The Covid cure has arrived! (4 Viewers)

USA advised that the Wuhan USA funded experiments were like looking for a gas leak with with a lighted Match!!!

See here time index 41:00

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I've heard so many contradicting things I've been unsure what to believe. I read the letter from NIH to Congress from 10/20/2021 and it claims that the genetic material they were studying was genetically distant from covid 19 and couldn't have been the source of it. But they do seem to have been studying some type of gain of function.

I DO know that studying the origins of covid 19 definitely should be a huge priority - what kind of idiots would the world be to go through all of this misery and ignore the question of where it came from, or mostly ignore it, so that it can all happen again ?!!
And to think it's mostly the Republicans that are prioritizing such a question.

Why would Democrats not want to know? Isn't this the most obvious priority after such a thing happens, to prevent repeating??

And people wonder why Republicans vote Republican. They're the only ones left with [un]common sense.
And people wonder why Republicans vote Republican.
I wonder that too. Especially after looking at the last night's senate race, the whole state is red except for a few pockets of blue yet the outcome is predictable. When you run questionable candidates coupled with large population centers the outcome is not hard to predict.

The republicans in many ways have not evolved enough to compete in this arena.
I wonder that too. Especially after looking at the last night's senate race, the whole state is red except for a few pockets of blue yet the outcome is predictable. When you run questionable candidates coupled with large population centers the outcome is not hard to predict.

The republicans in many ways have not evolved enough to compete in this arena.

The answer to that is simple. Too many people are still holding on to Trump, and he is dragging us down.
Herschel Walker's candidacy exists because of Trump. If there had never been Trump, Hershel wouldn't be our candidate, and we might have won.

When will everyone get the point - LEAVE TRUMP BEHIND so we can start winning something already.
The problem lies with the Republicans themselves. Way too many of them just call themselves Republicans but vote with the Democrats. On any important issue, the Democrats do not break ranks. The Republicans can't even form ranks or they would have cleaned up the voting issues in Georgia two years ago. I knew this was coming, why didn't you? If the seat is important to the Democrats, they will win it. We don't need to discuss why. We need to discuss why the Republicans stand for it.

It makes no difference whatsoever which "Republican" runs for President in 2024. That person is doomed to lose with the possible exception of Trump. I don't think DeSantis should run in 2024. But if he does, the Democrats will destroy him. It will be harder with Twitter out of play but that's assuming that the Democrats don't manage to take down Musk in the interim.
The answer might be to support moderate democrats and try and slow the inevitable wave of leftwing ideology.
In my state, you can only vote in the primary of the party for which you are registered. So, registering as an "independent" just says, I'm not going to vote which is pretty stupid if you ask me. In the general election, I will almost always vote for the Republican unless I have a specific reason not to. HOWEVER, I am a registered Democrat. That gives me the option of voting for a moderate Democrat in the primary but still deciding to vote for the Republican if necessary in the general.
Hmm, I'm surprised at you Pat. You really believe Trump could win in 2024, and you believe DeSantis couldn't?
Do you only believe DeSantis couldn't because of Trump siphoning votes as an independent (I see that possibility).

I feel strongly that Trump couldn't win anything ever again, and shouldn't run - and DeSantis could definitely win, if Trump wasn't an option so he'd get all conservative votes and he is a pretty persuasive speaker - I believe he could get independents too
See I think this thread proves my point.
You think Trump has a good shot. I think Trump has an awful chance.

Thus you will support Trump, and I will support DeSantis et al.
I believe roughly 2/3 of republicans will not support trump, and 1/3 still do.

Divided, we lose. :(
DeSantis has a worse chance of winning than Trump because he can't prove the Dems cheated him in 2020. By the time 2024 comes around, unless the Dems crush Twitter, much of what went on will be public. The evidence is quite damning. Doesn't mean anyone gets prosecuted. For that to happen, the DOJ would have to get out of the sewer. Both Trump and DeSantis are dangerous to the left. Trump more so because he knows clearly how they controlled the FBI and DOJ even while he was president and will go in intending to tear them down. DeSantis has time. You really don't want to waste him on this fight. Let Trump take one for the team and give DeSantis something to work with. Trump is Trump. There is nothing different about him now than there was in 2015 except that he is no longer naive and is quite pissed.

Plus, if DeSantis runs and loses to Trump in the primary, he doesn't stand a chance in 2028. I was hoping Trump would step aside since there is no way we can turn back the clock but he didn't. Doesn't mean he won't change his mind. Best thing for the Dems is to give up the ghost and let the cheating surface. Trump gets reinstated and can't do a thing in the two years left but it will keep him from running in 2024. The Dems can blame it all on Biden or his son and throw a few people to the wolves. No one important would ever even be prosecuted, let alone do time.

But unless the Republicans get off their kiesters and fix the voting problem, you won't be seeing a Republican president any time soon, especially any one that the Dems consider dangerous. Mitt Romney or Jeb Bush could get elected but not Trump or DeSantis.

Thus you will support Trump, and I will support DeSantis et al.
So, if Trump wins the primary, you wouldn't support him? The problem is that if he runs and somehow loses to DeSantis, DeSantis will be damaged goods and any Dem could beat him, especially one who isn't insane or senile. Maybe we'll see a Harris-Abrams ticket:) Even they will beat any Republican if the election is run as 2020 was run. You really don't want DeSantis to take on Trump. You really want the bull in the china shop to fight this fight. The Republicans have a year to do something about voting. If they don't, this whole discussion is moot. No Republican is winning in 2024.
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Based on this extension, we can also expect the repayment of student loans to extended indefinitely.

