Slang Helper (1 Viewer)

I eat Armadilas
and I eat road kill
but not armadila raod kill.
If they told her to haul ass, she'd have to make two trips
'lady with a big back side

By the time I'm finished with you the doctor ain't goin'a ask what happened, he's just goin' to ask how ya got loose.
'Can be used right before you start fighting

Tit in a wringer
'in a tuff spot

Hung up like two dogs
'something that's stuck

I'm so hungry I could eat the rear end out of a skunk
'pretty hungry
As fine than Frog Hair!
Means: Doin' really good!

So good make you slap grandma!
Means: That was the best supper I ever had!
Saltier than boiled seawater (should be self explanitory)
cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey - See here
colder than a witches tit - See here
Thicker than molasses in winter - From when I lived in Yankee land, means so thick will not flow.
Legs that go up and make a butt out of themselves
'nice, long legs

So tight you couldn't pull a dollar bill down his ass crack.
'some one who holds on to their money.

If I tell ya a cow is 12 ft. tall you better look up.
'someone who's giving an example of how truthful they are

So hungry my stomach thinks my throats be cut
'someone who's hungry

That looked like two badgers havin' a fight in a gunny(sp?) sack.
'woman with big boobs

She had two puppies under her shirt! I saw their noses.
'woman on a cold day
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FoFa said:
colder than a witches tit

Farther into "Yankee Land" (three years in Upstate NH) this particular one has three levels,

Colder than a witch's tit...
Colder than a witch's tit in a brass brassiere...
Colder than a witch's tit in a brass brassiere in a broomstick power-dive...:eek:
Kawa "Cool or Fine "
Usage: I feeling kawa.:D

Brew Games "boiling,cooking"
Usage: My stomach is playing brew games.

To Ball "To Play Sex"
Usage: Lets go and Ball Now.;)
Whats Happyslapping?
Used by SJ
Looks like/acting like the south end of a north bound horse (there are many variants to this one, and should be self explanitory)
Would not touch that with a 10 foot pole - don't want to be any where close to whatever is being refered too, could include words even.
Looks like someone beat him/her with an ugly stick - not a pretty person.
If all your friends jumped off a bridge, would you? Something parents tell their kids when they did something (usually wrong) with a group of friends.
He can eat corn on the cob through a picket fence
'someone with gaps between their teeth

She has to run around in the shower to get wet
'really thin girl

All your taste is in your mouth
'usually what my mom said to me about the way I dress

Elevator goes to the top but the light don't work and the bell don't ding
'someone who's not playing with a full deck

Like two por·cu·pines making love, just glad to get it over with
'something your glad is over

Pay attention or I'm goin-a loose you like a ball in tall weeds
'when you want someone to really listen to what your saying
ShaneMan said:
Elevator goes to the top but the light don't work and the bell don't ding
'someone who's not playing with a full deck
A slang explaining a slang, two for the price of one!
Screw Loose - not playing with a full deck
Elevator (lift) stuck on stop - not playing with a full deck OR slow, not progressing
Obviously you have your mind made up, don't confuse you with the facts - Rich/Collin and upon occasion Kraj and JS :D
FoFa said:
Obviously you have your mind made up, don't confuse you with the facts - Rich/Collin and upon occasion Kraj and JS :D
How about

Couldn't see a barn door = the inability to copy a name correctly, presumably due to eyesight problems:p :rolleyes:

Couldn't hit the broad side of a barn - usually envolved with sports related things, like throwing/kicking a ball, shooting (in the US anyway) which pretty much means bad shot.
Can't see the forrest for the tree's - can't see the obvious
If it was a Snake it would have bit you - can't see the obvious (usually my wife says this to me when I am looking for something).
Dumb as a stump
'self explanatory

Dead as a door nail
'self explanatory

Fast as greased lightening
'self explanatory
FoFa said:
Can't see the forrest for the tree's - can't see the obvious
This is actually is derived from Shakespeare’s MacBeth.
We love him to death - we love him very much (a strange expression)

He tipped the bottle too much - had a severe alcohol problem.
My house is so small that when I turn to cuss the cat I get a mouthful of fur.
'discribing how small something is.
Don't get your undies in a bunch.
- Relax; don't get upset

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