Shootings in US schools

Matt Greatorex said:
They don't completely shun money, they minimise it's use.
It's seen as a necessity, but only up to a point. Beyond that, it falls into the category of 'luxury', so they don't bother with it.
It's not money they have issues with, it's the greed, etc. that comes with it. They'll do carpentry work, bake pies, etc. for you and take your money just like anyone else. But do you think ambulances, medevac helicopters, doctors, nurses, and hospitals simply donate their services in these instances?
Bodisathva said:
But do you think ambulances, medevac helicopters, doctors, nurses, and hospitals simply donate their services in these instances?
Why not?:confused:
Bodisathva said:
It's not money they have issues with, it's the greed, etc. that comes with it. They'll do carpentry work, bake pies, etc. for you and take your money just like anyone else. But do you think ambulances, medevac helicopters, doctors, nurses, and hospitals simply donate their services in these instances?

Don't forget beautiful quilts.
I heard on the news this morning that the total amount of donations to the Amish community here has now exceeded 4 million USD.

They don't completely shun money, they minimise it's use.

I could minimise its use if I had a gift of $4m in the bank collecting interest:rolleyes:

Now they won't need to bake so many pies.

I've had to read posts from 611 to here twice, I'm left speechless,almost, by the attitude of Rich, and col, but it at least it confirms why i come and contribute to the Non-Access Issues less often.

If a community who looks on money as being only for necessary bills and not luxuries is suddenly given $4m - what are they going to do? They could just live on the interest and never bake another pie again.

What has happened there is tragic, but its happened and thats that, they need to move on and with 4 million bucks in the bank they can move on quite nicely.

ColinEssex said:
What has happened there is tragic, but its happened and thats that, they need to move on and with 4 million bucks in the bank they can move on quite nicely.
Granted, $4 million is more than enough to rebuild the simple one-room schoolhouse. Unfortunately, while three of the girls are back in school, one remains in critical condition, the other is in a coma. The parents and families use simple horse-and-buggy transportation, so they have to be transported by other means so they don't spend days on the road en route to the hospital. While everyone is at the hospital, who works the farm? (or makes the cabinets, or quilts, or bakes the pies) Their self-reliance means they don't need a lot of money to survive, but these circumstances not only remove all of the family income in most cases, but create a mountain of debt that they would be unable to overcome even in the best of circumstances without help.
Bodisathva said:
but these circumstances not only remove all of the family income in most cases, but create a mountain of debt that they would be unable to overcome even in the best of circumstances without help.
Bod, I don't follow that. . . . .one girl still in hospital (sad but thats the way it is), why should the family income be lost and what is this mountain of debt?

ColinEssex said:
Bod, I don't follow that. . . . .one girl still in hospital (sad but thats the way it is), why should the family income be lost and what is this mountain of debt?
The Amish families (and community) are extremely close, they spend great amounts of time with the girl in the hospital (and the other children as well) not only just to be there, but because of their faith, prayer is a large part of it as well. In order to get there in less than a day or so by buggy, they have to get alternative transportation, which if not donated, requires money. They aren't going to drive a motorized vehicle, but they will ride in one. While they are not on the family farm, it isn't being worked, therefore the normal subsistance they would get from the farm is negated. Also, the normal amount of money they make through their carpentry, etc. is also negated. The fact that the child is still in the hospital means the bills there are also building. Let's also remember that the family members are also not "pulling their own weight" as they would normally do because they are devoting their time to the kids (no vacation time or health insurance down on the farm :( ). Without concrete numbers, you can still see that even without the hospital bills, they are going in the hole financially because they aren't producing their normal subsistance rates. Now add to that the additional debt, you can go under a lot quicker than most people realize.
I would have thought the hospital bills were covered by insurance so no problem there. The loss of income can be claimed on their personal business insurance as could taxi fares and any other expenses incurred in travelling.

I don't see what the problem is, millions of people have to do similar visits and not work for a few days etc but they don't get 4 million bucks to help out - apart from the nature of the events leading to hospitalisation - whats different?

