Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

Rich said:
You're one of a rare breed ;)

:eek: :eek:

I'm guessing Col probably feels that way as well...

I've really made him mad :o

What can I do to get him back on speaking terms:confused: :confused: :)
jsanders said:
I think I said Richard, and Richie Boy, but actually the use of jen, jenifer,josey, none of them really bother me.

What bothers me is your NEVER admitting your faults, and your willingness to point out everyone else’s.

The sad part about it, is that everyone else that I know, even the people on this forum, which could hide behind the net, own up to their fallacies. You however, are obstinate to the point of pity.

Pity, what else could anyone feel for you? And after a while of pitying someone, most people start to despise them, and certainly the one being pitied despises, because he realizes that it’s his own short comings that make him pitied. So he despises himself and the others for pointing it out to him.

I mean this with all sincerity, I truly pity you, your inability to have a genuine social life and your inability to admit your own faults.

Call me a quitter.

I saw a really interesting documentary a few years ago on African plains animals. The gazelles lost a member of their herd to a predator. They all looked back with a moment of sadness, and then turned and continued their flight.

That’s how I feel right now. There is no hope in having a friendship with you.

What a shame, I so love good friendships.

Both show here, but then very often I can't see some of the gifs others post here, it's certainly odd:confused:
scott-atkinson said:
Some people will shout comparisons with Iraq, but I believe that the governments of the US and UK were acting on behalf of what they believed to be credible evidence on WMD in the country.
That's rather naive of you I'm sad to say Scot. There was never any evidence of WMD's in Iraq. Bush wanted another one of those regime changes that America inflicts around the world when it suits them. Blair backed himself into a corner by sucking up to Bush right at the start. Sadly for us the British concocted the story of WMD's to try and get the war ratified by the UN. When that ploy failed they went ahead anyway. What a pity the archives got destroyed here earlier, you could have gone back and searched the archives from all the Americans on here who carried out vitriolic attacks on me for daring to call the whole charade a lie from the beginning.
You might still find some by Fofa though and his support for America's gun ho charge around the world.
scott-atkinson said:
Back on the subject of British justice.

Today in the news a teenager has been given just 2 years with a possibility of parole in 18 months for killing a father of 2, because he pleaded guilty to manslaughter.

Where is the justice in that?
I saw this on another forum:

Bus driver killed when group dropped ornamental boulder off overpass

six months of house arrest followed by 18 months of probation as well as 240 hours of community service.
jsanders said:
The reference to the hair cuts was colloquial, we use to say that mom got the bowl down, and used it for a template to cut the kid's hair.

We have the same saying in the UK, but it is called a basin cut :)
KenHigg said:
You sure like to beat a dead horse.
well at least I didn't shoot it

Where is this holier than thou thing coming from? And since you're not going to accept my apology for saying your opinion on children was worthless (in light of the fact that you and your miss must have had difficulties in that area), may I ask why can't you give that one a rest unless you want to discuss it some more - ? Why is the children topic so touchy with you? (Remember, you're the one that keeps alluding to it) - :) :)
I am alluding to your put-down dismissive comment, not the subject matter. The subject matter is irrelevant - despite my apparent failings, I never dismiss anyones opinion with such distain as you do / did. How you can think that if someone does not have children, then they have no right to an opinion is beyond me.

I don't have a Hardly Driveable, am I not able to discuss that?
I don't have a V12 SUV 5mpg Jeep gas guzzler, not allowed an opinion?
I don't have a gun, never seen a real one - not allowed an opinion?
I don't murder animals in cold blood - not allowed an opinion?

Children are not a touchy subject, I like children, in fact I went to school with loads but I can't eat a whole one.
Also we had many teenage students (from Europe) staying with us for 5 or 6 years, so I know a little bit. But as I said the subject matter is irrelevant.

Then the apology. . . . . .it just about holds water till the next time you post before engaging brain, as I said, I think GWB is more sincere.

BTW - for the record, although its none of your sodding business - we have not had any difficulties in the baby / children area. We prefer dogs, much more loyal, loving and friendly, cheaper to run, don't need the latest iPod or trainers and they die aged about 12 to 15 so you can change models if you wish. They don't destroy your whole life like children do.

