Sign-up here to support Hamas

Immediately exposes the danger of lofty-sounding slogans that have monstrosity behind them. Great experiment.
The Palestinians through Hamas brutally slaughter over 1,200 civilians in a barbaric sneak attack and somehow Israel is to blame?!?!?!?!?!?1?!?!? That is unbelievable. They should be protesting against Hamas, I guess they didn't see the video. These protests remind me of Nazi Germany, circa 1938. Goebbels would be proud of the Palestinians propaganda abilities.
In it, artist Michael Ramirez makes a powerful point about what’s really going on in Gaza: Hamas is using the Palestinian people as human shields while blaming Israel for the result.
Yet when Palestinians call for the genocide of Jews that is not considered racist by the likes of the Washington Post or those protesting in London in support of the Palestinians?
Imagine the reaction of the left wing media if you were to replace the image of Netanyahu with that of Cori Bush; they would be endlessly screaming racism and lynching.
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Do you ever get information from a source other than YouTube?

My Thread:-

Uncles Favourite Podcasts & Videos​

should give you an idea. You can subscribe to the thread by posting a comment, or check the "watch" checkbox if you want to be notified of additions.

Thread Here:-

I subscribe to news letters, mostly science and technology stuff.

I listen to podcasts, Lex, Rogan, JDP to name a few.

I monitor Google news feed, and I'm careful not to let it categorise me, as I like a random feed. If it gets predictable, I sign in from another account....
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Do you ever get information from a source other than YouTube?
Oh! I forgot X .... formally "Twitter"...

Sometimes Facebook, but I use that mostly for friends and family, and buying secondhand stuff locally.

I can't remember the last time I watched the news on TV, I find it Bland, biased and woke.

The local Costa often has a selection of newspapers. I will occasionally go through those. I reckon about once a month. Then there's the Newbury weekly news, I read that in Costa's as well, probably once a month.

I've stopped using Google for searching and fact checking, I now use ChatGPT mostly as ChatGPT results do not contain adverts and Clickbait.
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Speaking out against Palestine and Palestinian supporters is now a crime!

it sll goes back to what my dad taught us as a child. most people are trying to just be "cool". it's all about whatever makes you "cool" for the moment. from torn jeans to alternate forms of sexual practices to ridiculous causes but only if they're less than a year old of course - whatever makes me cool, give me more of it please. i'll be the first A-sexual, minority, cross-lesbian-shoe-dresser hamas supporting plumber of color.
The UK seems to be in more trouble than even the US is in.
You are right there Pat, they appear to have abandonded their restaurants to desicrate our War Memorials and Cenotaph.

I don't quite understand why these people who make these demands and claims do not go and live in Iraq, Iran, Gaza, Turkey or any of the 'stans.
If it's their utopia what are they doing here? Maybe they'd prefer to live in a mediaval society?
You'd think that they'd go over there and demonstrate for women to drive and everything else they can all do here but not over there.
But they never do, do they?

Maybe they are doing it here to stop us using their restaurants and takeaways? So only they can use them. Well they've been successful.
We'll never, ever use them now as they've made it perfectly clear they don't want us as customers, so they won't want our money.
They'll never see a penny of mine that's for sure.
It is really hard to listen to the copper lecture the guy he's arresting with a straight face. He seems to believe what he's saying.
Christopher Hitchens has got the Muslim religion weighed up!

Mind you, he's equally dismissive of Christianity.....
Christopher Hitchens has got the Muslim religion weighed up!
This Christopher hitchens video is unavailable?

Is YouTube actively removing this far thinking, incredibly intelligent persons observations from the internet?

If so that is so very very wrong!

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