Shootings in US schools (4 Viewers)

FoFa said:
\I think they have it wrong, 1 Bit is 25 cents.
We have an OLD jingle that goes like this...
1 bit, Two bits, 3 bits a dollar something or other I can't remember
So it counting up to oa dollar by quarters (hence 25 cents).
So two bits is actually 50 cents.

It's "2 bits, 4 bits, six bits, a dollar"

What kind of Texan are you anyway?
jsanders said:
I keep hoping that if he is proven wrong enough times it will set in. But I could win the lotery as well.
Now you know how we feel
jsanders said:
They're much more balanced than your socialist propaganda machine (The BBC)

Or your commi rag the New York Times
jsanders said:
I keep hoping that if he is proven wrong enough times it will set in. But I could win the lotery as well.
...or die of old age
Rich said:
Or he could fall back on the well tried "going in all guns blazing" American method

You must really love those old ganster flicks.
Its official! I have finally figured Rich out! Here is what I have gathered...

Rich is a parrot...most likely born 1993-1995. The timeframe for his evidence in every argument is a decade+ in age.

-His vocabulary is limited, and consist of the same 2 topics exclusively:
Bashing Bush and bashing the US.
-Parrots repeat the same trained and conditioned phrases over and over, over and over, over and over, ect. I almost feel bad for asking him for links on his "Facts" (lol), because I can only imagine how hard it would be to cut and paste with a beak.
-He is obviously stuck in a cage somewhere near a computer desk, because 14600+ posts worth of repetition in his tailfeathers shows patience/boredom/loneliness no human could live with.
-Eyerolling and looks of confusion (head-tilting) are common parrot tools for communication, and because they are all the parrot knows...will be used with reckless abandon.
-Parrots crave/thrive on attention, and will use negitive behavior to fill that need...nuff said.
-They poop on everything, with no thought on how important it might random "scraps" of paper preserved for a few hundred years.
-Parrots seem like an entertaining pet for a few weeks, but after awhile, when you realize they are offensively loud and shrieking at times,require the maintainance of a newborn, usually acting that same age (except with FAR fewer rewards).Thing is, newborns are cute... but with parrots you can sometimes find yourself wanting to start "accidentally" leaving the window open.

It is all starting to make sense. All he wants is a cracker and a pat on the head. Well, I am nothing if not accommodating! :pats Rich on the head: "That's right, your a noble little boy, arn't you?" :pulls out the saltines:

It's official, Warley too lives in a state of denial and continues to believe in the American dream. You might do better to ask why there are no up to date figures for the latest gun crime statistics in your country, unless they were compilled by the same services that provided the evidence of WMD's in Iraq that is.
And America accused the Viets of brainwashing:rolleyes:
It's bad enough plowing through Rich's hijacks but now we have to put up with worley's childish posts . What on earth is
all about?

and why must his posts be filled with lol and similar nonsense, I suppose somebody has to laugh at his "jokes".

Brianwarnock said:
It's bad enough plowing through Rich's hijacks but now we have to put up with worley's childish posts . What on earth is all about?

and why must his posts be filled with lol and similar nonsense, I suppose somebody has to laugh at his "jokes".

I am suprised that you think posting on this thread with figures to support my claims are hijacks, or maybe you don't think the topic meritorious at all.
It was a general thread staement not a specific thread statement, you don't seem to realise that people now expect the worst as that's what they normally get, and thus any valid points made are ignored, but what's the use of saying anything it will just get a smart alec response
Well to paraphrase one of your quotes "who are the people that you now speak for"?
Rich said:
Well to paraphrase one of your quotes "who are the people that you now speak for"?

I don't believe I ever asked that, but if you mean that you don't believe that people expect the worst from you than you have not been reading peoples posts. I have defended you on occasions, recently from Worley's personal abuse, but in general, posters are fed up with your negative attitude, if you don't believe me run a poll.

Brianwarnock said:
if you don't believe me run a poll.

