Simple. Is it possible to convert a wired mouse into a wireless mouse?


Prabhakaran Karuppaih
Local time
Today, 06:38
Mar 22, 2009
Having a wired mouse for more than 5 years. Connecting cable started not to fit properly to the usb port in the computer. Need to keep it raised by putting something below the connector. But don't want to throw it out. Any possible ways to keep with me? Life Long? Expecting positive replies. Thanks :)
A wireless mouse, other than requiring batteries every so often, will get rid of that problem because there will be no strain on the connector. (No weight.) So why are you so attached to this mouse? Is it made of gold or titanium? A simple 3-button mouse is dirt cheap by most standards. The other thing you want to watch out for is whether the problem isn't the USB male plug from the mouse but rather is the female plug on back of your computer. If THAT is starting to be unsteady, you will have a much more serious repair involving a slightly more expensive - but much harder to reach - replacement part.
A wireless mouse, other than requiring batteries every so often, will get rid of that problem because there will be no strain on the connector. (No weight.) So why are you so attached to this mouse? Is it made of gold or titanium? A simple 3-button mouse is dirt cheap by most standards. The other thing you want to watch out for is whether the problem isn't the USB male plug from the mouse but rather is the female plug on back of your computer. If THAT is starting to be unsteady, you will have a much more serious repair involving a slightly more expensive - but much harder to reach - replacement part.
Laptop's Female USB port is working fine...
Having a wired mouse for more than 5 years. Connecting cable started not to fit properly to the usb port in the computer. Need to keep it raised by putting something below the connector. But don't want to throw it out. Any possible ways to keep with me? Life Long? Expecting positive replies. Thanks :)
I replace mouses (mice?) regularly. As The_Doc_Man pointed out, they are dirt cheap these days. I just found a wired one at Walmart for less than $1.00 US as a matter of fact. How good it is might be open to question. Most of them are in the #$8.00-$10.00 US range.

I can't imagine being able to convert a wired mouse to wireless for close to that amount. Basically it would mean you're going to keep the external shell and toss everything inside it out.

There are battles worth fighting. I think this is not one of them.
It always seems to take me a little bit of time to find what I consider a 'normal' mouse - the most traditional shape/size is my preference.
Also keyboards! Does it not frustrate you sometimes?, if you prefer the most traditional one as I do - and many of them nowadays have made little critical changes willy nilly, expecting users to be OK with it. I'm a speed typist, so anything that doesn't fit the traditional protocol makes a big difference to me, as muscle memory is what it's all about. i.e. there needs to be a 6-button block with insert, home and page up. there needs to be just 3 buttons on the far bottom left ctrl, windows, and alt - and so on and so forth.

Oh the little things we get used to and dependent on, but Prabha I think your attachment to that mouse definitely wins the 'attachment' prize. I do get attached to keyboards, so maybe I can kind of relate to you a little bit.
For me, it is the spacing of keys on the keyboard that will irritate my muscle memory when touch-typing. Some of the smaller laptops are just impossible for me to use comfortably. Mouse size is important, but for me the one that matters most is key-top spacing on the keyboard.
I abhor the newest keyboard I acquired. There is a PC Power Off button on the top row, between one that apparently opens email and one that launches the calculator app.

Guess how many times I've picked up the key board and accidently powered down my laptop?
As soon as the shiny new wears off this pig, it's going into the rec
ycle bin.
I think converting to wireless is a no go.
I have seen wireless hubs that gamers use to connect wired mice/keyboards/joysticks.
Could get a male to female coupler or short cable. Plug in your bad end and wrap some electrical tape around it to stabilize then plug in new good end to computer.
Amazon has plenty of choices such as Coupler Cable
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I have 3 of these of longer length that I have no use for (don't even remember how I acquired them):D. If you're in the USA I could mail you one.
For me, it is the spacing of keys on the keyboard that will irritate my muscle memory when touch-typing. Some of the smaller laptops are just impossible for me to use comfortably. Mouse size is important, but for me the one that matters most is key-top spacing on the keyboard.
I agree, I have bought only laptops and no PCS for quite a few years now but I absolutely never use the laptop keyboard unless it's an emergency and I'm traveling which it never is. Laptop keyboards bring one's productivity to about 20% of what it normally would be.
Actually, might not cost so much to mail international. If you want it, let me know. You wouldn't have to pay me.
Discovered I actually have 4 of varying lengths and cable thickness, even one that branches.

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