Shootings in US schools (1 Viewer)

Rich said:
Change your ways

Can we start with something a bit less aggresive and more realistic? :D

And don't ask me to sell my guns. :mad:
KenHigg said:
And don't ask me to sell my guns. :mad:
There see, there's no point and in any case you should destroy your WMD's not sell them:p
Rich said:
There see, there's no point and in any case you should destroy your WMD's not sell them:p

But I've already paid my hunting club dues for the up coming deer season :(
KenHigg said:
But I've already paid my hunting club dues for the up coming deer season :(
Well you could use a bow and arrow or be a true conservationist and use a paintball gun instead, I mean you'd just not get the thrill of the kill, that's all :eek: :D
Rich said:
Well you could use a bow and arrow or be a true conservationist and use a paintball gun instead, I mean you'd just not get the thrill of the kill, that's all :eek: :D

Hey that a cool idea - I wonder if a squirrel could survive a paintball :p
tired now

KenHigg said:
It's just a couple (sometimes 3 ;) ) odd Brits venting... Not much substance really - Write 'em off and move - ;) You must admint the remainder of our peers across the pond are quite pleasant to us inspite of our faults - :o

Quite honestly I'm embarrassed by Rich and Col's comments and infuriated by JSanders' comments.

Rich and Col are wrong to lump every American together and assume they are all psychotic, gun-toting, every man for himself and screw the world types. Neither is it right to automatically attack the comments of someone just because of their nationality. It is embarrassing to portray every UK citizen as so xenophobic.

JSanders is also wrong in that the world does not revolve around the United States. (Apologies - it's been a long day and I'm summarizing) You are the current world power. However, so was the Roman Empire, so were we at one stage, and China is fast catching up. If history - from whichever source - tells us anything it's that the superpowers never stay that way for long. It is infuriating that the US considers itself so superior and feels the need to attack any and every minute threat - even a lighthearted jab - at their core being.

Neither side of the pond are 100% right about the other and neither are 100% wrong about the other. I'm relatively new here, so I apologise if a trans-Atlantic war of words is a forum staple, but it does distract from some otherwise very fascinating and educational discussion points.
nikkypickles said:
Quite honestly I'm embarrassed by Rich and Col's comments and infuriated by JSanders' comments.

Rich and Col are wrong to lump every American together and assume they are all psychotic, gun-toting, every man for himself and screw the world types. Neither is it right to automatically attack the comments of someone just because of their nationality. It is embarrassing to portray every UK citizen as so xenophobic.

JSanders is also wrong in that the world does not revolve around the United States. (Apologies - it's been a long day and I'm summarizing) You are the current world power. However, so was the Roman Empire, so were we at one stage, and China is fast catching up. If history - from whichever source - tells us anything it's that the superpowers never stay that way for long. It is infuriating that the US considers itself so superior and feels the need to attack any and every minute threat - even a lighthearted jab - at their core being.

Neither side of the pond are 100% right about the other and neither are 100% wrong about the other. I'm relatively new here, so I apologise if a trans-Atlantic war of words is a forum staple, but it does distract from some otherwise very fascinating and educational discussion points.

If you go back read even half of my 1400 post you will find some very pungent criticisms of the US and especially its current policies and leadership.

I often exaggerate America’s importance on this forum to infuriate the obnoxious Brits that post here.

Present company, excepted of course.
jsanders said:
I often exaggerate America’s importance
Thats not possible.:rolleyes: its exaggerated to full capacity by your current dictator.

Nikki - You need to chill a bit.
Rich and I do not lump all Americans together. We do however go by what Americans on this forum say and what we see on the TV news etc.

Many Americans here own or carry guns like we may own a mobile. Some have said they would shoot an intruder dead without question. Some kill animals with the gun - although why they can't go to a butcher like normal people is beyond me. Some have even listed many different types of weapons (guns) that they own, as if it was a "mine's bigger than yours" scenario.

So, given that the Americans here are a cross section of normal people, then therefore the majority of the US populace must own or carry a gun. There are some Americans here that abhore the thought of owning a gun.

Rich and I are trying to get to the root of. . . . . why?? - and it seems its written in a scrap of meaningless outdated paper so they have to do it.

ColinEssex said:
Thats not possible.:rolleyes: its exaggerated to full capacity by your current dictator.

Nikki - You need to chill a bit.
Rich and I do not lump all Americans together. We do however go by what Americans on this forum say and what we see on the TV news etc.

Many Americans here own or carry guns like we may own a mobile. Some have said they would shoot an intruder dead without question. Some kill animals with the gun - although why they can't go to a butcher like normal people is beyond me. Some have even listed many different types of weapons (guns) that they own, as if it was a "mine's bigger than yours" scenario.

