Trump Administration Predictions (4 Viewers)

Ageist, makes sense.
The point of the ACA was to not have different rates for different groups of people. EVERYONE has coverage for pregnancy whether they can conceive or not. So, age should not be a factor. Income is a factor. The rates are scaled so the poor and unemployed pay little or nothing but if you have a job, be prepared to pay.
For your daughter perhaps but not for anyone with a job.
She is self employed, enjoying it, and doing very well, thank you.
Personally, I can't believe the amount of money women spend on their hair. Men too, for that matter.
The point of the ACA was to not have different rates for different groups of people. EVERYONE has coverage for pregnancy whether they can conceive or not. So, age should not be a factor. Income is a factor. The rates are scaled so the poor and unemployed pay little or nothing but if you have a job, be prepared to pay.
Everyone also has coverage for testicular cancer too, whether or not they have balls.
That's the point I was making when I said it involves assets, the kid across the street from me has none.
There are many factors that are considered by underwriters. Income is only one factor. Younger people tend to be healthier and use less health care than the elderly. Don't forget all assets are not always tied to the person. A trust fund stands alone. It is not necessarily an asset even though they may be beneficiaries.
I tried to look to see what the plans were but you can't do that without providing personal details and contact information and getting a call back. Useless website.
Underwriters? The people who are pay higher premiums are subsidizing the people who don't. It's a shell game.
That's the whole point of insurance. You are buying something you don't actually want to use and they are selling something they don't actually want to provide. Strange relationship. Underwriters get paid the big bucks due to their ability to calculate risk. The price has to be high enough so they don't go broke if they have to actually pay a claim but low enough so you will take a risk and buy the insurance. When a major event happens like a flood or fire, the insurance companies loose money in that area. That is why part of the calculation of risk is how to spread it out. It would be foolish to only sell fire insurance in the California hill country. You also have to sell it in the swamps of Louisiana and never too much in any one neighborhood. Doesn't matter if 100 homeowners in Pacific Palisades want to buy your policy. You decide to not sell more than 20 due to the high risk of fire in the area. You minimize your exposure and still take advantage of the very high prices you charge for fire insurance. Then you also buy reinsurance to cover some of your loss in a catastrophe.
Back in the early 70's while working with an insurance company, my boss and I were on our way to meet with a user. The layout of all the floors in the tower building was about 5 desks deep, back to the windows. Central core had conference rooms and all utilities. As we were walking down the aisle, I noticed a large block of men followed by another of women so I said in joking, "I guess they segregate the sexes in that department." Without missing a beat, the boss said, "those are underwriters and the others are underwriter assistants" and did a double take. Being ever the joker, I followed up with "so you need a sex change to get promoted?" The next day the groups were shuffled. That was life for women in the 70's. Always second class.
That was life for women in the 70's. Always second class.
Ahhhh, good old days. Most women did what they are best at, being at home raising the children whilst men went out to work. Younger women did jobs suited to women - waitresses, office work, barmaids, shop work etc. Nowadays we have women doing traditionally men's work like train driving, bus driving etc.
That's all very well but employers need to factor in the additional anomalies that women present, like 'time of the month' problems or menopause, and worst of all you spend hours training them and then they get themselves pregnant which presents them with a ready excuse to take days off. Those working with kids of school age just take days off if the kid gets a snivel and sod the effect that has for the employer, women never think of that.
If women did what they are here for instead of fobbing the kids off on anyone who offers maybe there might be some order in society.

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