In reading other comments, I was reminded of the movie "Wag the Dog". The Biden administration can be expected to either generate new crises and/or extend claimed crises as a means to continuing or imposing new oppressive government restrictions.
We REALLY need DeSantis to remain as Governor of Florida so he can lead the way for other Republican Governors to show them what they have the power to do to get things back on track, ESPECIALLY what our children are being taught. the President can't dictate stuff like that but a Governor can. Trump is great at being the bull in the china shop. Let him take on the FBI and DOJ and Congress. Now, all we need is for other Governors to take up the fight now that DeSantis is leading the charge. Think about it. If DeSantis gives other Governors the gumption to fix the state run schools, at least we'll all have some institute of "higher" learning where we can send our children who haven't been educated by our k-12 schools:(
We REALLY need DeSantis to remain as Governor of Florida so he can lead the way for other Republican Governors to show them what they have the power to do to get things back on track, ESPECIALLY what our children are being taught. the President can't dictate stuff like that but a Governor can. Trump is great at being the bull in the china shop. Let him take on the FBI and DOJ and Congress. Now, all we need is for other Governors to take up the fight now that DeSantis is leading the charge. Think about it. If DeSantis gives other Governors the gumption to fix the state run schools, at least we'll all have some institute of "higher" learning where we can send our children who haven't been educated by our k-12 schools:(

So when I read this kind of thing, I feel a lot of agreement in the theory of it. It all makes sense, but ...
I just think the "Trump wars" have gotten too high of a temperature (it pains me to use that dumb liberal term, sorry) and carry elevated risk compared to a new face, new voice.

While I consider the degradation of the USA (by which I loosely refer to citizens' attitudes on things like Fairness, Merit, Work, Role of Government,
Parents Rights, Rights of Accused, Free Speech, Censorship, and am only 10% thinking of the classical connotations of the term degradation), to be of almost supreme importance, I do wish to draw a line prior to people pulling triggers on real guns, someone becoming President who slyly changes enough rules to become a dictator-like party, civil war, larger-than-ever-seen Rioting, etc.

No matter how ill-advised, incorrect, misled, irrationally biased, TDS-infected 'that' 50% of the country's opinion IS, it still IS.
We very likely do not have the resources and time to correct it all. As much as we would love a magic button that, once pressed, instantly un-did every misleading news article, every out of context quote and story, and every falsehood.......resulting in each citizen's brain magically taking that into account and re-calibrating their view of Trump, there is no chance anything remotely like that will ever happen IMO. We are too busy slinging sandbags by the dike in order to hold back the flood....Too busy to do anything but that, for some time.

What I am saying is there are too many millions of US citizens who literally feel Trump getting re-elected would be akin to their life being threatened. The types of things that would be done by lobby groups, tech companies, I.T. hosting services, attorneys general, prosecutors, etc., in order to prevent his reelection are in the category of stuff people will do if they feel their very life is threatened - things we have never seen before, things there is no going back from, things we need to avoid.

I believe Trump, no matter how unfairly, is too explosive. His reelection (or the prospect thereof) would trigger adversarial tactics the like of which we have never seen before and do not wish to ever see and may be worse than 8 years of Biden.

I wish we could go back in time and correct the situation, but I think the best we can do is put forward a winnable candidate who they don't feel justified in treating like Satan himself.

I agree we need DeSantis in Florida very bad, but someone great may step into his role.
Or someone great may run for Prez in 2024.
I really don't mind which one.

IMO Mike Pompeo would be a great president.
Breaking news from the Babylon Bee.😲😲

Ironically, there is a significant degree of truth to this article. The US government did fund the research (at least in part). I have already heard sarcastic allegations that a new Covid strain will magically appear as the next election approaches. The prior Covid pandemic was a blessing for the Democrats; so they may well repeat their very successful Covid strategy (as one approach) to win the 2024 election.
With another devastating wave of COVID-19 scheduled to arrive just in time for the upcoming election year, President Joe Biden has urgently asked the U.S. government to provide funding for a new vaccine for the virus the U.S. government funded.

"Here's the deal, folks," Biden mumbled, "A government-caused problem deserves a government-caused solution. ...
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If you have a cold, or what is referred to as the common cold you will test positive for Covid.
Since 2020 the common cold has totally disappeared and flue is becoming a rarity. In 2020-2021 there were so few cases of flue because of the craze for Covid that you'd think it had dissapeared.

The most startling result of Corona Virus was that by March 2020 every country had draconian legislation in place for total and absolute control. It also became standard practice to sack doctors or health workers who asked questions and didn't sing from the government's song book. Maybe still is happening to this day. An diktat with the same level of stupidity as the army shooting deserters over 100 years ago in WWI. I could never understand and still cannot understand how an unvaccinated person was a threat to someone vaccinated. If anyone was at risk it would surely be the unvaccinated or the unprotected?

The Covid fiasco gave power to the elbow and training to the woke, trans, stop-oil and other puritanical type control fanatics.
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resulting in each citizen's brain magically taking that into account and re-calibrating their view of Trump, there is no chance anything remotely like that will ever happen IMO.
These indictments for bogus "crimes" are sure doing the trick.
I could never understand and still cannot understand how an unvaccinated person was a threat to someone vaccinated.
They are not. This perception is pushed by the the media and the government as a way of coercing people into taking the vaccine. A friend ran into an acquaintance in a store recently. Somehow the conversation got around to COVID. My friend isn't vaccinated and everyone in our circle knows it; for a medical reason rather than an ideological one. The acquaintance is totally up to date with her boosters and has had COVID twice. The conversation devolved rapidly and the acquaintance said "WE protected you". A good answer to that statement would be "thank you for taking the vaccine and catching COVID so I wouldn't have to"
Is that British Standard 24.7 with the BS kitemark?

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