So, given that the Americans here are a cross section of normal people, then therefore the majority of the US populace must own or carry a gun. There are some Americans here that abhore the thought of owning a gun.

Rich and I are trying to get to the root of. . . . . why?? - and it seems its written in a scrap of meaningless outdated paper so they have to do it.


I thought Nikki's post was pretty well done. Much better than anything you've ever attempted - What's the problem Col, get up on the wrong side of the bed today? ;)
ColinEssex said:
Thats not possible.:rolleyes: its exaggerated to full capacity by your current dictator.

Nikki - You need to chill a bit.
Rich and I do not lump all Americans together. We do however go by what Americans on this forum say and what we see on the TV news etc.

Many Americans here own or carry guns like we may own a mobile. Some have said they would shoot an intruder dead without question. Some kill animals with the gun - although why they can't go to a butcher like normal people is beyond me. Some have even listed many different types of weapons (guns) that they own, as if it was a "mine's bigger than yours" scenario.

So, given that the Americans here are a cross section of normal people, then therefore the majority of the US populace must own or carry a gun. There are some Americans here that abhore the thought of owning a gun.

Rich and I are trying to get to the root of. . . . . why?? - and it seems its written in a scrap of meaningless outdated paper so they have to do it.


Hey Nikki,

Col just defended any words I might use, much better than I ever could.

Thank you Col.
My bad

Well, at least I've managed one thing - agreement from both sides that I'm wrong and need to chill :rolleyes: ;) :D

JSanders - I only dip in and out of these forums and unfortunately it seems that whenever I do dip in you seem to be arguing with Col et al. so I only see the "We're the top of the world" side. I'll do a search later and see your balanced view. I think I was having a bad morning....

Col - I'm from the UK and I see the same news you do. But I also have family from the US, so I automatically discount half of the media that comes my way, since all media is open to interpretation. I wonder what the rest of the world makes of our media. And I guess it baffled me when the emphasis on a "scrap" of paper 200 years old is a bad thing, when our own scrap of 1000 year old paper is a good thing? Granted the contents are different, but still has an impact on our lives.

Don't we have hunting laws in this country? Last news I saw on it, they were worrying shooting (for sport - at least some Americans eat, or say they eat, what they kill) will go the way of fox hunting.
And I'm fairly certain that we've had cases in this country of intruders being shot....

And please don't get the impression that I'm in any way in favour of guns or whatever. I don't even see the point in shoot-em-up video games.
KenHigg said:
I thought Nikki's post was pretty well done. Much better than anything you've ever attempted - What's the problem Col, get up on the wrong side of the bed today? ;)
Nikki's post was good - I agree.;)

Actually, I overslept this morning:rolleyes:

jsanders said:
Col just defended any words I might use, much better than I ever could.

Thank you Col.

you're welcome Jenny:D

nikkypickles said:
Well, at least I've managed one thing - agreement from both sides that I'm wrong and need to chill :rolleyes: ;) :D

JSanders - I only dip in and out of these forums and unfortunately it seems that whenever I do dip in you seem to be arguing with Col et al. so I only see the "We're the top of the world" side. I'll do a search later and see your balanced view. I think I was having a bad morning....

Col - I'm from the UK and I see the same news you do. But I also have family from the US, so I automatically discount half of the media that comes my way, since all media is open to interpretation. I wonder what the rest of the world makes of our media. And I guess it baffled me when the emphasis on a "scrap" of paper 200 years old is a bad thing, when our own scrap of 1000 year old paper is a good thing? Granted the contents are different, but still has an impact on our lives.

Don't we have hunting laws in this country? Last news I saw on it, they were worrying shooting (for sport - at least some Americans eat, or say they eat, what they kill) will go the way of fox hunting.
And I'm fairly certain that we've had cases in this country of intruders being shot....

And please don't get the impression that I'm in any way in favour of guns or whatever. I don't even see the point in shoot-em-up video games.

Oh, Don't pay any attention to Col, he's just a grumpy old dude and J just likes to get him wound up :D
J - quick question, forgive me being dense, where's Northern VA? I'm not familiar with the state abbreviations.
KenHigg said:
Oh, Don't pay any attention to Col, he's just a grumpy old dude and J just likes to get him wound up :D

Col and Rich like to wind up the Americans, J likes to wind up the British, everybody else is intelligent, kind , considerate, polite and modest, just like me;)

Brianwarnock said:
Col and Rich like to wind up the Americans, J likes to wind up the British, everybody else is intelligent, kind , considerate, polite and modest, just like me;)


Thank you Brian, I needed my morning chuckle.

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