Uncles Favourite Podcasts & Videos (1 Viewer)

Tom Clancy - How he worked out what a stealth fighter was for ..


Best Brother Wedding Speech Kills Crowd (hilarious ending!)​

Funny, Heart warming speech on getting OLD!

Mary Maxwell

About Winston Churchill.

I haven't watched it all yet, bookmarking it here:-

The following story told by Jim Jefferies is of a very sexual nature and full of bad language, and maybe offensive to some. But it's bloody funny!!!!!

AWF American members, please note, I've just watched the Churchill video (above).... Fantastic!!! And should be of interest to you, our American friends.....

Harry Hopkins sent over by President Roosevelt to assess the situation in Great Britain.

Harry Hopkins said, at his departure dinner in Glasgow, when he rose for a toast. “I suppose you wish to know what I am going to say to President Roosevelt on my return,” he asked rhetorically. Then he quoted from the Book of Ruth: “…where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God.” He added quietly: “Even to the end.”

Churchill was moved to tears.

See time index 53 minutes.....
Found this in hackaday:-

Interesting, informative, funny!
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Wicked Mickey - I never knew!!!

I'd rather be Fat! -

These animations of early life "abiogenesis" have a surreal, alien quality.

Well worth a look:-

Jordan Peterson is once again being persecuted. Fox News channel had some pretty good discussion. Alas the video clips were not available.
The Campaign to Re-Educate Jordan Peterson
I'm also including the link to this thread: Canadian Truckers Inflame the "Deep State". as being an associated theme to how the establishment attempts to suppress freedom of expression under the guise that it is a threat to the social structure.
DON'T Click on the link below!

It will take you to a set of IT disaster stories that are compelling to read.... I've just escaped from this trap... You have been warned!!!

ha! that first story is great. really reminds a person that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link.
everyone wonders what the "network guys" actually DO all day, until the files are gone from the folder.
(although in all honesty, I still kinda wonder what they do all day!)

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