This is "normal" within the context that there is never one cure-all. There is always some exemption. "Safety" is an illusion. Unfortunately the fear merchants will keep the Covid boggy-man alive; forever, if possible.![]()
Brooklyn woman gets COVID 3 weeks after Johnson & Johnson vaccine
She’s shot out of luck. A Brooklyn woman who managed to avoid catching COVID-19 throughout 2020 went down with the bug this month — three weeks after being vaccinated. Ashley Allen, 31, …
Reading that article was the biggest laugh I got yesterday, one of their funniest in a while.
Fauci is a joke and a disgrace - he should be sued for malpractice and removed for cause. Problem is, they will just find another clown to take his place.Rand Paul rips Fauci for not following the science.
Sen. Rand Paul Rips Anthony Fauci Over Conflicting Pandemic Advice
Sen. Rand Paul Rips Anthony Fauci Over Conflicting Pandemic
Second verse, same as the first. All this Sugar-Honey-Ice-Tea has turned me into a recluse because I cannot stand to be around all these sheeple.They push agendas, not science.
Hardly original sin, but it is a damn sad state of affairs...Fauci holds patents for the vaccine! Is there any industry that greed won't totally corrupt?
No because he would then have to go back to his boring life that isn't in front of the television screens 24/7. Fuaci is a Rockstar of the left and other TV doctorsDr. Fuaci refuses to give any definitive answer on when society can return to normal pre-pandemic life. Understandable from a medical doctor who wants to be cautious, but a certain point caution becomes excessive and counterproductive. You can't eliminate risk, so you must proceed.