If these people choose to sever themselves from real life and lead some crazy 18th century life then thats tough - its their bed so they lie in it. You can't have it both ways when it suits

ColinEssex said:
I would have thought the hospital bills were covered by insurance so no problem there. The loss of income can be claimed on their personal business insurance as could taxi fares and any other expenses incurred in travelling.
Insurance? :eek: Insurance costs money. To the best of my knowledge, you'll not find any Amish with Insurance of any kind.
ColinEssex said:
If these people choose to sever themselves from real life and lead some crazy 18th century life then thats tough - its their bed so they lie in it. You can't have it both ways when it suits
Probably a good thing they didn't ask for help or outside interference nor complained about the position they are in then, huh?:rolleyes: You are far more concerned about it than they are...

ColinEssex said:
If these people choose to sever themselves from real life and lead some crazy 18th century life then thats tough
I'll lay 50:1 odds they don't have nearly the blood pressure and anxiety probs you and Rich have :D :D :D
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Bodisathva said:
Insurance? :eek: Insurance costs money. To the best of my knowledge, you'll not find any Amish with Insurance of any kind.
More fool them then if they go broke. Still, they won't now with $4m in the bank.
In the USA, insurance - especially health insurance is a necessity not a luxury. If we visit the USA we are told to be insured up to the hilt because in the USA there are no freebies, no charities and the American health costs will bankrupt you in a day or two.
We're told if you are in (for example) a road accident, an ambulance will turn up and drive off again if you are uninsured. If you struggle to hospital, they will first ask if you are insured, if not, its out the door - no treatment. Just die somewhere else

I'll lay 50:1 odds they don't have nearly the blood pressure and anxiety probs you and Rich have :D :D :D
I had my BP done a few weeks ago and its 120/80

Matt Greatorex said:
They don't completely shun money, they minimise it's use.
Bodisathva said:
It's not money they have issues with, it's the greed, etc. that comes with it...... It's seen as a necessity, but only up to a point. Beyond that, it falls into the category of 'luxury', so they don't bother with it.

Apologies if I wasn't clear. :confused: I see minimising the use of money as being equivalent to avoiding greed. Also, 'minimise' - when applied to money - also implies 'no luxuries'. I realise you could still be greedy for food, clothing, or whatever, but the discussion was about money, so that's what I meant.

Matt Greatorex said:
I have no idea what the medical bills would have been, had they not been waived, but I doubt they would have come to anywhere near that much.
Bodisathva said:
But do you think ambulances, medevac helicopters, doctors, nurses, and hospitals simply donate their services in these instances? As I said, I have no idea what the costs would have been. By 'medical bills' I meant the costs for doctors, nurses and hospitals Once again, sorry if that was too ambiguous. :confused:
Brianwarnock said:
I've had to read posts from 611 to here twice, I'm left speechless,almost, by the attitude of Rich, and col, but it at least it confirms why i come and contribute to the Non-Access Issues less often.

Which attitude is that then Brian, the one that attacks America for failing miserably to protect its children. How odd that you have a problem with that?
ColinEssex said:
If we visit the USA we are told to be insured up to the hilt because in the USA there are no freebies, no charities and the American health costs will bankrupt you in a day or two.
I'll confirm that for you:eek: I do have health insurance, in fact I work for a health insurance company, and the difference between the insurance company contracted rates and the off-the-street rates is usually 2:1.
ColinEssex said:
We're told if you are in (for example) a road accident, an ambulance will turn up and drive off again if you are uninsured. If you struggle to hospital, they will first ask if you are insured, if not, its out the door - no treatment. Just die somewhere else
The ambulance company technically can do that, but usually won't because of public sentiment. It's actually illegal for hospital workers to deny'll have to sacrifice an arm, leg, and your firstborn to pay for your treatment, though :D
Matt Greatorex said:
Once again, sorry if that was too ambiguous. :confused:
my was meant as a continuation of the thought, not a contradiction
Rich said:
How odd that you have a problem with that?
How odd you can't seem to understand what anyone is trying to tell you :(
Bodisathva said:
my was meant as a continuation of the thought, not a contradiction

Then - in the spirit of avoiding any even slight argument, which this thread is almost managing - I am glad to hear my thoughts are occasionally worth continuing.

(Now, if someone will just tell my wife.....) :D
Bodisathva said:
How odd you can't seem to understand what anyone is trying to tell you :(
just as odd as one or two not understanding what I'm saying. They just jump on anything said to further their viewpoint

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