Virtual Reality Headsets - worth the money?

Which one should I get?

Curious how many hours @moke123 has clocked up on his Quest 3.
I would guess @ 450 hours + in the last 10 months. At least an hour of golf a day, every day since. I can't even count how many courses they have now. They've added like 4 courses in just the last month or so.

Next I've got to convince you to get a drone. Been having a blast with it. I actually signed up to get a commercial pilot license which relieves you from a lot of the FAA regulations concerning recreational use. I want to be able to use it at work which requires the commercial license. I may have to get back into the surveillance game. ;)
I would guess @ 450 hours + in the last 10 months. At least an hour of golf a day, every day since. I can't even count how many courses they have now. They've added like 4 courses in just the last month or so.

Next I've got to convince you to get a drone. Been having a blast with it. I actually signed up to get a commercial pilot license which relieves you from a lot of the FAA regulations concerning recreational use. I want to be able to use it at work which requires the commercial license. I may have to get back into the surveillance game. ;)
Ok, so you are down to about $1 per hour so far. What entertainment can you get for that price? Also, when you go out for your entertainment, it takes both time and money to get to the destination. With VR, no travelling time or costs.

I could get a drone and tell my date I am a pilot. I'm sure that would close the deal, instead of saying I own a database forum!
I could get a drone
You should they're fun.
When I first bought it I thought I was just buying an expensive kid's toy. (I'm about $1600 into it now.)
I didn't know how highly regulated they are. With the recreational exception you can only go 400 feet high and have to keep it in line of sight, and a bunch of other things.

Mine has a range of 12 miles so you'd have to fly it by the camera view and map display on the controller, but to do so you need the commercial license. Doesn't seem like it'll be too hard to get. Needless to say I've been 1000 feet up and 5000 feet away. Oops.

Early in my career I used to do a lot of matrimonial and insurance fraud surveillance cases. This was before digital camera's , cellphones and laptops. I can't imagine what it would have been like with one of these drones. Mine has a feature where you can lock onto an object and it will follow it on its own. At 250 feet up it's a speck in the sky and completely silent.
I am always worried about them falling out of the sky and there being a lawsuit. How often does that happen?
Mine only weighs 249 grams. Wouldn't hurt anything.
No idea about how often it happens. hopefully never. I bought a year of insurance against damage, fly aways, etc.
Apparently, if you drop a frozen pea off the top of the Empire Estate building it will go through your head like a bullet. 🤣
Apparently, if you drop a frozen pea off the top of the Empire Estate building it will go through your head like a bullet. 🤣
Well, only if it's a gallon,....
Apparently, if you drop a frozen pea off the top of the Empire Estate building it will go through your head like a bullet. 🤣
Urban legend. As an ex-New Yorker I remember it was something like a roll of pennies being the minimum weight that could cause death.
I think that's from a science class in high school.
Yeah, I know. But it's always a good one to roll out. That poor pea will hit terminal velocity pretty quickly. What about if it was in a vacuum. Pass through you like a photon?
Care to say what drone you have please?

It's the DJI Mini 4 Pro.

I think the most impressive feature is the Omni-Directional anti-collision system.
It has cameras and sensors in every direction. If you get too close to something you get a beep and an indicator of where the object is on the screen. You can fly it straight at yourself and it will stop and hover a few feet away and refuse to go any further. You can also set it to take its own evasive action like going over or around an object.

My brother in law bought the DJI mini 3 which doesn't have that feature and he has crashed 3 times already. I was flying mine in my backyard and wandered deep into the woods. I was following a little stream back there and got a little lost. I couldn't see the drone and had no idea where I was. Using the sensors, the main camera, and a picture in picture with the back and side cameras I was able to find my way out safely.
I was sweating that one.

Here's a guy using a different model with the system.

I believe its the screen. The RC model you have to connect it to your phone and use the phones screen and the other has the screen built in.
I have the RC2 with the built in screen which is a little more $ but worth it IMO. I think the RC2 also has better antennas.

Shopping GMan?
Just looking atm, and thinking what I would/could do with it.
Plus here in the UK, we have to get a licence to use one.

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