@MarlonVisser0408 So far, it seems that you are here to complain about how inferior Access is to Excel, to the point where you actually think it is better to use Excel spreadsheets to hold your data than actual tables because spreadsheets support unique functions and data types for every single cell.
Nope, not even close.
Do you honestly think that having 5 million potentially different functions rather than one is some kind of advantage? Yes, when you are manually manipulating data, some things are easier with Excel than with a relational database (notice I don't say "Access") but that is because Excel doesn't care what is in the cell whereas the RDBMS does care and does enforce rules because in an RDBMS, consistency counts for something. I admit to sometimes resorting to Excel to help me to clean up bad data before I convert an old app to Access. But once the data is in Access, then my forms and tables enforce RI and contain validation rules to prevent bad data from ever being saved again.
I was simply asking if there was a benefit to be had there, simply because I do not have the knowledge of how things in the end turn out. I rather save myself hundreds of hours of learning and testing stuff than not to ask some questions. The only reason that I'm even naming excel is because of my minimalistic background, any overlap I have from excel is about all my experience in access - I hope that this time around, you grasp that I don't have the experience to go too far beyond the small references that I can make; it has nothing to do with either Access or Excel actually; it has to do with my experience.
I'm pretty sure that no expert here agrees with either using Excel as your data store or your preference for 5 million functions rather than one. You are on such a bad track that you needed a wakeup call, so I rocked the boat. Sorry, you're right. I was appalled by this approach being proposed by someone who I would have thought would know better given the level of experience you claim. If you actually want to learn how to use Access, we are here to help. Nothing a novice developer does appalls me. They don't know any better.
I'm here for access; don't worry. If I thought that Excel was the solution here, I wouldn't have came down here to waste my time. The very reason that I'm having a hard time getting to start in Access is actually the same reason that Excel doesn't fit for the data that I'm trying to connect and store. It's data from more then a hundred tables and it's driving me insane.
Since you are unfamiliar with Access, it is probably better to state your problem and ask for a solution to the problem rather than asking how to implement what you think should be the solution based on your strong preference for how Excel works.
I think my biggest issue is with the time frame that my state of mind is in and the pressure of me wanting to do something with the product. It's a personal thing that unfortunately, I cannot turn off. This results in me thinking about too much in too little time. Don't get me wrong about wanting to do something with the product, I very much look forward to learning and making it.
Once you actually make the move in your mind from Excel to a RDBMS, you give up the loosey- goosey no rules way Excel handles data for something structured and firm. Right now you seem to be pining for this flexibility. If I define a field as numeric, a RDBMS will simply not allow me to enter "N/A" as a value. If you don't like that, you should probably stick with Excel rather than asking how to make a RDBMS allow "N/A" in a numeric field (just an example).
RDBMS is the only thing really that fits what I'm trying to do. I person can only learn so much at a time - it's not easy to learn something without having reference to things you've done before. For me it feels like learning Chinese by ear sometimes. If anything, I'm proud of the things that I've already managed to do with my own research; not that it's anywhere close to where it's going to be once I'm done
I posted before as an ordinary member, having had some negative experiences with using Excel as a direct tabular data source. However, I now have to put on my moderator hat.
Pat Hartman has apologized for her harsh response. None of us intend to be harsh with other members, new OR old, in any of the technical forums. (Non-tech forums? No promises.)
I think we both have more information now to make sure that this doesn't happen in the future.
You do, however, have to realize that we are all volunteers here and (last time I checked) also all humans. We can get frustrated when we see someone going down a costly or questionably-effective path even after telling them of the potential massive pitfalls. It frustrates us because it seems like we have wasted our time or our many years of experience are being ignored. Have you ever been watching a movie and want to yell to the protagonists "Don't open the door..." after which they open it anyway and the bug-eyed monster immediately jumps out?
I was just gathering information and opinions. It was about having the information for me to let go off the subject. Not only did the post before showed me having closed the idea of having to do anything with this; the topic was already put to solved.
I get your point about the movie, but do you get how it feels to me as someone who's dipping his toes to something new - that was not a good experience. Don't let the tool be a bigger problem then the problem; it's like you said yourself - we're all human. That'd include the recipient of the message.
I hope this helps you to understand better why you got the response you got. We also hope that you can find help here, short-term OR long-term, to better facilitate your projects. But finally, please DO understand that it is our way to warn you of those pitfalls in your path even if that really isn't what you wanted to hear. Would you want your doctor to hide a dire diagnosis from you on your next wellness check? Or would you prefer blunt honesty?
I understand where the tone comes from, but I'll never respect it. Kicking and bashing are not considered to be tools in a healthy learning environment. If I wanted to be gaslighted about something stupid, I'd not join a forum to learn access; I would've joined Facebook or X. Blunt honesty looks differently from what's over there Docman, you know this as well as I do; so let's not compare appels and bananas here. I'm not here to cause a problem, but I'm highly allergic to being shit on and false assumptions. Either ask or zip it - seems pretty simple.
As you said, we've got a better understanding now. I'm sure that future conversations will be better in tone.