Shootings in US schools

ColinEssex said:
Well it'll cheer them up a bit, thats for sure

dan-cat said:
Perhaps we should run a poll to see how many people find this kind of comment funny?

Run a poll? please don't come on with the old American holier-than-thou stuff that you all do so well.

Its a normal comment, not meant to be funny.

Look, some kids get killed - ok, not good. Community depressed naturally. Then along comes someone with a cheque for $4m and says this may help you.
Are they going to feel bad or worse? it won't replace the kids but it may help ease the loss.

Thats what compensation is all about Daniel.

Although I'm still mystified about the collection. Do you have a collection for every gun death in the USA? Why pick on the Amish to give $4m to? What makes them different from say a shopkeeper gunned down by a robber?

Worley said:
Wow Dan, that was a pretty solid thrashing. lol

It always seems strange to me how those two peaceful brits are argumentitive, aggressive, and close minded
An American saying we're agressive and close minded??? . . . . jesus, thats a good one Wo:rolleyes:

Worley said:
Which time...we can start with random religious comments that had nothing to do with the current topic or the thread. I dont even have to go back very far.
Note that you and Col are the only ones talking religion here, and it moves towards no serious point. It's only bait, so you can call christianity a fairy tale as many times as possible while you argue with people you blatantly and purposefully offend.
Here is a random shot by you that has nothing to do with the post where you randomly say things about how America isnt greifing over the Amish children. Once again, no point was made, just a non thread related shot.
Heres another spot where you make a random comment about Americans being money focused, right after Col did the same.
Need I go on? Its pointless, but I will.
You helped chase the thread onto 5th gen Jets, then another random comment about the American "gun blazing".
Another random shot about the US backing themselves up with....well, noone really knows what you were talking about here. I am sure its a random jab, however.
And here is the reply that helped pull the thread off into burglary, along with some cute "gun ho" comment.
Nine posts later, you lose your momentum and attempt a recovery of thread integrity.

Everyone does it, but not everyone asks "where?" with a cute little confused smiley.
You really need to get out more Wo:rolleyes:

Worley said:
Note that you and Col are the only ones talking religion here,
Surely thats a major part of the community isn't it? - thats why they lead this weird life.

Most people that lead a cult existence are usually spaced out on religion.

I'm sure the Americans will make a video game of the Amish thing soon like they have with Columbine. You think Rich and I are heartless?? ref

Who gets the royalties?

I love this quote by the game's creator:rolleyes:

The creator, who identified himself only by the name "Columbin", said he was inspired to make the game because he was in Colorado at the time of the attack.

"I was a bullied kid. I didn't fit in, and I was surrounded by a culture of elitism as espoused by our school's athletes." He said that he considered the killers, at times, to be "very thoughtful, sensitive and intelligent young men".
Rich said:
I love this quote by the game's creator:rolleyes:

Maybe he (the creator of the game) should be eaten by a dingo.
ColinEssex said:
Thats what compensation is all about Daniel.

I thought you believed they didn't warrant this 'compensation' because of their 'weird lifestyle'? :rolleyes:
I was trying to explain to you why $4m should cheer them up a bit.

However, you seem to want a poll or something - have you done it yet? whats the question?

ColinEssex said:
I was trying to explain to you why $4m should cheer them up a bit.

However, you seem to want a poll or something - have you done it yet? whats the question?


You know something Colin, somewhere along the line you've made the decision to only use these forums as a tool to wind people up. You're bored or whatever and need your entertainment. That's fine, but I'm not your huckleberry. See ya later.
dan-cat said:
That's fine, but I'm not your huckleberry. See ya later.

I love that quote.

The first time I heard it was in the one of the Wyatt Eurp movies, I believe it was Tombstone not "Wyatt Eurp"

Which by the way I think I liked Tombstone better.
dan-cat said:
You know something Colin, somewhere along the line you've made the decision to only use these forums as a tool to wind people up. You're bored or whatever and need your entertainment. That's fine, but I'm not your huckleberry. See ya later.
I seem to recall Daniella, that it was you that took exception to my post saying that $4m should "cheer them up a bit" now you're backing out of it

and what the hell is a huckleberry? never heard of it except in the Tom Sawyer mode.:confused:

ColinEssex said:
and what the hell is a huckleberry? never heard of it except in the Tom Sawyer mode.:confused:


I think it means “I’m your man”
dan-cat said:
You know something Colin, somewhere along the line you've made the decision to only use these forums as a tool to wind people up.
See? jumping to conclusions again:rolleyes: a simple search would show I use these forums to help other people with Access problems.

Rich said:
So huckleberry finn means I'm your man finn?:confused:

Are you? Thats kind of gross...
Colin, it wasn't the "cheer" comment that was juvenile, it was the "laughing all the way to the bank" comment. That was not a well thought through comment, was it? As for you being argumentitive and and Rich pretty much make comments without a point that are intended to rile up the other posters on the non-access threads. From what I see, its pretty rare anyone does it other than you. It is supposed to be a discussion, so start making some sort of point we can discuss....
Have a nice day.
Matt Greatorex said:
Once again, bang up to date.

"SOURCE: Seventh United Nations Survey of Crime Trends and Operations of Criminal Justice Systems, covering the period 1998 - 2000 "

This one's even less relevant than your other posting.

All you have to do is ask, you sound like your getting angry, lol.

Burglary rates are a little lower. Congrats!

Look at violence from 2000-2006 though. Wowsers! Thanks for the prodding, Matt. Looks like Rich isnt exactly making his judgements on America while sitting in the proverbial "Garden of Eden", huh? I may postpone my trip to the UK until they get that under control. I don't want my hotel room broken into, and have someone steal my prosthetic leg while I am downstairs getting breakfast, or get attacked on the streets. Or any of the various other crimes 30% of the UK are having commited on them. And it seems that is just what is reported by the police who even in the UK, are considered rediculously ineffective.,,1382161,00.html

(That's pretty recent, too)
The US has its problems, and we have covered most of them in this thread, including repeated comments on religion (when the UK has a higher Church attendance than the US...and when I said this [with reference], Rich's reply was "Its in sharp decline", lol), but the truth is, The UK is not doing much better. And in many cases, much worse. I like the British, on the whole, but combative comments attract it's own kind, then again, its clear that is usually their point.

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