The Religion of Atheism

So why can't I get the atheists to answer a simple question.

To all atheists:

Do you agree with the Big Bang theory. If not, what theory do you support.

I'm not an atheist, but if I was, I think my answer would be (and is anyway):

Not sure, but the Big Bang looks like a strong contender.

Are you expecting everyone to have a really strong conviction on the topic?

To say God created the universe leave one big unanswered question. "Where did God come from?" Any being capable of creating something as complex as the universe must be at least as complex. So if you are saying that a complex God can come from nothing why not a complex universe?
Now there are variants of the Big Bang theory which suggest that the univers doesnot expand for ever but oscillates between its maximum size and th small volume which causes the big bang. So this may have happened many times - we just don't know. Any evidence has been destroyed by the big bang.

Big Bounce

Since you like throwing out challenges answer this "How do you know that the entire universe was not created an hour ago including all the so called historical evidence and memories."

That is not only possible but quite likely.

As you know God made the universe so it would look billions of years old, hence your question.

My feeling is that all is remade instantly.

God has no time limits

To say God created the universe leave one big unanswered question. "Where did God come from?" Any being capable of creating something as complex as the universe must be at least as complex. So if you are saying that a complex God can come from nothing why not a complex universe?

It's a never ending question though isn't it? If a god created the universe who created the god? If not, and it all came from a big bang, who created whatever banged? And once we solve the problem of who made who, then we have a new problem. Who made whoever or whatever made the universe... :eek:

I have no theory on this other than that my mind is not nearly complex enough to grasp the answers to these questions.

Oh Rats, Scott already asked this question on another thread!
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As I understand it, the Big Bang theory implies that there was no 'before' - that time, as well as space, originated at the Big Bang.

If that's correct, the question of causes might not even have an answer, since the notion of cause and effect requires a timeline.

This is not inconsistent with some interpretations of quantum mechanics - where events can be uncaused - they just 'happen' - and it's not that they happen for a reason that is hidden, because apparently it can't be formulated coherently with hidden causes.

Of course that could all be wrong, but it really isn't extraordinarily strange, considering the topic.
Not sure, but the Big Bang looks like a strong contender.

Are you expecting everyone to have a really strong conviction on the topic?

As you know I have started a thread on Big Bang.

I expect the atheists will avoid the question.
I think what you're perceiving as avoidance might actually just be lack of interest. Theists tend to have strong views (and a requirement for a sense of certainty) on the origin of the universe, where it's a necessary component of their theology.

Atheists can get by simply not caring.
I think what you're perceiving as avoidance might actually just be lack of interest. Theists tend to have strong views (and a requirement for a sense of certainty) on the origin of the universe, where it's a necessary component of their theology.

Atheists can get by simply not caring.

If you check back on threads atheists are very active. Usually it is the atheists who start threads:)
As you know I have started a thread on Big Bang.

I expect the atheists will avoid the question.
Perhaps this perceived avoidance is motivated by their feelings towards you. They may well be feeling "If we ignore him he will go away"
Perhaps this perceived avoidance is motivated by their feelings towards you. They may well be feeling "If we ignore him he will go away"

The Big Bang type thread has been done before by others on other sites and it is well known as one the atheist will avoid.
The Big Bang type thread has been done before by others on other sites and it is well known as one the atheist will avoid.
Just like I have ignored it :D Sorry if I don't conform to your stereotype of what an atheist should do.
The Big Bang type thread has been done before by others on other sites and it is well known as one the atheist will avoid.
Purely speaking for myself, I'm going to avoid it as I know extremely little about the subject. In the same way as when numerous threads veer off onto the subject of motorcycles: know nothing, care even less.
And just how do you propose to test pre Big Bang:D

By the way, I will ask the question again, do you agree with Big Bang theory or do you support an another theory.

My opinion on the Big Bang theory is irrelevant to the question of atheism. Atheism has to do with not believing the story that there is a god out there that created everything. It has nothing to do with my opinion of the merits of the big bang theory or any other theory.
My opinion on the Big Bang theory is irrelevant to the question of atheism. Atheism has to do with not believing the story that there is a god out there that created everything. It has nothing to do with my opinion of the merits of the big bang theory or any other theory.

There seems to be a lot of anger in your post.

I truly started this thread to demonstrate that fundamentalist behavior is prevalent in all human interaction.

Not, so I could “convert the infidels”, or to gather in lost sheep, but as a mirror to destructive behavior from all ideologies.

Whenever people defend a position, and they put defending that position ahead of the relationships that could be created, people suffer. We all use what is termed as “relationship drama” to garner energy (physiological for secular people, or spiritual; for theist) from others in the group.

In order for humans to grow (evolve) we must learn to overcome this propensity to “convert” our fellows.

Example is the only true path to achieving this.

Hopefully today will be a wondrous one.
Write a poem, paint a picture, or simply smile at a stranger, and the world will be made all the better.
My opinion on the Big Bang theory is irrelevant to the question of atheism. Atheism has to do with not believing the story that there is a god out there that created everything. It has nothing to do with my opinion of the merits of the big bang theory or any other theory.

I suspect you don't know.

If you do have an idea, let us know, what an more educated atheist like yourself thinks started it all off.

Its kind of important - well, to everything afterwards I would have thought.

I am here to learn, you are my rabbi.
What would be wrong with not knowing? Certainty is valuable in theism - valuable enough that it is sought independently of verifiable facts or truth, in some cases.

But I don't see any reason for theists to demand certainty of atheists - what if they don't really find the question of God's existence important or relevant enough to warrant the effort of answering? (for example).

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