Shootings in US schools (4 Viewers)

insinuation I can ignore, its general and doesn't apply to me.:),

I agree with all that you have said. On this point I don't think that I have had a single difference of opinion with the Col&Rich committee without my capacity for rational thought being brought into question because of the country that I was born in. It's not racism because as you say my country is a multi-racial society. It is a form of disrespect that many others have decided to do without and that I have decided not to afford to them. They simply do not warrant it.

They have done much harm on these forums by not practising what SumGuy did in the very first handful of his posts. Acknowledging and adapting to the opinions of others for the common good. They are not interested in this, they are simply interested in self-gratification from which no-one else gains anything. They have morphed from two individuals to a monologue of puerile jokes and grandiose posturing.

The day that I can have a discussion with them without being spoken to like a three year old, is the day I'll change my opinion on the matter.
I agree with all that you have said. On this point I don't think that I have had a single difference of opinion with the Col&Rich committee without my capacity for rational thought being brought into question because of the country that I was born in. It's not racism because as you say my country is a multi-racial society. It is a form of disrespect that many others have decided to do without and that I have decided not to afford to them. They simply do not warrant it.

They have done much harm on these forums by not practising what SumGuy did in the very first handful of his posts. Acknowledging and adapting to the opinions of others for the common good. They are not interested in this, they are simply interested in self-gratification from which no-one else gains anything. They have morphed from two individuals to a monologue of puerile jokes and grandiose posturing.

The day that I can have a discussion with them without being spoken to like a three year old, is the day I'll change my opinion on the matter.

When you live in a society that treats everyone as equal then you'll have some merit in lecturing others on racism
And where is this utopia.


I didn't say it existed anywhere, but governments here have made more of an effort of creating it, that's at least until Bliar tried to go down the American route of prefixing the word British with ethnenticity:rolleyes:
There was a news item today that it is more difficult for working class kids to move up in society today than in was in the 1950s , and that as a result the class divisions are greater, I blame the Labour move to Comprehensive schools aided and abetted by the wishy washy Liberals.

Well I'm told I'm pompous for mentioning my customers on this forum but one today with a stand in teacher agreed with both of us that the worse thing done to education in this country was the move to comprehensive education, a move oddly enough that even the Americans rejected:eek:
Take the instance of a whole generation that had to take a calculator to school until somebody woke up and realised that they no longer had the ability to think or add up on their own. As a retired 82yr old headmaster told me the other day, education here today is run by a committee hell bent on making statistics look good for the current government than actually educating the kids:rolleyes:
As a retired 82yr old headmaster told me the other day, education here today is run by a committee hell bent on making statistics look good for the current government than actually educating the kids:rolleyes:

I thought that was the job of the Teacher's Unions :D
You should know - you get it on your TV news all the time.

Apparently you do too, since you claim everything you have learned about us you learned from watching television, but almost nothing you say is accurate. :rolleyes:
this thread is getting onto the old chestnut of racism.. that is one bag of snakes you dont wanna drop ;)
When you live in a society that treats everyone as equal then you'll have some merit in lecturing others on racism

I would be interested in visiting such a place.
Please supply directions.

Kindly spare us you usual responce that its NOT the United States. There are dozens of other places its not as well.
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When you live in a society that treats everyone as equal then you'll have some merit in lecturing others on racism

Contrary to your belief, you don't make the rules on who merits the ability to voice their opinion on these forums. I refer you to my comment on grandiose posturing.

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