ColinEssex said:
They don't destroy your whole life like children do.



I don't agree with your this.
But I respect your opinion.

You have chosen this path and if it makes you happy then it is the path for you.

My children make me happy and that is my path.

However I would agree that my life before children was a lot more spontaneous than it is now, but it is swings and roundabouts.
ColinEssex said:
They don't destroy your whole life like children do.

Not sure about destroy, they certainly burn a hole in your pocket for the rest of your life. Damn, I could have had a garage full of bikes, if only.........
Rich said:
Not sure about destroy, they certainly burn a hole in your pocket for the rest of your life.
ok, destroy was a bit harsh, I should have said "curtail your life" - although I have seen people who's lives have virtually been ruined by unruly children.

Damn, I could have had a garage full of bikes, if only.........
I limit myself to a maximum of 2 bikes at any one time, and 4 guitars:D

ColinEssex said:
ok, destroy was a bit harsh, I should have said "curtail your life" - although I have seen people who's lives have virtually been ruined by unruly children.

There's certainly some truth in that statement, but then that beggars the question, who's fault is it that they became unruly
KenHigg said:
You sure like to beat a dead horse.

ColinEssex said:
well at least I didn't shoot it

Thanks for confirming my point

ColinEssex said:
I am alluding to your put-down dismissive comment, not the subject matter. The subject matter is irrelevant - despite my apparent failings, I never dismiss anyones opinion with such distain as you do / did. How you can think that if someone does not have children, then they have no right to an opinion is beyond me.

Not any 'someone', just your opinion on most anything around here. and here's why:

ColinEssex said:
I don't have a Hardly Driveable, am I not able to discuss that?

A cheap shot insult

ColinEssex said:
I don't have a V12 SUV 5mpg Jeep gas guzzler, not allowed an opinion?
Another cheap shot insult

ColinEssex said:
I don't have a gun, never seen a real one - not allowed an opinion?
Another cheap shot insult

ColinEssex said:
I don't murder animals in cold blood - not allowed an opinion?
Another cheap shot insult... See a pattern?

ColinEssex said:
Children are not a touchy subject, I like children, in fact I went to school with loads but I can't eat a whole one.

Use that line a ten more times an someone may laugh...

ColinEssex said:
Also we had many teenage students (from Europe) staying with us for 5 or 6 years, so I know a little bit. But as I said the subject matter is irrelevant.
Admirable, but not quite like diapers, pre-school, etc

ColinEssex said:
Then the apology. . . . . .it just about holds water till the next time you post before engaging brain, as I said, I think GWB is more sincere.
I'll stop the retailiations when you stop the insults...

(Did you get 'Qualified' in 'Engaging Brains' like you did 'anatony'?:p )

ColinEssex said:
BTW - for the record, although its none of your sodding business - we have not had any difficulties in the baby / children area. We prefer dogs, much more loyal, loving and friendly, cheaper to run, don't need the latest iPod or trainers and they die aged about 12 to 15 so you can change models if you wish. They don't destroy your whole life like children do.

Based on this statement alone (which is simular in tone to previous remarks), IMHO, it's a good thing you didn't have any children. Imagine having a father that feels this way...:rolleyes:
Originally Posted by ColinEssex
I don't have a gun, never seen a real one - not allowed an opinion?

Originally Posted by KenHigg
Another cheap shot insult

How is saying that you don't have a gun and have never seen a real one a cheap shot insult?
Rich said:
You're up early, are you having nightmares?:confused:

:D :D :D

Yes- Of Col raking me across the coals and me not being able to respond:p :p
scott-atkinson said:

I don't agree with your this.
But I respect your opinion.

You have chosen this path and if it makes you happy then it is the path for you.

My children make me happy and that is my path.

However I would agree that my life before children was a lot more spontaneous than it is now, but it is swings and roundabouts.

Wait till they're teens.
Rich said:
There's certainly some truth in that statement, but then that beggars the question, who's fault is it that they became unruly

On this subject it has occurred to me, on many occasions, that we think alike.

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