Trump Not Happy, Declares to End Relations with Traditional American Allies. (1 Viewer)

The dems put him in office. Soon though, even the most obtuse conservatives will start to understand that their party has been reverse Robbin Hooding them all along.
Ahhhh, no. Not even close to what is going to happen. You cannot even see what's happening right now, how are you gonna predict tomorrow.
I am unshamedly in favor of the rich getting richer, even though I am not rich.
How can I possibly harbor such altruistic motives, you ask? Because I believe that fairness dictates everyone gets rewarded according to their work and smartness. When the rich have figured out how to get rich, I say let them get what they earn/deserve. This system motivates everyone to work hard.
Well, except welfare people , those who want to stay on welfare, at least. OR don't not want to badly enough to upskill and move up the ladder.

That's why the left has a hard time undertstanding conservatives. You assume that, because YOU vote on your own personal wallet, everyone else surely must too. Some people take a more transcendent view of the world. Guess what? We find out the rich are getting richer, IT DOESN'T BOTHER US. At all. We see that as the system working. Almost any poor person can do well if they make the smart decisions that are available to them to make. We vote in favor of that system even though we're not rich, not because it profits us personally, but because it's the right thing to do
I agree but I will add as long as they don't cheat their employees, their creditors, and take shortcuts with employees health and safety.
I agree but I will add as long as they don't cheat their employees, their creditors, and take shortcuts with employees health and safety.
In other words, ideally, they should have great moral character and priciples. You know someone has it by their actions, not by what they say or what color they are.
But again, those credit card companies employ hundreds of thousands of people so they provide us jobs and anyone is free not to use a credit card.

If people weren't okay with it then the market would create a new competitor with a lower interest rate
The market has Zelle for example.
To the first part. overall the ratio of jobs to profits at the top is very poor in the financial sector. Not only that but the financial system has infinite money. Moving from a Manufacturing country to a financial service country is one of the largest contributing factors in the decline of the middle class lifestyle, opportunity, and wellbeing.

Why do you suppose Republicans would rather Wall Street handle the collection of our money used to fund our medical system rather than the People?

That is a 3000 billion dollar a year question. If Trump really was interested in the American people he would be doing that instead of renaming International Waters, and slashing a few billion dollars from the Fed payrolls. Not to mention firing people that are directly in positions of national security, or safety over our airports.
I agree but I will add as long as they don't cheat their employees, their creditors, and take shortcuts with employees health and safety.
And don't rig the government to provide them with every possible advantage.
The "system" is supposed to protect the little people from being cheated. Instead, the cheaters buy off Congress and so Congress allows CC companies to charge 25% interest rates on card balances and $35 late fees regardless of the late amount. Isn't 25% interest enough? Yep, that's protecting the little guy.

The rich can get richer honestly but not on the backs of everyone else and with the help of Congress.
Too bad we don't have some kind of bureau that would protect consumers from financial institutions.

Who's money do you think the rich get richer on?
Moving from a Manufacturing country to a financial service country is one of the largest contributing factors in the decline of the middle class lifestyle, opportunity, and wellbeing.
If you make it difficult for manufacturing to occur in the U.S. with massive trade imbalance and other countries tariff your goods, naturally the work goes overseas to other countries. Pretty sure we need a level playing field. That's exactly the direction we are going in, now that we have a real leader in office. No more sleepy Joe and deep staters running the country into the ground.
The market has Zelle for example.
To the first part. overall the ratio of jobs to profits at the top is very poor in the financial sector. Not only that but the financial system has infinite money. Moving from a Manufacturing country to a financial service country is one of the largest contributing factors in the decline of the middle class lifestyle, opportunity, and wellbeing.

Why do you suppose Republicans would rather Wall Street handle the collection of our money used to fund our medical system rather than the People?

That is a 3000 billion dollar a year question. If Trump really was interested in the American people he would be doing that instead of renaming International Waters, and slashing a few billion dollars from the Fed payrolls. Not to mention firing people that are directly in positions of national security, or safety over our airports.

I guess I was thinking more of me personally, I have always worked for companies (while sometimes having a side consulting business, which reminded me how much a better deal it is for most of us to have normal jobs) which were usually gigantic companies the type that people usually love to hate (Wells Fargo, Chase) and I always hoped they did as good as possible so that there were plenty of employment roles, bonuses, etc. I'll take your word for it on the jobs to profits in the financial sector, but they do still provide jobs.

What do you mean about collection of money used to f und medical system ?
I stumbled across an interesting website -
I'm sure most of you will reject it out of hand but it falls in line with much of what @Thales750 has been saying.

It contains stories of people who have realized that they have fallen pray to the propaganda and how it had happened to them.

I've read a few of them and it oddly felt so familiar. Perhaps you will too.
I notice a Donate and an ebook for sale, which link doesn't work actually. I read bits and pieces from 4 stories so far, they seem like people who eventually got fed up on the basis of things they had already actually believed.

What is a MAGA thing that 1) is considered by others to be the CRAZIEST, and 2) you actually support/believe, or you're curious about

For me it would be Qanon's thing, I resisted it for a long time but after seeing time after time when Democrats are mixing children with sexuality, it's kinda hard to come to any other conclusion. Why are they obsessed with mixing kids and sex? Well I don't know, but is any further information really needed?? They are obsessed with mixing kids and sex - period.
Whether all of Qanon's specifics are or were ever correct, I've no idea, probably totally incorrect, but that's just the specifics.

The general idea appears to be true, and truer the longer we go
I just had a thought. The whole identifying as 'MAGA' is something I can barely even relate to, and certainly don't do myself or consider myself. I wonder if the people who are most swayed by any propoganda they hear (without verifying or further studying both sides or evidence and not wanting to listen to other POV's) - I wonder if those are also the people who specifically identify as MAGA. As if to say, this is the "side I'm on" and everything it stands for is true and right.

Then there are people like me who happen to agree with a lot of Maga, but definitely don't consider myself as that label - else I wouldn't feel free to reject whenever I think they're wrong.

The people on that website sound like hardcore MAGA's - people who identified as 'members' of the 'movement' rather than picking and choosing right vs. wrong for themselves. It's no wonder those are the people also leaving Maga, as anyone who has so blindly supported 100% of a movement probably ought to reconsider
We only need to analyze the last election to see the groups fleeing the democrat party, it's unprecedented.
Let's be honest for once. I don't give a hoot about MAGA. What I really want is MMFR.

Make Me Filthy Rich

But... so far I've only managed 3/4 of that goal.
Keep buyin those scratchers Doc. I get one every once in a while myself. They say entering the same # over and over is your best odds, so I usually try for something like my birthdate.
Oh - and from a personal perspective, one of my goals is to get rich(er) too - a big goal, in fact.

But from a government perspective, I don't look to them for that, only to give me some raw opportunity at most
If you make it difficult for manufacturing to occur in the U.S. with massive trade imbalance and other countries tariff your goods, naturally the work goes overseas to other countries. Pretty sure we need a level playing field. That's exactly the direction we are going in, now that we have a real leader in office. No more sleepy Joe and deep staters running the country into the ground.
Right, cause Trump is God and everyone else is the Devil.
Everyone else would include me too, so no. You sure know how to sink to the lowest levels.
Oh - and from a personal perspective, one of my goals is to get rich(er) too - a big goal, in fact.

But from a government perspective, I don't look to them for that, only to give me some raw opportunity at most
Buy rental properties.

Rich doesn't really mean anything. You already are rich. A financial goal is to own property that provide you with revenue that you can live on.

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