ColinEssex said:
Of course athiests are deemed stupid.
People that believe in a centuries old fairy tale with no factual evidence of its existance, and believe the manual for that is the word of a 'god' type person who has never been seen - these are the sane ones
Those that question the authenticity and refuse to accept heresay as evidence are stupid.
Its obvious isn't it?
I have for a long time questioned the Church, people's belief in God very much like you have an outline above Colin.
However the odd thing about the Bible, in particular the old testament "Genesis" chapter is how accurate it is. possibly with the exception of it all happening in seven days'!
So I still reserve my judgment, however as science discovers more and more about the universe, less and less of it makes sense. Many of the universal constants have a value that if it was even slightly deviated from, would mean there would be no universe as we know it, the chances of this happening for so many constants indicates some other mechanism, which may simply be that we are in one of several thousand iterations, of constant forming and re-forming of the universe, or it may be that some godlike entity set it all into motion.
Is there a God?
It is likely that within the next twenty years someone will have a computer or something similar embedded into their brain. Once this becomes accepted, then imagine a person in 100 years time.
It is now possible to read someone's thoughts with magnetic resonance scanners in such detail as to be able to tell when they are lying.
In one possible future the possibility exists that your intellect, your mind, could be recorded and stored or even operate from something similar to a hard drive. Imagine such stored human intellects conversing, conversing and computing things at unimaginable speeds, where would this lead in a thousand years time? In 10,000 years? Could not that intellect be considered equivalent to a God?
As time progresses, and now we are talking in millions, if not billions of years, how would this intellect develop? What would this intellect do when faced with the destruction of the universe, would it not create a new universe? Would it not then be God of that universe?
This is all very science fiction, however now I can see simple and logical steps in technology which I believe will lead to a superior intellect, whether this will lead to a God, whether a similar process has already happened and there is a God, I don't know.