Ah, so it is true that Americans want to remain in the 19th century
Naw, we are firmly in the 21st century. This century has better guns. Better scopes, infra-red and laser sighting, better ammo, better coatings on the slug... why should we step back in time? Sheesh, what a STUPID comment.
OK, perhaps you would prefer "attacks on" Israel. Several since 1968.
what the hell's that got to do with private gun ownership
Just hang on a sec... I'll tie it together for you.
are you seriously suggesting that there's a country going to invade and try and take over the Mighty armed forces of United States
It has
everything to do with gun ownership. You not only don't want to attack the USA with its powerful army, but even if you do, you SURELY don't want to try to occupy a country where everyone behind every tree could probably pick off a dozen or so of your soldiers even after the army is no longer around.
The theory is that in the ultimate invasion, even if the army didn't protect us, our own people would form impromptu militia groups that would protect the country. THAT is what gun ownership has to do with protecting the country. (At least in theory.) It is why you don't poke a hornet's nest. You don't just get attacked by a few hornets. Every last one of the hornets has a nasty little stinger and they'll ALL come after your sorry butt.
As to the Civil War - also sometimes called the War of Northern Aggression - yes, sadly it happened. We had reached a point where consensus was nearly impossible on some key economic issues. The history books correctly reported that such a war occurred. They correctly reported that many times we had fighting of brother against brother. They correctly reported that many battles were like slaughters rather than skirmishes.
I don't excuse it. It was not a pretty thing. But then, take a look at other "civil" wars. (Which by the way are rarely civil in any but the most technical interpretations.)
Look at the last 20 years. Hutu-Tutsi conflicts in Africa. Bosnian "ethnic cleansing" in cental Europe. Darfur is another tragedy derived from an ongoing civil war. The fighting still under way in Iraq is a religious-based civil war all its own.
Sometimes countries must go through the forge of civil strife to reach a new balance. As much as I deplore the killing, I understand it. I don't agree with it. I don't believe it is right. But I understand it.
It is the exact same situation that led us to do what we did in 1776. When you reach an intolerable situation because no one will listen, you start doing things that make the other party listen.
Were we wrong to rebel from King? Damfino! (Do at least TRY to hold yourself in check, Rich...) Peaceful attempts to resolve colonial issues failed, leading to the 1776 insurrection.
Were the Bosnians or Hutus or Tutsis right? Damfino! But history is beginning to say "NO." We are still too close to know all the answers, but in general it looks like it was the work of extremists who no longer cared about others.
Are the Shiites and Sunnis of today right? Damfino! Only time will answer that one. It is still too soon.