Shootings in US schools (3 Viewers)

jsanders said:
So based on nothing, you make comments like this.
I've seen ours in action, how about you and yours?
ColinEssex said:
I naturally assumed Bods comment meant they had been given the money - its seems fairly precise

My comment was fairly precise. Nobody gave them $4m. That amount is the sum of what people have given them.

ColinEssex said:
Well it'll cheer them up a bit, thats for sure;)

Perhaps we should run a poll to see how many people find this kind of comment funny?

ColinEssex said:
Had you read my earlier posts, I have acknowledged this as a tragic event. However, I'm talking about the money here - not the incident itself - please try and keep up Dan:rolleyes:

OK, let's try and demonstrate that this is a falsehood in baby steps.

I've highlighted all the pronouns that refer to Amish people and their culture. How many words actually refer to 'the money'.

ColinEssex said:
You can't expect to live some weird lifestyle, opt out of doing normal things (like having health insurance) and then expect someone else to pick up the tab. What the hell did they think was going to happen if they needed long term healthcare?
Plus, if they can cope without donations, why on earth give them $4m If they want to do that [live that way] then they do it without outside help which they appear to despise anyway - all this secretive stuff, no cars etc its all a load of bo**ocks

Now they're sitting pretty with $4m bucks in the bank whats the phrase - laughing all the way to the bank.

This is what sticks in my throat. You dribble on and on about how America imposes it's will on the rest of the world and then you do exactly the same thing in microcosm. It's just total hypocrisy.
Wow Dan, that was a pretty solid thrashing. lol

It always seems strange to me how those two peaceful brits are argumentitive, aggressive, and close minded...all the while complaining about those same qualities in others.
Rich said:
Not really, we don't go in all guns blazing to enforce our will

Since when?

Oh yeah, when you were no longer the most powerful nation in the world.
Worley said:
Wow Dan, that was a pretty solid thrashing. lol

It always seems strange to me how those two peaceful brits are argumentitive, aggressive, and close minded...all the while complaining about those same qualities in others.
We don't need an arsenal to back us up:p
Rich said:
Not really, we don't go in all guns blazing to enforce our will

No you'd rather drown people into submission with drool.
dan-cat said:
No you'd rather drown people into submission with drool.

And all this time I thought it was dribble.
Rich said:
We don't need an arsenal to back us up:p

If by arsenal, you mean individual thinking for a weapon and intelligence for ammo, then perhaps you should look into it, you guys ar not doing so well without your "arsenal". Why does everything relate to weapons to you? Also, I figured out why you have such low gun violence...

-British Police only record gun crimes in terms of convictions. Unsolved crimes don't make it into the log. ("Fear in Britain" July 2000)

-The telegraph has reported that numerous scandals at Scotland Yard reveal that crime stats in the UK are suppressed and deflated to falsely portray efforts as successful and to promote tourism. (1996)

-Handgun crime rose 40% between 1997 and 2000, the four years following the ban. ("Illegal Firearms in the UK" Centre for Defense Studies at King's College, July 2001)

-Even when you shoot, many of you can't hit anything. Trust me, I have seen quite a few on the firing range, and most of our guys have better groups with full auto weapons than your gents with single shot rifles.

Oh, one more thing: The British's gun ban has proved such an unmitigated disaster that, when coupled with sentencing practices that can be described as nothing less than criminally insane, has helped to create a nation whose contact crime victimization rate is nearly double that of the United States. (Dutch Justice Ministry Survey, 1999) They actually have child psychologists who specialize in the trauma suffered as a result of repeated home invasion robberies.

Worley said:
If by arsenal, you mean individual thinking for a weapon and intelligence for ammo, then perhaps you should look into it, you guys ar not doing so well without your "arsenal". Why does everything relate to weapons to you? Also, I figured out why you have such low gun violence...

-British Police only record gun crimes in terms of convictions. Unsolved crimes don't make it into the log. ("Fear in Britain" July 2000)

-The telegraph has reported that numerous scandals at Scotland Yard reveal that crime stats in the UK are suppressed and deflated to falsely portray efforts as successful and to promote tourism. (1996)

-Handgun crime rose 40% between 1997 and 2000, the four years following the ban. ("Illegal Firearms in the UK" Centre for Defense Studies at King's College, July 2001)

-Even when you shoot, many of you can't hit anything. Trust me, I have seen quite a few on the firing range, and most of our guys have better groups with full auto weapons than your gents with single shot rifles.

Oh, one more thing: The British's gun ban has proved such an unmitigated disaster that, when coupled with sentencing practices that can be described as nothing less than criminally insane, has helped to create a nation whose contact crime victimization rate is nearly double that of the United States. (Dutch Justice Ministry Survey, 1999) They actually have child psychologists who specialize in the trauma suffered as a result of repeated home invasion robberies.


The British should putting stickers on their windows similar to our ADT security ones, that say.

“Property Protected by Smith and Wesson.
You have to ask yourself punk…Do I feel Lucky?”

Or maybe

“Intruders shot on sight, at least the trauma my family will experience will be your death”.

Do you feel lucky?

Well, do ya, punk?
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Worley said:
-Even when you shoot, many of you can't hit anything. Trust me, I have seen quite a few on the firing range, and most of our guys have better groups with full auto weapons than your gents with single shot rifles.

Remind us again whose methods Americans are using in Iraq at the minute "the all guns blazing American one"?
Oh and post your links not just snippets, to use an American rule:rolleyes:
jsanders said:
The British should putting stickers on their windows similar to our ADT security ones, that say.

“Property Protected by Smith and Wesson.
You have to ask yourself punk…Do I feel Lucky?”
No thanks, we're not savages
Rich said:
No thanks, we're not savages

Oh I see, better to be violently burglarized then to shoot intruders.

Well that seems reasonable.
Rich said:
Remind us again whose methods Americans are using in Iraq at the minute "the all guns blazing American one"?
Oh and post your links not just snippets, to use an American rule:rolleyes:

Seek and ye shall find... just kidding. Sounds fair....I actually post links when confronted with requests for them, and usually post them anyway. Though, in your defense, it IS much easier to use your signature quote.

If you dont like those, check out the Telegraph, its UK, and says the same thing. There is a link inside the second one that leads you right to it. Also, the Fear in Britain is a book, and I dont have it on .pdf, but you can find it at your local library, if it isnt censored.
jsanders said:
Oh I see, better to be violently burglarized then to shoot intruders.

Well that seems reasonable.
Violent burglaries are rare here, but yes we don't want the gun ho culture here thanks

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