Shootings in US schools (3 Viewers)


Sorry, just wanted to be the 1000th thread on the list.

How shallow and immature is that :o)
scott-atkinson said:

Sorry, just wanted to be the 1000th thread on the list.

How shallow and immature is that :o)

Very. You're going to fit right in. :D
Worley said:
Wow, I like this Scott guy. Lets put ol Rich and Colin on the backburner, and talk with the Brit who doesn't rip out pictures of the American flag in every magazine they see it in.

Er... there is more than one Brit on the forum who has been losing patience with the whole Anglo-American argument.
It's just that some of us have lost patience and started using the ignore list and only bob back in to the hot topics out of idle curiosity.
nikkypickles said:
Er... there is more than one Brit on the forum who has been losing patience with the whole Anglo-American argument.

It's good to see another guy who doesn't hate our American cousins.
scott-atkinson said:
It's good to see another guy who doesn't hate our American cousins.
It's a shame that you choose to use their terminology though
scott-atkinson said:
It's good to see another guy who doesn't hate our American cousins.

Actually it is only Rich , and Col to a lesser degree, who spit out spite at america and americans at every opportunity so that every thread starts to sound the same. this is sad as occasionally they have something sensible to say but it gets lost in the venom and general rubbish that pours forth.

Brianwarnock said:
Actually it is only Rich , and Col to a lesser degree, who spit out spite at america and americans at every opportunity so that every thread starts to sound the same. this is sad as occasionally they have something sensible to say but it gets lost in the venom and general rubbish that pours forth.


It's about done me in.
Brianwarnock said:
Actually it is only Rich , and Col to a lesser degree, who spit out spite at america and americans at every opportunity so that every thread starts to sound the same. this is sad as occasionally they have something sensible to say but it gets lost in the venom and general rubbish that pours forth.

I attack a culture and many of the things it stands for, unlike many American posters here who resort to personal attacks on me. Still what's new. Go back and search the archives for a definitive list. Ask jennifer why he deleted the latest puerile attack on me at the weekend:rolleyes:
Brianwarnock said:
Actually it is only Rich , and Col to a lesser degree, who spit out spite at america and americans at every opportunity so that every thread starts to sound the same. this is sad as occasionally they have something sensible to say but it gets lost in the venom and general rubbish that pours forth.

One minute you accuse me of anti-Americanism in the next breath you accuse me of mediocrity when entering into light hearted banter with them, there is just no pleasing some is there
Rich said:
One minute you accuse me of anti-Americanism in the next breath you accuse me of mediocrity when entering into light hearted banter with them, there is just no pleasing some is there

Mediocrity? Where did i accuse you of that?

It was the light hearted banter that attracted me to the Watercooler, but that seems a long time ago, now it all snipimg at America in every thread wether pertinent to the discussion or not, and I believe that it is up to the recipient to decide if is light hearted or not and the americans have made it plain that they take the attacks as personal affronts, as I also think the continual misuse of names is.... jenniffer??? and don't try to kid us Wooley was atypo it happened too many times.

Brianwarnock said:
Mediocrity? Where did i accuse you of that?

It was the light hearted banter that attracted me to the Watercooler, but that seems a long time ago, now it all snipimg at America in every thread wether pertinent to the discussion or not, and I believe that it is up to the recipient to decide if is light hearted or not and the americans have made it plain that they take the attacks as personal affronts, as I also think the continual misuse of names is.... jenniffer??? and don't try to kid us Wooley was atypo it happened too many times.

Well I'm not sure if it's jennifer or josephine and wooley started it by calling me richtoven or some such drivel
Brianwarnock said:
I also think the continual misuse of names is.... jenniffer??? and don't try to kid us Wooley was atypo it happened too many times.

Rich said:
Well I'm not sure if it's jennifer or josephine and wooley started it by calling me richtoven or some such drivel

Now Now Children.
Rich said:
Well I'm not sure if it's jennifer or josephine and wooley started it by calling me richtoven or some such drivel
I started using "Josie" ages and ages ago, then it got changed to "Josephine", but "Jenny" was easier to type.

I've also used "Wo" instead of Worley for the same reason

Anyway, at least Rich and I don't call people by rude or insulting names - that seems to be the standard for some people on the forums.

ColinEssex said:
I started using "Josie" ages and ages ago, then it got changed to "Josephine", but "Jenny" was easier to type.

I've also used "Wo" instead of Worley for the same reason


I guess I'm mistaken, I always thought that Jsanders was a he.
I don't object to Wo, iits like Col or Bri etc.

Brianwarnock said:
I guess I'm mistaken, I always thought that Jsanders was a he.
who knows? although now you mention it, was there a reference at some point to a wife or girlfriend?
Hmmm, second thoughts, still could be a female though these days:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
Anyway, at least Rich and I don't call people by rude or insulting names - that seems to be the standard for some people on the forums.


I can't find the post now but I think it was shortly after Worley arrived on the scene I attacked him for personal abuse of Rich and said that rich never indulged in personal abuse, and a battery of Americans replied that they took the continual attacks on their country and culture as personal abuse.


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