xenophobic' remark, I really can't see much evidence of a UK poster being told his/her view is unwarranted because they were British.

If I'm wrong please point it out. :)

Ok, let's get pedantic again...

I take it you're implying that I was aiming that "xenophobic remark" at Americans. I wasn't .... etc (see above).

I'm not going to trawl through all the past posts to prove you wrong, and neither are you judging on how you cleverly challenged me to do it.

Can you honestly say there is not one post in all the threads in this forum in which an American has discriminated against someone's race?

To be really anally pedantic, not all UK citizens are British. Get your facts right. blah, blah, blah...



I just love the silky smooth taste of a good fag between my lips....:D

A fanny is a ladies 'front bottom' in england.
And with a thick West country accent, 'booger' could sound like bugger. :eek::D
Excuse me Cindy, there are bus tours of the blacks in New Orleans at $47 a head. (Doc has confirmed this) The dead spouses of the towers did get $5 million each, the BBC interviewed one such wife and she was overjoyed that her husband was dead as she was going to divorce him anyway.

Plus, if the USA continues to portray itself (in Hollywood) as a bomb blasting 'nuke the bastards' type country - then actually does it - how can that be wrong?

Also, do you not think the prime objective of the Iraq war is oil?

Also, some of the US populace professes to be "christian", but sadly it seems only on sundays. The rest of the week it's business as normal, killing things with guns, shooting up schools, being the biggest porn producer in the world, showing total disregard to cutting pollution, being proud of having a killer dictator as a president . . . . shall I go on?

Even you Cindy have confessed to having a gun, and would not be afraid to murder an intruder - yet you profess christianity as a major factor in your life. Surely murder in cold blood and christianity don't exactly match up.


You need to choose your words better, if someone INTRUDES(to thrust oneself in without invitation, permission, or welcome) into your house how can it be murder?(the crime of unlawfully killing a person especially with malice aforethought(previously in mind : premeditated, deliberate <with malice aforethought)

Definitions in ITALICS supplied by Merriam-Webster Online

MURDER is premeditated.
If some had their way we would be unable to express a conflicting view simply on the basis of the color of our passports.

With regards to your 'xenophobic' remark, I really can't see much evidence of a UK poster being told his/her view is unwarranted because they were British.

If I'm wrong please point it out.

I haven't a clue whos argueing what - can anyone state their positions in 2 sentences or less.
Oh get a life! I looked at your post history, you were posting from 1942hrs to 2357hrs yesterday and then your first post today is at 0735hrs. I wonder, where do you find the time to research all these facts and carefully formulated opinions you keep spouting.

The day you pay for my internet connection sonny, you can lecture me on how long I spend here:rolleyes:
I have no problem with being called arrogant. My arrogance is intentional.

If my arrogance causes you to cease dismissing people's conflicting views on the basis of the country in which they were born [deep breath], then it would have served a purpose.

Well that's odd, I could have sworn Alc was born in this country:rolleyes:

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