Solid State Hard Drive

Are the Laptops hardwired or using WiFi?
Trying to think back to my biggest gripes about win 10 vs. win 7 (as Windows 7 was the best OS of all time of course!!) ... would be that I couldn't pin things to a single, simple initial (left-hand) vertical list in the start menu (which in Windows 7 allowed me to access, for example, Paint or Notepad by typing Windows key > down arrow > enter). The other would be the same as many other Microsoft products which have been unfortunately influenced by the Apple paradigm, and that is simply the overall lowering of the owner's ability to customize and reject certain things. There are a few ways to customize Windows updates in Windows 10, but it's paltry compared to previous OS versions of course. I find that repulsive, but Microsoft knows what's best for us.

That said, there are also benefits to simply using what everyone else uses (although I'm afraid that's also the main reason people have Windows 10, while the sellers will of course spin that as validation of its merit).
Throwing in a potential red herring from a recent experience.

I have two computers, an older tower and a newer laptop. I added an SSD to the laptop only for the OS.
I also run back up software (Carbonite) on the tower with daily backups from the laptop to the tower so that both are eventually backed up.

For a while I was getting really random slowdowns on one or both computers, but primarily the tower. Long story short, when the tower wasn't being used, it sometimes went into sleep mode (for lack of a better term). When it came back, Carbonite kicked in and did a whole disk scan checking for new or changed files, I guess. I was finally able to pin down that that activity correlated to the slowdowns on it and occasional corresponding network slowdowns that impacted the laptop as well.

The solution was once a day backups restricted to overnight hours on both.

I also think that Anti-virus applications can have similar symptoms. The fact that the hesitation seems to be occurring at the beginning of sessions seems to suggest that is possible. And as The-Doc_Man says, networks can be implicated.
You guys are wonderful for helping with my question, thank you!

I'll try to summarize our scenario respecting the points made in your above posts.
  • part of our family business sells/delivers cubic yard bags of soil/mulch/aggregates, hence the heavy spring demand, usually 3 months then trickles off til Nov.
  • all aspects of running this part of the business from Sales through Daily Routing/Scheduling to Client Delivery Notification are maintained in 1 BE/FE configuration using 2 laptops (both 2017 HP Notebook Pro), both for data entry (BE on one).
  • the above are networked via Ethernet cable with a 1 Gbps connection (I checked!) The networked pair are only really necessary for April-June, the rest of the year, it's a one-woman show.
  • Manual Backups to an external seagate HD are nightly in the busy time.
  • No real HW / SW support other than phone-a-friend,but definitely aim to resolve that. Very nervous/cautious of sharing HW because of the sensitive client payment info we have stored.
  • Will sadly do the upgrade to Windows 10 on the windows 7 unit. Didn't do it for the same reason I still happily use a blackberry as my personal phone.. I know.
  • Re Contingencies for any degree of HW/SW failure during crunch time. None.
  • Only real HP fails have been in battery availability, now less than 1 hour on a full charge. Since there's no reason for them to not be plugged in, should that really matter?
  • both laptops operate Access 2010 - should I be using microsoft Family 365 (haven't used it at all) or continue with 2010

So with your input I would think these are the main concerns.
  • upgrade 1 or both HD to SSD ??
  • operate windows 10 on both
  • maybe buy 1 new laptop to allow one of the other two 2017 to be backup in case of emergency
  • not sure what to do re Office / Access software, stay with office 2010, subscribe to 365 Family or purchase most recent vrs of individual standalone MS Access for each LT ?
  • Final point is I access the internet via tethered mobile data.
Thanks a mil for your help gentlemen.

I have found that if you leave a laptop plugged into the mains permanently, the battery suffers.
Remove the battery if possible or run it down until it needs the charge. I bought a new battery for mine and leave the duff battery in when plugged into the mains. Trouble is these days, laptops do not come with removable batteries.

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