The agenda page is filtered in a few core points that we can filter on, because we'll use the agenda in different ways. Points being linked to ID's will also come back at the logbook. If you lookup a company, you can not only see the logs of what you've been doing; but also the things that still need to be done.
Informational: On the core page, we'll show the informational part of the agenda. It'll show what the upcoming vacations are for the school going children, what the birthdays are and what religious holidays are coming up.
Company: These are appointments made by the company. These can include company meetings or evaluations for example
Shelter: All the information that is bound to you by your activities on a shelter. Because of European privacy laws, it's important that I try my absolute best and nothing less to secure this kind of data from the view of others - and it's the polite thing to do. It can include things like planning, tasks and appointments.
Personal: This will include your own planning, appointments and free days.
Current Inventory: The inventory needs to go on a few different levels. We should be able to see it from a company standpoint, where a car is part of the inventory and as a shelter viewpoint; where I can check what the current inventory is;
where did that 20 bread go?
Inventory tracker: The inventory should be trackable. Where is an item at the moment (in case of company level) or to see where a product went. When we give out items to our residents, we're obliged to write down to who we gave what and when (you're only allowed X amount in the week kind of deal). This should be logged and tracked.
Tracking amounts: There should be a form that lists the inventory that needs to be rebought. If we go over the minimum threshold of X, then buy up to the amount of X.
Tracking expiring dates: Dates for both medical items and catering should be noted according to law. We should so in document in how we take care of the laws concerning expiring dates
Catering inventory: To make things easy, we often help with taking care of produce of the catering or do a self-catering with the residents. This means that we hold stock of all the ingredients, gear and produce of the complete catering (for 50-300 people that come from 20+ nationalities per location). This means that we also need to keep data that shows if items are Haram for example or are using ingredients that someone could be allergic though. We use stickers for those items.
As expected; like almost everything, this needs to go back into the logging system. This way, we can see the things that residents already got or borrowed from us.
School, activities, sports & events
Despite promises and laws, the process of asylum often taken multiple years. For the first half year, one of is not allowed to work; there's no numbers yet that verify that you are you. Often this is even longer, which is only a step of the process that one needs to take. One of the core problems in the asylum is that people are bored out of their mind and have a lot of time to think about reasons they fled, things that are happening in the places they rather be or insecurities of having to go through years of process which by no stretch of the imagination is a guarantee.
There's many different opinions about how to make for a humane shelter location to spend years in and I'm a firm believer that someone needs to be able to participate in activities. sport and play. This is why I need to find a system that will allow me to make it easier to inventories what people want to do and to quickly get the right information and documents that match the activity.
It sounds easy, to do activities. I can tell you that it takes weeks for us to be able to play a normal game of basketball that looks like it's basketball. With people from 12 to 50 from 20 nationalities playing a game of which no-one really knows the rules about is tough. We often get the rules on documents, translate it and distribute it manually before we go and do something. The amount of time that goes into this makes my soul cry, I'm pretty sure that if we got everything done; creating a interface that works with this should be doable.
I don't really have too many concrete examples here, because there's only so much that my brain can hold before it gets fuzzy from trying to understand it all. Let's not forget my experience and that visualizing something that I don't have experience in is hard at the very least.
Official documentation:
Process documentation & Governmental and Municipality policy:
This are documents for helping and giving information to the residents about their process and who the stakeholders are to get a better understanding of the information. It's policy that we always try to find a professional to give them the right and up-to-date information about what they need to know and what they need to do.
The stakeholders on their turn, often give us back documents or information as a handout to the residents so that we can directly hand people this information. The author of this information needs to be the correct stakeholder and needs to be properly referenced. I'd really like a place to put these handouts and being able to send them to group (ShelterID) or a person (EmployeeID or ResidentID).
Company policy
I don't think I have to elaborate too much about company policy, but it'll hold all the information regarding company policy. Everything from being sick, to the information about the items you borrow from the company.
Here's a virtual pineapple for making the end of this: