The memorable car you had

My first car was memorable in that it didn't explode - 1975 Ford Pinto. Do relatives count? My family owned a 19641/2 Mustang convertible in Robin's Egg Blue. Picture going to the cottage in that with two adults, three teenagers, and a dog and a cat!
Mine was a Renault 4, from 1972.
I bought it somewhere in May and went on a trip to France in the summer of 1972. Somewhere in the area of Arles, we left the car to take a long walk thru the mountains there. When we came back, they had removed the two wheels at the back and had it broken open and stolen the bag of the girl I was with.
We had to walk some 15 km to the nearest Police station for assistance, but they helped us out in every way they could, That strenghtened my faith in the french and french cars :D :rolleyes:

My first car was memorable in that it didn't explode - 1975 Ford Pinto. Do relatives count? My family owned a 19641/2 Mustang convertible in Robin's Egg Blue. Picture going to the cottage in that with two adults, three teenagers, and a dog and a cat!

-- I've been corrected - it was the 1967 Mustang. I've attached an image of the same car, but different colour.


  • 1967_Mustang.jpg
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Hi Ken long time no hear from, then he has a dig at my car :(

Glad to see you haven't abandoned the forum.


Cheer Brian - :)

Ah - I was just kiddin' 'bout the ride. Probably a collector item these days huh? I had a '64 Galaxy (SP?)
thought i might as well attach a pic of our beloved wagon
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Cheer Brian - :)

Ah - I was just kiddin' 'bout the ride. Probably a collector item these days huh? I had a '64 Galaxy (SP?)

I took no offence Ken, and your correct definitely would be a collectors item following the harry potter books. I did 75k in that car, took us to Yugo and back but then sold it.
Unlike Col and Rich i too would have a big car if I lived in the US, I enjoyed driving the Intrepid we hired back in 94, actually we didn't hire it but they gave us it for the rent of a compact after I had had a row with them, one thing about the Yanks is they understand customer relations.

Unlike Col and Rich i too would have a big car if I lived in the US,

Petrol is so bloody cheap there, thats why the yanks don't care. We pay $8 a gallon here compared to their $2.50ish, so they blissfully run round in their V8's with no care for anything.
They need to get into the real world instead of their isolated fantasy world.:rolleyes:

Perhaps I'm not taken in by simplistic arguments.


It's a very simple fact Brian, all the evidence suggests that unless the whole world acts together our offspring are in the Sh*#.
The fact remains that the American love of the gas guzzler is a major contributing factor to carbon emissions, we in Europe are making very large changes in our way of life to try and reduce our emissions. Under Bush far from making any attempt at reduction, guess what. Perhaps you can tell us what complicates it:confused:
please dont lump everyone on this side of the pond in the same boat. we got out of the v8 cars a long time back, and had the rambler wagon for our family because it seats 2 in front 3 in the middle and 3 in the back just like a minivan. now i have a wee toyota for my work commute. for putzing around we have a couple of wee morotbikes - 49cc.
none of our vehicles are humongo oldsmobuick fleetwoods.
please dont lump everyone on this side of the pond in the same boat. we got out of the v8 cars a long time back, and had the rambler wagon for our family because it seats 2 in front 3 in the middle and 3 in the back just like a minivan. now i have a wee toyota for my work commute. for putzing around we have a couple of wee morotbikes - 49cc.
none of our vehicles are humongo oldsmobuick fleetwoods.

I've never lumped Americans and Canadians together:eek:
another nice thread about our memories that gets turned into a bash the USA thread. thanks guys
I think the Americans idea of a small car is something in the region of a Cadillac or something the size of the average bedroom, so it needs one days output from Saudi to fill it up for about $10 - whereas in the real world that is totally unacceptable.

another nice thread about our memories that gets turned into a bash the USA thread. thanks guys

Memories? whats memorable about some old wreck of a car. My mini always was breaking down in the rain, I hated it.

Which is kinda strange because they've been told to behave like Canadians when going overseas:D

Now why was it again the US state department told US tourists to say they are Canadian when overseas, and not to act like typical US tourists? - the loud Hawaiian shirt, loud voice, expecting everyone to listen to their ramblings on how great the USA is etc - imagine an American tourist trying to be discreet. . . . . . . . :)

We heard from Rich and Col about the environmental issues regarding American's use of bigger cars (in the past?). Enough said about it.

Now, let us hear about the memories from our friends. Europe has produced many memorable automobiles like Rolls Royce, Aston Martin, Morris Oxford, Sunbeam, Hillman, Fiat, Mercedes, BMW, Bugati, Ferrari, Lotus etc.

Love to hear from the owners.

It is ok to enjoy life and have good memories regardless of political, social and economic ramifications.

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