Solved unchecked Displays a confirmation message by XML

You need to put the ? at the beginning of the line so it evaluates the function
Presumably nothing returned if you type this
I've already said this, but I wouldn't like to do anything critical in a business database in Access without having VBA available. (and used!)

Even to give you a useful message that a date you entered might be unusual and needs checking/confirming (but maybe you can do that in a macro)
Hi, Plz note, My VBA is disabled for security reason.
I can use only Expression builder, Macros, Queries, Tables, Forms, Reports and XML only.
  • what macros can access
  • - open/close forms/reports
  • - make a launch/menu ribbon
  • - - the dynamic filter will probably also be able to, very much beloved, but it can do
  • - export requests (although I had problems the other day)

  • what can't or is unlikely to be able to (potentially dangerous actions)
  • - fill in bookmarks in the template for word contracts and other text documents
  • - add an entry to the table (although there are data macros now)

I can't remember anything else, but the main thing is that
code - visual, readable, all in one place
macro - a thousand mini-windows of parameters, it is difficult to understand what the macro does, and it is difficult to translate embedded macros into code so that it is more convenient to understand them (I did it by copying into a simple macro, which I already converted into broken code, code only for an overview of the task)
Not working
Sometimes it's better to describe the behavior than it is to state the outcome.

For example, "Not working" is a statement of outcome, and tells us nothing useful about the problem.

On the other hand, telling us what you did, what you expected or wanted to occur, and what actually occur instead gives us information on which we can take action.

Thanks for explaining what "not working" means.
  • what macros can access
  • - open/close forms/reports
  • - make a launch/menu ribbon
  • - - the dynamic filter will probably also be able to, very much beloved, but it can do
  • - export requests (although I had problems the other day)

  • what can't or is unlikely to be able to (potentially dangerous actions)
  • - fill in bookmarks in the template for word contracts and other text documents
  • - add an entry to the table (although there are data macros now)

I can't remember anything else, but the main thing is that
code - visual, readable, all in one place
macro - a thousand mini-windows of parameters, it is difficult to understand what the macro does, and it is difficult to translate embedded macros into code so that it is more convenient to understand them (I did it by copying into a simple macro, which I already converted into broken code, code only for an overview of the

Sometimes it's better to describe the behavior than it is to state the outcome.

For example, "Not working" is a statement of outcome, and tells us nothing useful about the problem.

On the other hand, telling us what you did, what you expected or wanted to occur, and what actually occur instead gives us information on which we can take action.

Thanks for explaining what "not working" means.
I mean he did not give me result like vba no response
I am sorry English is my second language
  • what macros can access
  • - open/close forms/reports
  • - make a launch/menu ribbon
  • - - the dynamic filter will probably also be able to, very much beloved, but it can do
  • - export requests (although I had problems the other day)

  • what can't or is unlikely to be able to (potentially dangerous actions)
  • - fill in bookmarks in the template for word contracts and other text documents
  • - add an entry to the table (although there are data macros now)

I can't remember anything else, but the main thing is that
code - visual, readable, all in one place
macro - a thousand mini-windows of parameters, it is difficult to understand what the macro does, and it is difficult to translate embedded macros into code so that it is more convenient to understand them (I did it by copying into a simple macro, which I already converted into broken code, code only for an overview of the task)
As the OP explained, it is a policy of the IT organization where she works NOT to allow VBA. Apparently they have implemented a Group Policy to that effect for Office apps in their organization. End of story as far as this OP's problems are concerned. No matter how draconian and short-sighted that may seem, it is a fact of working there.

If you open the macro editor, you can see the limited actions available in this scenario. I have highlighted in Green the permitted macro actions. Those highlighted in red are considered dangerous and included in the prohibition on VBA.

I mean he did not give me result like vba no response
I am sorry English is my second language
No need to apologize for language.

So, if you open the immediate window, type in ?Date and press the enter key, nothing happens?

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