Use values in Access to input in excel specific cell


New member
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Today, 19:43
Nov 10, 2022

I have the following part of my code

If Dir(HMC_Path & Me.HMC_ID & " - " & HMC_Des & ".xlsx") = "" Then
MsgBox "HMC Excel file doesn't exists in the system" & vbCrLf & _
"Contact the Design Engineer."
GoTo LastLine


Dim appexcel As Object
FName = Me.HMC_ID2 & " - " & HMC_Des & ".xlsx"
Set appexcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Open Workbook
appexcel.Workbooks.Open HMC_Path & FName
appexcel.Visible = False

'Input the Data into the HMC
appexcel.Worksheets("RECIPE").Range("K4").Value = Round(Me.mLength, 2)
appexcel.Worksheets("RECIPE").Range("Q8").Value = Me.HoseWO
appexcel.Worksheets("RECIPE").Range("Q12").Value = Me.SO
appexcel.Worksheets("RECIPE").Range("V10").Value = Me.HoseDesc2

A want to add a value from access to a different worksheet (this value is text), I was trying with the below after the last line:
appexcel.Worksheets("Component list").Range("M47").Value = Me.Branding_type

However is not working. Do I need to consider something else? The worksheet is on the same file.

really appreciated for your comments
I think that in this case it is better to address the cells through the active sheet
'Setting active list "Component list"
    Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets("Component list")
    objSheet.Range("M47").Value = Me.Branding_type

The code below works fine
Private Sub cmdYourButton_Click()
Dim HMC_Path$, HMC_Des$, FName$, sFilePath$
Dim appexcel As Object
Dim objWorkBook As Object
Dim objSheet As Object

On Error GoTo cmdYourButton_Click_Err

    HMC_Path = "D:\Temp\"
    HMC_Des = "Bla-Bla-Bla"


    FName = Me.HMC_ID2 & " - " & HMC_Des & ".xlsx"
    sFilePath = HMC_Path & FName
    'Debug.Print sFilePath
    If Dir(sFilePath) = "" Then
        MsgBox "HMC Excel file doesn't exists in the system" & vbCrLf & _
        "Contact the Design Engineer.", vbExclamation, "File error"
        Exit Sub
    End If

    Set appexcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
'Open Workbook
    'appexcel.workbooks.Open sFilePath
    Set objWorkBook = appexcel.workbooks.Open(sFilePath)
    appexcel.Visible = False
'Setting active list
    Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets("RECIPE")

'Input the Data into the HMC
    With objSheet
        .Range("K4").Value = Round(Me.mLength, 2)
        .Range("Q8").Value = Me.HoseWO
        .Range("Q12").Value = Me.SO
        .Range("V10").Value = Me.HoseDesc2
    End With

'Setting active list "Component list"
    Set objSheet = objWorkBook.Worksheets("Component list")
    objSheet.Range("M47").Value = Me.Branding_type

    appexcel.WindowState = 3

    On Error Resume Next
    appexcel.Visible = True
    Set objSheet = Nothing
    Set objWorkBook = Nothing
    Set appexcel = Nothing
    Exit Sub

    MsgBox "Error " & Err.Number & " (" & Err.Description & ") in Sub : " & _
           "cmdYourButton_Click - Form_DataTest_02.", vbCritical, "Error!"
    'Debug.Print "cmdYourButton_Click_Line: " & Erl & "."
    Resume cmdYourButton_Click_End
End Sub
Last edited:
Saying "is not working" is a bit vague. What does it actually do? I would expect either getting an error or putting something in the wrong place, wrong worksheet or cell.
Nothing, it doesn't show any value in any place.
Nothing, it doesn't show any value in any place.
Can you post a copy of your application with just the form (with subforms) and required tables/queries.
Just a few (fictitious) records to understand.
I think you're missing the reference to the workbook in your code:appexcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("RECIPE")

Hi, an update.

I did the reference to the same "recipe" worksheet and in the excel file I did the reference between the 2 worksheet and it worked.

Maybe I did take the long way, but it works

Thanks to everyone

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