The End of Free Speech

They should be forced to inform people that THEY manipulate what everyone sees. Technical people have a basic understanding that this is what happens and I've tried to explain it to non-technical people (most of the world) but they don't want to hear what I'm telling them because they would have to admit that they were duped. No one wants to feel they were duped. So, the confession needs to be prominent and frequent. Maybe, the first search you do each week comes with a disclosure that reminds you that they are hiding some content and promoting other content. Then how they actually do the manipulation should be described at a high level on their website. The part about how they decide what to promote and demote is very important because THEY are deciding what is truth and what is not and who said they could do that?

Breaking these companies up doesn't solve any problem. It just creates stronger bifurcation of political opinion. That will absolutely lead to a civil war.

A better solution would have to be allowing people to consciously create their own filters. At least then they know that it is themself who is choosing to not see alternative views. And maybe some things shouldn't be filterable, meaning they show up in your feed no matter what. You don't ever have to read them but you will still see the headlines.

Media is always biased to some degree. It starts with individual editors deciding what is and what is not "news".

One big problem we have today is that "reporters" have gotten the idea that we actually care about their opinion. If I want someone's opinion, I will move to the Opinion Page or turn on a talking head. When I read news, I want to know Who, What, Where, and When. Later on we may be interested in why and how but we NEVER care what the author thinks about the event or the participants.

A more insidious problem is that the "reporter", when showing his bias, will omit certain facts of the case if they don't support the opinion he wants you to have. You can overcome this to some degree if you read the same story on different media sites. When Trump was President, I always listened to his official speeches. Then I turned to Rachael Maddow for opinion. I was always positive that we hadn't been listening to the same speech because instead of reporting what the President actually said, she would report what he "really meant". Apparently, Trump speaks in a code known only to Maddow and she translated for us.
Evidently AOC has once again inflamed the discussion concerning free-speech by advocating that so-called "disinformation" be suppressed (censored). Very Orwellian.

The Democrats have already attempted to impose a "Ministry of Truth" twice. Should Harris win the presidential election, we can expect the creation of a new more aggressive "Ministry of Truth".

As an extension of this theme, AOC once remarked that the US Constitution was an impediment to implementing the Democratic party agenda. The implication, the US Constitution can simply be ignored by the Democrats.

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It will be interesting if they suppress the obvious name for it, named in the 1984 book "Ministry of Truth" ...

They will have to suppress this name because it points to the book and the book, 1984 reads like a description of what their government will look like in a few years time....

If they can undermine the free speech law written in your constitution, then I suspect there will be no stopping them...

I asked Chatty for a summary of 1984 and to indicate if any of it mirrored the way that the democrat party is going....

Chatty said:-

1984 by George Orwell is a dystopian novel set in a totalitarian regime led by the Party and its figurehead, Big Brother. The government exercises absolute control over every aspect of life, including thought, through constant surveillance, censorship, and propaganda. Individualism and independent thought are persecuted as "thoughtcrimes," and historical records are constantly altered to fit the Party's current narrative. The protagonist, Winston Smith, works for the Party but secretly despises its oppression. He attempts to rebel but is eventually brainwashed and forced to conform.

Similarities to Current Political Concerns:

Some critics draw parallels between the 1984 government and certain political trends within the modern Democratic Party, particularly concerns about:

Censorship and Cancel Culture: There are claims that the left has become overly zealous in controlling speech, shutting down opinions that don't align with their values, sometimes compared to Orwell's Newspeak—a language designed to limit thought.

Surveillance: Increased use of technology for surveillance and data collection by governments and corporations raises concerns about privacy, similar to the omnipresent surveillance in 1984.

Rewriting History: Efforts to reinterpret or remove historical monuments and texts have been criticized as rewriting history, mirroring Orwell's "memory hole" where inconvenient facts are erased or altered.

Government Overreach: Critics argue that certain progressive policies represent government overreach into personal lives, akin to the intrusive state control in 1984.

These points are, of course, subject to political interpretation, but they form the basis of concern among those wary of growing centralization and control in modern politics.
I watched the video below and I could see practically everything in the video is true.

Then I realised what the goal is, it's to enslave the whole population....

A slave has minimal rights, taking away free speech is the same as taking away your rights....

So they create schools that don't teach, not even the basics... In other words that's a basic requirement of a slave...

They get a large proportion of the population addicted to illegal drugs and feed them more drugs for free!

They get another large proportion on the population addicted to very addictive sedatives...

They bring in loads of illegal immigrants who are beholden to them, the illegals guarantee the voting will go their way.

After the election they steer the illegal immigrants into a mercenary force that they can deploy into resistant areas of the country....

I had practically given up on the idea of trump winning, but I know that several democrat members have moved over to the republican side... I am less apprehensive now that I think it's still going to be a close thing, and I think there is already evidence showing up of vote rigging...
They bring in loads of illegal immigrants who are beholden to them, the illegals guarantee the voting will go their way.
It's a bit deeper. The illegal immigrants will be a new underclass that will be dependent on federal welfare, which of course will guarantee that they will vote for those dispensing the freebies. The new underclass will also fundamentally change the culture of the US since they will not assimilate. They will bring their culture with them. That will fulfill the Democratic party (Orwellian) agenda of "the demographics are with us" which translates into "replacement theory". Finally, taking care of all the illegal immigrants will require "BIG" government. "Big" government, in the name of taking care of all these people will restrict personal freedoms and have a highly regulated society.

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