That's been tried here before, by an American oddly enough. Oh and by the way you tell me how one can be positive about Bush, Bliar, American gun deaths, Iraq etc. pray do tell me now
Sorry about that, lol. The emotes were supposed to say "Pats Richard on the head" and "Pulls out the saltines". Problem is, they both begin with the letter "p", so when I threw the : in front of P, I accidentally got :P. Yay for smilies. Also, I have just been trying to keep Rich's attention on me so everyone else can enjoy the forum while he is distracted. Rich, the guy was kind of defending you, lay off him, lol, jeeez. I think a poll is an overly destructive idea, its wouldnt prove anything to the one person it would be meant too, and I agree the thread has degenerated into nonsense. Blame me if you will, its prolly mostly my fault anyway, but I have tried to have a straight out discussion. I have been having fun, however. I will be nicer.
I don't know whay he's complaining about anyway, I've always laughed at your posts myself, I guess as one gets old one loses one's sense of humour.
I don't think he meant anything bad, really.

Also, Colin, the "two bits" question was a good one, and I had never looked it up until just now.
Two bits= $0.25. During the colonial days, people used coins from all over the world. The most commonly used coin was the Spanish milled dollar. The Spanish milled dollars were easily cut apart into equal "bits" of 8 pieces. One "bit" would be equal to 1/8 of a dollar, and 2 bits would equal 2/8 (or 1/4 - a quarter of a dollar). So, it is easy to see why the coins were called "pieces of eight", and "2 bits" was commonly used to refer to 25 cents.

Now I know!

Brian, you see how easy it is to argue, lol? Oh, and my "lol"s indicate things that are amusing to me. The word "nonsense" is generally considered to mean: "words or signs having no intelligible meaning", so just in case you didn't know, it means laugh out loud. As such, it is simply an indication that I personally laughed at a particular comment I have made, and is not intended as an indication or instruction of where the post reader should laugh along. I find life easier the more I laugh, and try to keep a hint of humor in anything I do. However, the fact that humor can easily take an abusive form is duly noted, and like I said, I will try to be nicer.
Quote=Col - How much is 2 bits worth? - "Who wants to be a millionnaire?" said it was 25c

FoFa said:
I think they have it wrong, 1 Bit is 25 cents.
So two bits is actually 50 cents.
Its unlikely the TV quiz has got a wrong answer (they have on very rare occasions)

Then we have Jenny chiming in with this

It's "2 bits, 4 bits, six bits, a dollar"
which indicates that 8 bits = 1 dollar, so 2 bits should = 25c

Then we have this from Worley

Two bits= $0.25. During the colonial days, people used coins from all over the world. The most commonly used coin was the Spanish milled dollar. The Spanish milled dollars were easily cut apart into equal "bits" of 8 pieces. One "bit" would be equal to 1/8 of a dollar, and 2 bits would equal 2/8 (or 1/4 - a quarter of a dollar). So, it is easy to see why the coins were called "pieces of eight", and "2 bits" was commonly used to refer to 25 cents.
a good reply, which supports Jenny's theory.

So to go back to my original query.

Given that 2 bits = 25c, and you buy something and the shopkeeper says thats "2 bits" you presumably pay 25c (except in Texas)

So, would the shopkeeper say "3 bits" or "5 bits" or whatever? or is the "bits" thing only reserved for the number 2:confused:

Do you have a 12.5c coin (1 bit?) If I was in the USA and had 12.5c in my pocket, could I say I have "1 bit"? or would I get laughed at

Is it different in Texas (where 2 bits = 50c) to the rest of the USA? (where 2 bits apparently = 25c)

I'm not bashing the USA, I'm asking our American colleagues for the facts as I have been told to do many times.

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I take back my comments that Worley is childish, he is big enough to accept that his posts might annoy somebody , even if only an old fart, but Rich would never admit to being anything but 100% perfect. :)

Oh and by the way you tell me how one can be positive about Bush, Bliar, American gun deaths, Iraq etc. pray do tell me now

If these issues were confined to their relevent threads I'd back you 100% , I'll say it again you bash America, Bush, Americans in almost every thread.


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