Trump Voters Live in the Utopia Leftists Want

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 16:31
Jul 5, 2006
Leftists say they want to live in a Utopia free of gun violence, free of pollution, and free of racism…
Well, that place already exists.
It’s called Rural MAGA Land.
Something to seriously consider. A developing problem is that those escaping the big cities to live in utopia, should they continue to vote Democratic, will be "destroying" utopia by changing some "red" states "blue". Biden, is accelerating the "red" to "blue" conversion by encouraging (illegal) immigrants, who will be dependent on government welfare, to re-locate into the US.
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big cities are democratic because they been destroyed by large corporations oer past 100 years. and i say though that i do not dislike businesses and corporations. it just that it happens that theres much manipulation that goes on in big city. so what you post does not suprise me.
big cities are democratic because they been destroyed by large corporations oer past 100 years.
You are blaming the wrong people. It is not corporations that destroyed the cities, it is the politicians. Mostly the Democrats but by not opposing them, the Republicans bear the shame also.

Corporations cannot do anything that the law doesn't allow. WHO writes the laws? Congress. Credit card companies couldn't charge usurious rates of interest if Congress didn't allow it. Education debt cannot be discharged by bankruptcy. Why? The lending institutions convinced Congress to pass that law. That's why Biden and the Dems constantly railing about the rich not paying their fare share is so ridiculous. THEY wrote the laws that allow the rich to evade taxes. Duh!!!!!!! Remove the deductions. That is the only way to get the rich to pay their "fair" share. I posted this graphic in another thread today but it applies here also. Raising the tax rate but keeping the deductions is counter productive, especially when they will add additional deductions to favor their "friends". Rates don't play favorites. Deductions do and that is how members of Congress pay off their donors. Even with all the deductions, the rich still pay an inordinate percentage of all taxes collected. Is that fair? The Dems claimed that Trump's tax cuts favored the rich. Duh!!!! again. if the rich pay most of the taxes, they would also benefit most from a tax cut. But the middle class benefited quite a bit from the last tax cut. Guess who didn't benefit, the poor. Why? They don't pay any income taxes. The top 40% pay 85% of all taxes. The top 6% pay 60% of all taxes. How fair is that? Raising the rates is unlikely to produce more revenue because the rich will find a way to make use of the existing and new deductions. Look at how Biden and his wife evaded paying payroll taxes on their speaking income by routing it through an S-Corp. That's how easy it is if you make the laws and you can afford good tax lawyers. Politicians are masters of self-dealing.

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THEY wrote the laws that allow the rich to evade taxes. Duh!!!!!!! Remove the deductions. That is the only way to get the rich to pay their "fair" share. I posted this graphic in another thread today but it applies here also. Raising the tax rate but keeping the deductions is counter productive, especially when they will add additional deductions to favor their "friends". Rates don't play favorites.

exactly. there no way around rich not paying fair shares because there too many people in congress on both sides. loopholes will always exist because friends always exist. friend friends friends.

Trump Voters Live in the Utopia Leftists Want

I would say conservatives are more positive about the future. The left has to sell you their grift about doom and gloom in order to motivate their base.
I would say conservatives are more positive about the future. The left has to sell you their grift about doom and gloom in order to motivate their base.

no, republicans are more positive about future because they have the intelligence that created the current tools. democrats dont understand it and some just unintelligent to start with

when a person not understand something, dont hesistate them to be mad about it
no, republicans are more positive about future because they have the intelligence that created the current tools. democrats dont understand it and some just unintelligent to start with

when a person not understand something, dont hesistate them to be mad about it
I would take what you said and amend it a bit to be: Republicans are more positive about the future because they don't come to the issues wanting the government to solve their problems; rather they promote a character trait that emphasizes personal responsibility
I'm not sure I would characterize individuals with a poor sense of personal responsibility for life as weak, nor those with a strong sense of personal responsibility as strong. That implies some unchangeable characteristic - and in fact, by definition, implies that one may not be able to be personally responsible.

Anyone can make the choice to do so.
Republicans are more positive about the future because they don't come to the issues wanting the government to solve their problems; rather they promote a character trait that emphasizes personal responsibility
Biden is proposing the "Nanny State", BIG government will take care of all your needs. Personal Responsibility is anachronistic.
no, republicans are more positive about future because they have the intelligence that created the current tools. democrats dont understand it and some just unintelligent to start with

when a person not understand something, dont hesistate them to be mad about it
Actually I said conservatives not Republicans. I do not consider Republicans = conservatives. In some rare cases you can have democrats who are conservatives.
In some rare cases you can have democrats who are conservatives.

you mean like jenner of califronia who is run for governor? ha ha ha. a friend in florida send me the news about her (or he?). he said to me that california was laughing stock of the united states now

The "Life of Julia" video below applies to the Obama administration, but it can be resurrected as applying to Biden. Hopefully you won't have a problem viewing it. At the time it came-out it created quite a stir and the video was "disappeared", but it seems some stuff just sticks around in some corner.

Below are two additional videos.

Now? Liberal leadership in California has been an issue for the last 50 years, not sure where you have been.

well hey, when you have ignorant state , ultra rich and ulta poor and nothing in between , republicans are never welcome. new york has always had same issue
The Donald is starting to get his message out despite big tech censorship.

i saw video on cnn not too long ago where they said that youtube or some other left leanering big tech was to be fined $250000 for censoring posts. i said to myself "so what?". what does company will billions care about 250 thousand!!!??!?
i saw video on cnn not too long ago where they said that youtube or some other left leanering big tech was to be fined $250000 for censoring posts. i said to myself "so what?". what does company will billions care about 250 thousand!!!??!?
My only point, he is developing his own platform.
I think the best news out of all of it is the underlying platform that his new platform is on

A network of hosting services that, (as they tell us anyway), won't be cancelling conservatives.

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