Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) Spreading

Biden already "invented" a plagiarized rendition of "MAGA" --> "Build Back Better"

Accidentally ran across this: Surprise! Biden's new slogan is actually stolen

"Make America Great Again" (MAGA; /ˈmæ.ɡə/)[a] is a campaign slogan which is used in American politics and was popularized by Donald Trump in his successful 2016 presidential campaign. Ronald Reagan used the similar slogan "Let's Make America Great Again" in his successful 1980 presidential campaign. Bill Clinton also used the phrase in speeches during his successful 1992 presidential campaign and used it again in a radio commercial aired for his wife Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential primary campaign.
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Also, MAGA is the first four letters of the popular band Megadeath, if you pronounce it a bit weird and spell it differently.
Bill Clinton also used the phrase in speeches during his successful 1992 presidential campaign
I've seen Bill Clinton use that phrase in YouTube clips. Yet the Democrats claim it is a racist slogan. But obviously not if Bill says it, because "He's one of us, not like them lot." Oh the irony.
Your mentions of Bill, that reminded me of back in the days in American politics when it was popular and common to campaign on the basis of values - i.e., Moral Values, Family Values. It now seems like a distant memory, unfortunately.

And before anyone says it had no value because people are/were hypocrites, I soundly reject that kind of reasoning.
It is completely legitimate and valuable to espouse, promote, believe in, strive for that which you are not yet personally attaining in full.
If the hypocrisy argument were waterproof, nobody would ever embark on self improvement programs.
Also breaking yesterday Bill Clinton was confirmed to be on Epstein's Island.
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  • Wow
Reactions: Jon
Greg Gutfeld video: Does Joe Biden brace an 'America first' agenda?
  • The video actually contains three themes. In the first two minutes, Gregg takes swipes at Obama and B. Clinton.
  • The second theme, the title of this video, involves Biden's denunciation of Trumps "America First" policy. Now, Biden is plagiarizing "America First" as his policy. Once again we see a person run under certain campaign promises, but once they have won they change their platform. Biden played the gullible public with "bait and switch". The media, consumed with their TDS, don't condemn Biden for this travesty.
  • The final theme concerns election fraud. Greg and the other panel members do an excellent job of comparing Democrat and media narratives of the Russia Hoax, Mueller Witch Hunt, and the unjustified impeachment with Republican attempts to verify the election results. As a quickie summary Democrats stated in their (unjustified) attacks on Trump (before the election) that witnesses should be automatically believed, now (after the election) Democrats claim that the witnesses should not be considered credible since voter fraud does not exist.
I believe she was not the only witness. I believe they have over 1,000 affidavits.
Credible witnesses?
So???? You found one isolated video that may or may not prove anything. That doesn't disprove the existence of voter fraud.

Since posting edit: The complicit media was hyperventilating selling Christine Balsey Ford in big bold headlines with extensive "supporting" articles saying that she was a credible witness. In the end she was not credible and portions of the stories surrounding her implied that she was lying. The complicit media sold a false story to the gullible public.
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Credible witnesses?
I don't see anything about it that suggests she may not be credible, it's just a very hostile exchange. The fact that her speech/voice brings back Palin memories is humorous, but has nothing to do with fact or fiction

As for hostile exchanges, have you seen very many hearing videos? : )
She got a great saturday night live treatment.
If she were under oath she would have perjured herself. She said she had to delete her social media but it's still up.
She is an actress
She just got off probation for harrassing her boyfriends wife by sending videos of them having sex.

Ever discredit a witness? I have.

As for hostile exchanges, have you seen very many hearing videos? : )
I've lived through them many times.
And the takeaway is, she signed an affidavit and they didn't. No one would do that if there wasn't something very wrong that happened. Nice try though.
And after reading it, that makes it even more clear that is her sworn testimony. And again she is only one of many witnesses that have come forward. As a whole there are an awful lot witnesses to the crime of the century.
Ever discredit a witness? I have.
Unless of course you agree with the witness.

Hypocrisy reigns!

Notably she did not execute it under penalty of perjury.
Isn't that swearing the statement to be true is?
It's Michigan...probably just laid her hand on a Koran
OK, ok, bad joke, sorry...
It's Michigan...probably just laid her hand on a Koran
OK, ok, bad joke, sorry...

There is now a case in New Jersey where Islamic groups are asking for permission to use the Koran instead of the Bible. It almost certainly would be followed by other cases, but I believe a part of the problem is jurisdiction. States have the right to set standards for state courts so if no Federal judge steps in, you would need at least 50 such cases in the USA. (Can't forget Washington, D.C. as well as Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.)

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