Useless Facts (1 Viewer)


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Aug 22, 2004
I will add that to my questioning of the gold seller on TV. I am a sucker for those tv adds (hmmm, huh, cough, cough, not really:p) Wasn't Troy the group that created the Trojan Horse? I wonder if that little Greek episode has anything to do with a Troy lb being less than the traditional, or if it is only a matter of regions.

The Troy ounce use for measuring the weight of gold or silver was invented in the town of Troy France.
I have no idea why it's more or less than the Imperial ounce.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 01:27
Aug 10, 2006
Wasn't Troy the group that created the Trojan Horse?

Actually the Greeks built the horse while attacking Troy (in Turkey) to rescue Helen who had been kidnapped by Paris (a Turkish Shepherd/Prince) who had been promised her by Aphrodite after choosing her as the most beautiful of the three Goddesses (the other two being Athena and Hera).

Now, that has to qualify as useless information ;)


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Jan 14, 2002
I hate beer! I prefer White Russians, or anything with vodka....

What? White........ what????? White Russians?
Did somebody say White Russians?

In these parts my name is inextricably linked to those two words!
I swear..... if you were playing Password and someone said "Tess" an intelligent partner would answer "White Russian!"


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
Jun 29, 2009
What? White........ what????? White Russians?
Did somebody say White Russians?

In these parts my name is inextricably linked to those two words!
I swear..... if you were playing Password and someone said "Tess" an intelligent partner would answer "White Russian!"

We must be what Anne in "Anne of Green Gables" would call kindred spirits.


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 01:27
Aug 10, 2006
We must be what Anne in "Anne of Green Gables" would call kindred spirits.

You certainly appear to share a lot in common, even literature :eek:

I've never tried a White Russian, Black Russian yes...

Access Hero

Registered User.
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
Oct 29, 2008
Actually the Greeks built the horse while attacking Troy (in Turkey) to rescue Helen who had been kidnapped by Paris (a Turkish Shepherd/Prince) who had been promised her by Aphrodite after choosing her as the most beautiful of the three Goddesses (the other two being Athena and Hera).

Hey, I saw that movie, too! It had Brad Pitt in it.

Or maybe it was the book "The Odyssey". I can never keep those 2 straight.


Singin' in the Hou. Rain
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
Jun 29, 2009
Actually the Greeks built the horse while attacking Troy (in Turkey) to rescue Helen who had been kidnapped by Paris (a Turkish Shepherd/Prince) who had been promised her by Aphrodite after choosing her as the most beautiful of the three Goddesses (the other two being Athena and Hera).

Now, that has to qualify as useless information ;)

I love Greek/Roman mythology. I can't keep it all straight though, I took a class on it in college.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Dec 26, 2002
Actually the Greeks built the horse while attacking Troy (in Turkey) to rescue Helen who had been kidnapped by Paris (a Turkish Shepherd/Prince) who had been promised her by Aphrodite after choosing her as the most beautiful of the three Goddesses (the other two being Athena and Hera).

Now, that has to qualify as useless information ;)

Not at all, I find information on historical pagan cultures fascinating. :)


Free Range Witch
Local time
Today, 01:27
Aug 10, 2006
Not at all, I find information on historical pagan cultures fascinating. :)

Did you know that the Pagan God of Fertility (known as Baal in the old testament and Torah) was always depicted with horns, the horns were a symbol of fertility and this is why the devil is know shown as having horns.


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Jan 14, 2002
Did you know that the Pagan God of Fertility (known as Baal in the old testament and Torah) was always depicted with horns, the horns were a symbol of fertility and this is why the devil is know shown as having horns.

Is that where we get the word horny from then?


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Yesterday, 19:27
Feb 28, 2001
A couple of odd-ball factoids here, or maybe not.

Regarding the number of seeds in a pomegranate: Nature is the cause. The Fibonacci series of numbers is observed in nature in plant leaf patterns, stalk patterns, and... seed patterns. Pomegranate seeds follow Fibonacci numbers. Hence, the number of seeds noted. Try searching for "Fibonacci numbers and nature." You'll be awed at the number of hits.

If you are in Japan and hear someone say "kochu" - do not respond with "bless you." They might be asking for black pepper, which is "kochu" in Japanese.

If you look at the ancient Chinese ideogram for "trouble" you can decipher it by looking at its components. It is "two women under one roof."

Speaking of Japan and one of their many exports: In some countries, notably the USA, you will see stories of that fire-breathing, radioactive dinosaur called Godzilla. However, this name turns out to be due to arrogance and stupidity by an executive at American International Studios who originally imported that Godzilla movie. In Japanese, the monster's name is Gojira (which oddly enough means "monster" if I remember correctly), but this arrogant twit decided that the Japanese people were mispronouncing the name of their own creation and were REALLY trying to say Godzilla. So in the USA, you see that ever-loving proponent of Tokyo urban renewal under a name that really isn't his.

In New Orleans some time in the 1930's (not sure more precisely than this), a man came on a train platform five minutes earlier than the scheduled departure on his ticket, only to see the train already leaving the station. He sued for a business loss. This was in the days when common carriers didn't have the limited liability disclaimers, so he might have made some money. However, the Southern Railway beat the suit by proving that the train this gentleman had seen was actually one leaving 23 hours and 55 minutes LATE.

