
so when does sentencing begin? and can he still run for president or not?
Soon, maybe a week or two? And yes, he can still run. The question remains how it will affect voters in the swing states: positive or negative.
Is there a guide for labeling payments that all politicians/businesses use
Yes, the tax code. If I buy a car from an attorney can I deduct it as a legal expense?

Soon, maybe a week or two? And yes, he can still run. The question remains how it will affect voters in the swing states: positive or negative.
July 11th is sentencing.
It is difficult because you are damned if you do, or damned if you don't. If you also play unfair, you contribute to the demise of sanity and established legal protocol. If you don't, you can end up on the losing side while the democrats cheat the system. Ultimately, the democrats are bringing about the demise of society, and it is a difficult one for the republicans to know if they should play fair or dirty, because both options have their own problems.
As a sidebar. Democrats act unethically and go fanatically for the jugular. But in doing their frenzied lawfare, they neglect that they are opening a Pandora's box of potential repercussions. Democrats, in their crazed Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) have undermined historical concepts and norms, such as: the attorney client privilege, executive privilege, presidential immunity, and the rule-of-law. All to get Trump. Unfortunately, as @AccessBlaster and others have pointed out, Republicans lack the backbone to stop the abusive unethical tactics of the Democrats.
so when does sentencing begin? and can he still run for president or not?
Sentencing is scheduled for July 11. And, yes, he can still run for President. As usual, the Dems are trying yet another end run around the Constitution. They are trying to change the criteria for the office of President. But, they don't ever bother to read the Constitution, let alone believe in it or understand it so they don't even know that things specified in the Constitution can only be changed with an amendment, not by some stupid lacky "passing a law" in Congress.
Yes, the tax code. If I buy a car from an attorney can I deduct it as a legal expense?
Well what should Trump have labelled, in the accounting ledgers, the legal expense for the NDA (non-disclosure agreement)?
But, they don't ever bother to read the Constitution, let alone believe in it or understand it so they don't even know that things specified in the Constitution can only be changed with an amendment, not by some stupid lacky "passing a law" in Congress.
For Democrats the Constitution is an impediment.
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It's funny when judge Alito's wife flies a flag, the dems go bizerk saying the judge is conflicted. But if the Trump judge makes contributions to Biden and supports a "get Trump organization" that's somehow OK. :D
You don't buy an NDA agreement's like you are purchasing a car, that's something you work out with your legal department for any business and they are legal expenses. If your business was getting sued or harassed, you pay your lawyer to take care of it and it ends up being a legal expense. If we were to look into exact details in to every tax return in America, how many times would you see the label as "legal expense"? There is no inherent unethical thing in labeling a legal expense as nothing else other than legal expense. Again who is defrauded by this label? Look at any other case involving falsifying business records and you see there is always someone that purposely altering records for financial fraud or gain and it directly impacts an individual or an company or possibly the State monetarily (money lost or stolen). In this case there is no victim or no crime unless you use you imagination to make one up.
For any of you legal geniuses out there, please explain who exactly was prevented from being elected by labeling payments as legal expenses? These are internal personal records we are talking about and nobody elses business. It neither prevents or promotes anything.

Section 17-152 - Conspiracy to promote or prevent election
Any two or more persons who conspire to promote or prevent the election of any person to a public office by unlawful means and which conspiracy is acted upon by one or more of the parties thereto, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.

N.Y. Elec. Law § 17-152
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It's funny when judge Alito's wife flies a flag, the dems go bizerk saying the judge is conflicted.
What's even funnier is that they were flying that same flag in SF until it was pointed out that it was flown at the justice's house.
Yes, the tax code. If I buy a car from an attorney can I deduct it as a legal expense?
So, you know that slush fund that Congress maintains? You know, the one they use to pay off staffers who accuse their creepy bosses of sexual harassment? How do the members of congress classify that money paid out on their behalf? Is it income, is it a gift? Or do they just ignore it and not report it as income at all? Isn't that actually illegal?
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the law

He was never charged with a misdemeanor.
the crime that supposedly elevates it is interfering in an election - which is ridiculous, as this hushed story was just one of many hushed stories that rich people routinely pay to keep quiet - it wasn't interfering in an election

You don't buy an NDA agreement's like you are purchasing a car, that's something you work out with your legal department for any business and they are legal expenses. If your business was getting sued or harassed, you pay your lawyer to take care of it and it ends up being a legal expense.
Legal expensive is a generic umbrella term, just like admin. If your lawyer is setting up a company for you, then do you have to put in "setting up company" or legal expense? Taking care of an NDA is surely a legal expense. But despite all this, there is nothing except the word of Cohen to say that his retainer money was a hush money payment.
Trump goes out to buy a nice suit so he looks presentable and influences voter perception. Is that trying to influence an election and so a campaign violation because you did not record that expense?
I don't think what Trump actually did matters at all. If you have 12 angry democrats who get a once in a lifetime opportunity to convict Trump, they will jump at it. Just look at the January 6th property break-in. They escalate that to an insurrection. Really quite ludicrous. And then they say Trump did it! The dems ignore that he said protest peacefully. Instead, they focus on figures of speech like, "Fight like hell!", which the dems use themselves, as shown during the impeachment hearing by the republican defense.

They always argue that words matter. If they do, why do they ignore them when it doesn't suit them?

Edit: Didn't the FBI say there was a plot from the Proud Boys to invade the Capitol building way before the protest happened? If so, how can they then try to pin this on Trump?
Too bad the Republicans are such feckless pieces of dog poo or the Dems would be more worried about "what goes around comes around". The Republicans simply do not have the backbone to punish the lying, cheating, stealing that the Dems have devolved to. The latest "trial" was embarrassing. Even the lawyers on the left were embarrassed until the verdict came down. Even they thought the jurors would see through the bad rulings. But the jurors were simply too afraid to not convict. The judge told them they had to and he cleverly kept all exculpatory evidence hidden so they had no way to not convict.

This is exactly why the Democrats always say "OUR democracy". That is exactly what they mean. No word salad here. This is what a banana republic looks like from the inside folks.
Edit: Didn't the FBI say there was a plot from the Proud Boys to invade the Capitol building way before the protest happened? If so, how can they then try to pin this on Trump?
Currently, rampant antisemitism is sweeping across this country and the world. Yet, Biden falsely sticks to his pet whipping dogma that it is White supremacy that is the threat to democracy. It is actually the radical left, endorsed by Biden, that is the threat to democracy.
It is actually the radical left, endorsed by Biden, that is the threat to democracy.
Democracy is the belief that if all voices are heard, and issues are debated openly and fairly, that the majority of people will make the best choice.

In this regard, if you do not see your opponents, and those with whom you disagree, as being an essential part of what democracy requires, then you are a threat to democracy.

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