Uncles Favourite Podcasts & Videos (1 Viewer)

Fascinating to learn about the world 2 million years ago from ancient DNA...

I was very impressed with both the interviewer and the interviewee.

The video does have overtones of indicating that climate change might not be such a bad thing as creatures will adapt but I think it's a bit too early to make that supposition.

Not a Blog or Video - it's old fashioned "writing" - very good very well written interesting article....

I found this out about voles:

"Bonded prairie voles prefer to cuddle with a mate. Their bonds, which can last a lifetime, emerge after scandalously extensive mating."

My only question is, how do you define "scandalous" with respect to a vole?
I can't really put my finger on why I like this video? I can see it's computer generated. It got me to wondering that if an AI system could run the maths this video is based on and it runs through millions of scenarios, then there could be some fascinating insights into construction techniques.

Mind you I suspect they're doing things like this already!

I've joined the YouTube channel because there are some other interesting videos which I will have a look at eventually!
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You gotta love America!!!

Gotta love cutesy dressed Asian tourists wandering around on someone's ranch arguing with them about philosophies of ownership, trying to poke a bear! Who's dumber in that video?
This video has a high nerd rating!

I liked the video a lot. It has a smattering of dad jokes. At first, I thought it was just a nostalgic look back through Dave's life, but towards the end Dave provided some excellent hints and tips on how to use task manager. I give the video 10 out of 10 on every aspect.

I particularly like the idea of killing kids!

And I've got a good tip to share with my son who recently got his helicopter licence!

I might be wrong here, but I seem to recall one of the default users on the forum was "Dave"? Is there any connection? @Jon
I keep trying to watch bits of the video in between work but the AWF webpage re-sets the Play button from zero each few minute :(

Anyway, pretty interesting so far! Oh, for the olden days, when everyone was named Mark, Dave and Dave. I think half the people in that video are named Dave.
I also liked the bird feeder, almost made me want to try my hand at making a decorative bird feeder!
Extra-ordinary talent.

A guy, from the South of England much the same as myself:-


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