Yes, there is, the Shows are a show, and events are "Events" that happen at those shows.
I think i know what you mean. Something like "The Melbourne Gardening Show" and it will have an event each year - hence your event table being basically dates.
That Tax Rate I would rather stay were it is, as I the tax rate may change per year
Are you now talking about the tax you do want? I'm not sure "stay where it is" means - it doesn't exist anywhere except your tblShowSales, as far as i can see, because you've already said the tblShowCosts is not the one you want.
So if you sell 100 of the same 'cowboy guns' at the same show in the same year, you have to put the taxrate in 100 times because the only place you are able to put it in is at the point of sale. However, if you were to put the taxrate in a table that depicts the actual show at the time you are there, it's 'set and forget' just once each show. As far as i can determine, this IS your tblEvent table - because it is the only one with date restrictions.
so if I had it in the tblEvents has a thing per show, then it wouldn't work.
Why not?
Though, I could put it in the tblEvents. That would work
Wait, didn't you just say it wouldn't work?
, but putting it there or in the tblShowCosts, nothing would change. Not really.
...wait, you said tblShowCosts tax was a different, unrelated tax? Also, when you say it will "change nothing" - what would it be changing from, how are you making these calculations at the moment? (tblShowCosts looks to me like you are recording your expenses for trading at these shows, rather than things to do with the sale items themselves or the show specifically).
Let me see that i understand your process. from what you've written this is what i gather:
You are selling items at these shows and the tax you are interested in is the tax percentage required to markup your goods at these events on top of their base price. This tax is dependent on the year/date of the show (aka "event") you are setting up your stall at.
You want the tax to be automatically calculated for you at sale time, so that you can quote a total cost to the customer. So, you need to connect your tblShowSales to an event first - but you haven't got that, you've connected your sales to a show, not an event (even though your field in tblShowSales is called "EventID", it's not really that). Once you connect to an event *that has a defined tax rate*, then you can get access to calculate it automatically for you in a query.
Because: i might go to the annual melbourne garden show every year, but my tax rate that is use is not dependent on the fact that it is the garden show, it is dependent on the year that i attend. 20 years ago, the tax at the garden show would have been a lot smaller than this year's garden show.
So your sale is not related the show - you are not going to a show - you are going to an event. [Edit - you seem to have your expenditure (tblShowCosts) associated with tblEvents, so it would seem logical to me that you should also have your Income (tblShowSales) associated with tblEvents also].
Unless i am not understanding what you mean by "event".