The memorable car you had

Its a shame more Americans don't either.

Amen to that - :)

Its 11pm here. I'm off now. Catch you tomorrow - have a nice evening, don't take it all to heart:) Its all a bit of fun to liven things up a bit (as you bloody well know!!)


Yeah, I'm just dishing it back as well, just kidding with you :) Have a good evening :)
I have to go cut grass - :mad: :mad:
Just watching the BBC news that our hostages have been released from Iran.

Good news - thanks to the USA for keeping out of it or we'd be at war now:rolleyes:

That 57 Chevrolet is a beautiful car. A well restored 57 Chevy will get above $100,000. I am used to watching Barret-Jackson auction on Speed channel. I believe the Impala model came in 58 and the Chevy SS (super sport) came in 59. I do have toy models (1/18) of these cars. They are great.

By the way, the best selling car in USA today is the Toyota Camry. It comes in 4 cyl or 6 cyl. The gas mileage of all cars have improved oner the last 30 years. Gas mileage has become an important factor today in the car buying decision.
Gas mileage has become an important factor today in the car buying decision.

why's that? because it's so "expensive" at nearly $3? try paying $8 a gallon:rolleyes:

It can't be because of emissions and the like because the USA doesn't regard global warming as a problem.

why's that? because it's so "expensive" at nearly $3? try paying $8 a gallon:rolleyes:....


That's because your government screws you over with excessive taxes to discourage driving and causes some of it's citizens to have to drive broken down second hand motor scooters to work in the winter time - :rolleyes:
Just watching the BBC news that our hostages have been released from Iran.

Good news - thanks to the USA for keeping out of it or we'd be at war now:rolleyes:


I thought you guys were supposed be good with all that nautical stuff, how'd you screw up and end up in some one else's waters? And tell the girl that smoking is bad for her health and makes her country look bad when she does it on international tv...:rolleyes:
What pisses me off most is that Rich and Col say that they are not american bashing when they so obviously are, they spoil every thread with their so called education. Col's never even been to america tho' Rich says that he has met many, were they all as thick as 2 short planks?

Sure in my trips over there I have come across some insular people, but then were haven't I? Mostly I find them welcoming, friendly, generous, and curious about others.

Thanks, Brian :)

I was beginning to think all Brits were just like those two...:eek:
That's because your government screws you over with excessive taxes to discourage driving and causes some of it's citizens to have to drive broken down second hand motor scooters to work in the winter time - :rolleyes:

Being an American, you'll find it hard to understand that a motor bike is more eco-friendly than the Hummer things you lot drive.

When your president doesn't take back-handers from multi national industries to ignore pollution, maybe the USA will catch on to the fact that the polar ice cap will soon be small enough to fit in a gin and tonic:rolleyes:

Col first car...1986 Pontiac Fiero 2M6, 4spd, mid-mount, all black. Loved that car:D

Couldn't find any on-line pictures of it's final disposition. Did a Chevy V8 conversion and applied the Testarossa side fairings.:eek:

...sadly, it lost a battle with a telephone pole:o
That's odd, there are only 2 that I know of - ;)

I doubt you venture very far from the homeland - thats why the Americans have not much of an idea what goes on in the real world.

I suppose you're 'qualified' in geology as well

One doesn't need qualifications to see what damage the world (especially America, the worlds biggest polluter) is doing to the planet

I doubt you venture very far from the homeland - thats why the Americans have not much of an idea what goes on in the real world.

Another of your brain dead backward assertions seeing as you have never been to America - Come on Collie-babe bring some new material to the table... I'm losing interest in your hypocritical babble again. :p
I'm losing interest in your hypocritical babble again. :p

don't read it then if the truth hurts too much - use the ignore button like other US members who bury their head in the sand.

Trust me - It's not just the US members :)
Sorry Rich... I'm kinda losing interest and I'm sure most everyone else is bored with it as well. Have a good day :)

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