In 1916, after Cumberland University (of Cumberland, Kentucky, USA) had de-emphasized their athletic program due to heavy budget cuts, they still had a few games to play in fulfillment of some previous contracts. In the USA-style football game between Cumberland U. and Georgia Tech, the final score was 220 to 0.

The reason Georgia Tech refused to let them out of the contract was that during that spring, the Cumberland U. baseball team had beaten Ga. Tech by 22 to 0. So to fulfill the contract and avoid paying a non-performance penalty, the Cumberland coach got a bunch of Kappa Sigma fraternity brothers to "suit up."

As an act of mercy when the halftime score reached 126-0, the officials agreed to shorten the 3rd and 4th quarters from 15 minutes to 12 minutes. Didn't help that much.

Oh, by the way, the Georgia Tech coach that year was named ... Heisman. USA Football afficianados will know the name though our cousins from across the pond might not. Yes, the same coach after whom the Heisman trophy is named. I kid you not:

One anecdote, possibly apocryphal, relates to a Cumberland player who got up after a particularly hard tackle and staggered over to the sidelines, where he sat down on the bench. The Georgia Tech bench. Coach Heisman tried to gently explain to the young man that he was on the wrong bench. The young man replied, "No I'm not. If I go back over there, they'll put me back in the game."


Plays well with others
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Jan 14, 2002
But funny you should say that, it is actually a contraction of the phrase "horny devil" :D :D

Well I was coming from the aspect of the horns being a sign of fertility.... and well..... we all know what it takes to be fertilized.... so I just made THAT leap in my mind.


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Dec 26, 2002
The cashew is part of a fruit that grows in tropical regions called 'a cashew apple'. After harvesting, the cashew apple keeps for only 24 hours before the soft fruit deteriorates. The cashew apple is not commercially important since it spoils quickly, but local people love the fruit. To harvest the nut, the ripe apple is allowed to fall to the ground where natives easily gather it. The apple and nut are separated.


Active member
Local time
Yesterday, 20:27
Aug 22, 2004
Purchased in 1892 by Lord Stanley of Preston, then Governor General of Canada, the Stanley Cup is emblematic of ice hockey supremacy. The Stanley Cup is the oldest annually competed for sports trophy in North America. The Cup has had a colourful career. Here are some of the highlights/lowlights.

After a night of celebrating their Stanley Cup victory in 1905, members of the Ottawa Silver Seven drop kicked it into the Rideau Canal. The Cup stayed in the Canal until the next day when sober heads prevailed and the Cup was fished out.

In 1907, the Montreal Wanderers left the Cup at the home of the photographer who took the team picture. The photographer's mother (not a hockey fan) decided it would make a wonderful flower pot, and it served that purpose for a few months until the Wanderers brass remembered and rescued it.

In 1924, Montreal Canadiens players on their way to the victory party stored the trophy in the trunk of their car. On their way to the festivities, the vehicle had a flat. The players removed the Cup to get at the spare, changed the tire and drove off leaving the Stanley Cup sitting on a snow bank. When it came time to drink champagne from the Cup they realized they didn't have it with them. The Cup was right where they had left it.

During the 1962 playoffs, the Cup sat on display in a huge glass case in the Chicago Stadium lobby. A Montreal fan was upset with the Stanley Cup being in Chicago. He opened the glass case and when no alarms went off, reached in and grabbed the Cup. He was just a few yards from the exit when a police officer spotted him. He later told the judge "I wanted to take it back where it belongs…to Montreal."
After the 1962 season, the Cup had to be re-designed as there was no longer enough room to engrave the winners. The original collars were retired to the Hockey Hall of Fame, where they were placed on display. In January 1970 the collars were stolen from the Hall and remained missing for seven years, before an anonymous phone call told police to check the back room of a Toronto cleaning store for a very important piece of history. The police weren't sure what they would find, but there, wrapped like a Christmas present, were the original collars of the Stanley Cup.

After the traditional Stanley Cup parade honouring the 1979 Montreal Canadiens, star forward Guy Lafleur impulsively grabbed the Stanley Cup and placed it in the trunk of his car. He then drove to his parents' house in Thurso, Quebec, where he displayed the Cup on the front lawn and allowed friends and family to photograph and enjoy the trophy. While Thurso residents enjoyed the prank, the men responsible for the Cup were searching frantically for the missing prize. Lafleur returned the Cup later that night, but was told never to repeat his stunt.

The Stanley Cup is the only League Championship trophy that each member of the winning team is given one day during the off season to have in their possession. There are only two conditions. The Cup may not be exposed to the possibility of damage and it may not be used for any commercial purposes. Generally, the players use it for photo ops with family and friends. However, in 1996 Colorado Avalanche defenseman Sylvain Lefebvre christened his child in the bowl of the Cup.
Last edited:


Old registered user
Local time
Today, 01:27
Feb 22, 2002
Expertly copied and pasted, if I may say so.


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