The Covid cure has arrived!

The more effort given to remove his name from conversations the more real it is, I guess
Yes, Operation Chaos.

In a list of interview highlights released before the special, Holt asked Bourla, “Even though I’ve had the protection, am I still able to transmit it to other people?”

“I think this is something that needs to be examined. We are not certain about that right now with what we know,” Bourla responded.
I look at vaccines as kind of the exact opposite inverse of the mask ("My mask protects you, and your mask protects me")

With the v, my vaccine protects me. Period. That's the only goal that I think you can really get anywhere with. People who don't want it - well, that's their decision. Let them have it.
Just don't forget to carry your vaccine certification when you leave your house :D
People who don't want it - well, that's their decision. Let them have it.
I agree with you. That is my feeling too. Although I would change that to don't let them have it!

I'm not sure how ill I will feel when taking the vaccine, because there is some talk that it can give unpleasant symptoms as your body kicks in its defence. But I am not sure how common or rare that is. Anyone know?
Yeah. I think its a mild first dose and a stronger second dose. Takes about 11 days after first dose before immunity kicks in.
With the v, my vaccine protects me. Period.

Well, you having the vaccine protects others that may have been infected by you if you got the virus. So it protects you directly, others indirectly. I agree with it being a personal decision though.
I agree with you. That is my feeling too. Although I would change that to don't let them have it!

I'm not sure how ill I will feel when taking the vaccine, because there is some talk that it can give unpleasant symptoms as your body kicks in its defence. But I am not sure how common or rare that is. Anyone know?
I've read that it definitely is likely to cause some unpleasantness in the next 24 hrs or so. But nothing that approaches damage or risk to life or livelihood, so to speak. Like the real thing can.

Well, you having the vaccine protects others that may have been infected by you if you got the virus. So it protects you directly, others indirectly. I agree with it being a personal decision though.
Of course I do know what you mean....I am just thinking, there are so many people who don't want to get it, we might as well boil the whole thing down to the abstract: What is really 'bad' about this virus? It hurts or kills people. But what is bad about that? Only if they don't want that to happen to them. Ultimately the badness of the virus--and consequently, the goodness of the vaccine--is only "good" from each person's perspective, what it can do for them. True, my vaccine might prevent Uncle Joe from getting the virus.............But, since Uncle Joe has something available to him that would probably protect him, bar none--and he refuses to get it, and in order to make people not feel forced to get it, we might as well boil it all down to: If only 60% of people want it, that's fine with me. The 40% who were totally OK risking getting COVID, it's hard to feel sympathy for so my goal becomes--as long as each person who wants it gets it Fauci might as well be happy :)
So your thinking You will have a choice? 🤣 if you want to fly, enter a government building or school you will need proof of vaccination. Which begs the question is your documents real or forged.
The 40% who don't want the vaccine can get their immunity by catching Covid-19 instead. We all have a choice!
Today, on Fox News there was the never ending circular discussion concerning "policy" and "science" for how best to minimize spreading/catching Covid-19. Dr. Saphire was a participant. She blurted-out (paraphrased): "Look!!!!! I can find a "scientific study" to support whatever narrative you are hyping".

Further blurring the discussion of what the "appropriate" strategy would be is the fact that many of our political leaders don't even follow the advice (legal mandates) they are dispensing on their citizens.
Dr. Saphire was a participant. She blurted-out (paraphrased): "Look!!!!! I can find a "scientific study" to support whatever narrative you are hyping".

There is an old saying among scientists that you can take all of the experts in a given field and lay them end to end - but you still won't reach a consensus.
So your thinking You will have a choice? 🤣 if you want to fly, enter a government building or school you will need proof of vaccination. Which begs the question is your documents real or forged.
I hope that does not become the case. The proof, I mean.

Many people get vaccine > Cases go way down > Nobody is then forced to
Well if you ever want to take that mask off you'll need so kind of proof. And just because you have had covid-19 in the past doesn't mean you are off the hook. Apparently you can get it again.

Not to worry I'm sure some bureaucratic government agency like the DMV or the Post Office will be assigned to handle the vaccine certs. ;)

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