Shootings in US schools (3 Viewers)

Rich said:
Would you like a list of those who became rich at the hands of the gun ho NYC police?
Do you seriously think money can replace a loved one, too? I had thought you somewhat intelligent, if a bit self-centered and shortsighted, until that exact comment. I don't care if you care about my opinion, but I feel like sharing, today. You guys seriously need to think about what you type before you type it. Think about what you have both said about yourselves here... I hope that you never lose a loved one, but you will, and when it happens, I hope you can finally understand that money can't replace someone you care about. Apparently money means more than you than it does to me, and to every American I know.
Bodisathva said:
:D :D struck me as ironically amusing

They use that comment as much as possible. It's apparently in the script, lol.
Worley said:
Do you seriously think money can replace a loved one, too? I had thought you somewhat intelligent, if a bit self-centered and shortsighted, until that exact comment. I don't care if you care about my opinion, but I feel like sharing, today. You guys seriously need to think about what you type before you type it. Think about what you have both said about yourselves here... I hope that you never lose a loved one, but you will, and when it happens, I hope you can finally understand that money can't replace someone you care about. Apparently money means more than you than it does to me, and to every American I know.

You are missing the point here, there doesn't seem to be a day goes by without someone being given a large sum of money as the result of the gun culture that exists in America and America's constant failure to tackle the problem. To me it seems nothing more than guilt money and as for me saying or even thinking that money is compensation for a life wrongly lost then I suggest you go back a few posts and read what I actually said.
Now you tell me why cigarette manufacturers can be sued over the long term effects of smoking but relatives of those lost to the gun can't sue gun manufacturers, I'll tell you why, backhanders to lawmakers, sheer bloody hypocrisy. And you want to lecture us on morality
Worley said:
They use that comment as much as possible. It's apparently in the script, lol.
I was actually referring to the fact that by removing the 'g' from gung-ho, Rich was, in the vernacular, calling the NYPD a group of gun ******. Either I underestimated Rich's comic wit, or just haven't been paying attention.:D
Worley said:
Matt, I think its become clear that your angry at me. I am sorry, although I have never seen you get angry at Rich for posting a reference from 2000.... So what exactly was it? Just tell me why I made you so angry QUOTE]

To be honest, I took offence at the whole tone of that post. I don't check Rich's comments as they're not directed at me. The bit about how the British can't even shoot straight stuck a raw nerve as a friend of the family was taken out by US 'friendly fire', some time ago. As a result, every time I hear about how well trained and what expert shots the US are I find it hard to keep calm.

Apology accepted and I'll try to stay level-headed in the future.
Matt Greatorex said:
Worley said:
Matt, I think its become clear that your angry at me. I am sorry, although I have never seen you get angry at Rich for posting a reference from 2000.... So what exactly was it? Just tell me why I made you so angry QUOTE]

To be honest, I took offence at the whole tone of that post. I don't check Rich's comments as they're not directed at me. The bit about how the British can't even shoot straight stuck a raw nerve as a friend of the family was taken out by US 'friendly fire', some time ago. As a result, every time I hear about how well trained and what expert shots the US are I find it hard to keep calm.

Apology accepted and I'll try to stay level-headed in the future.

I'm reminded of a quote by the late British broadcaster Raymond Baxter, he gave tribute to the Americans during WWII as they were the only ones who managed to bring his spitfire down
Matt said:
To be honest, I took offence at the whole tone of that post. I don't check Rich's comments as they're not directed at me. The bit about how the British can't even shoot straight stuck a raw nerve as a friend of the family was taken out by US 'friendly fire', some time ago. As a result, every time I hear about how well trained and what expert shots the US are I find it hard to keep calm.

Apology accepted and I'll try to stay level-headed in the future.

I am really sorry to hear that, and I completely understand.
Rich said:
Now you tell me why cigarette manufacturers can be sued over the long term effects of smoking but relatives of those lost to the gun can't sue gun manufacturers, I'll tell you why, backhanders to lawmakers, sheer bloody hypocrisy. And you want to lecture us on morality
as a matter of fact gun manufacturers can and have been sued in the past. a few years ago in California I think a 15 yo who was paralyzed won a settlement from a gun manufacturer and if I remember right he used the money and bought the company.
Worley said:
That is a good thing, and moves towards better gun control laws. Don't be so negitive, lol. Does nothing make you happy? jeeez
By removing the right to sue gun manufacturers makes a better law?:confused:
Rich said:
By removing the right to sue gun manufacturers makes a better law?:confused:

Gun manufacturers should not be held liable for the misuse of their product. But on the other hand, civilian guns should not be allowed to have even 12 shots without reloading.

Still, that big hunker muncher brown bear that was killed in Alaska a couple of years ago had something like 15 shots from various shooters (two of which didn’t survive the ordeal) finally a game warden (or for forest ranger, not sure which) brought him down at his own feet, with an additional 7 shots from an 8mm magnum.

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