Welcome to our new home! (1 Viewer)

Thanks @Lightwave and @SQL_Hell, or should that be Like?
?? Has anyone worked with Search using multiple words/terms??
If so, could you point me to instructions or an example?
Thanks in advance.
I tried Progress bar with my user name but it rejected the word 'bar'.
The search didn't find my posts with an example app on the subject
Great move changing to Xenforo, I used to use it myself on sites back in the day, I never looked back after changing from vb
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I tried a few tricks of the trade and it told me that "bar" was too short, too long, or too common to be included in a search. Which means there is a parameter somewhere or a list somewhere that is blocking it.
Correct Doc. There was a limit on vBulletin too. When the word is too short, it has a big hit on the mysql backend, sucking up resources. However, there is something called Elastic Search which they sell. It doesn't use mysql resources, I believe, and there is no minimum character length. Not had time to look into that, but its on the list of things to examine.
I have a different question for you, Jon. (If someone asked this elsewhere, forgive me for missing the answer.)

I know that the change to XenForo caused you some trepidation for loss of traffic. Now that we have been active during weekdays, what is your take on traffic on this forum post-switch?
We have a traffic bump. But it is early days, since people who have had catastrophic traffic lost only experienced it like one month after switching platforms. Google is highly unpredictable, but I have a positive feeling.
Jon -

Logging back on to this site and seeing the new look and feel...it's pretty awesome. I thought I had the wrong web address at first! I haven't checked things out yet, but so far I love it!
@mjdemaris That's great to hear! I'm glad you like the new look and feel. I've moved a few things around too. What is it that you love specifically? I always appreciate the feedback.
Your signature can be edited by clicking your Icon top right and selecting the signature option.

Not sure about the title.
@MajP I will look into that for you.
@mjdemaris That's great to hear! I'm glad you like the new look and feel. I've moved a few things around too. What is it that you love specifically? I always appreciate the feedback.

Firstly, the coloring. Secondly, it seems there is more whitespace, making for an easier scan/read.
@mjdemaris That's great to hear! I'm glad you like the new look and feel. I've moved a few things around too. What is it that you love specifically? I always appreciate the feedback.

Also, the responsive speed. The my info button, preferences, messages button, and the Members drop down is really neat as well.
There is a Dark Mode too, if you like that sort of thing. Bottom left of page to change.
Something I noticed recently if you start a draft, the software leaves it where you started it. I had a couple of drafts still in the queue, normally the draft would be dumped when they software loses focus.

I kind of like this feature.
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Still If I edit my signature nothing happens. The first time I edited it worked, but since then nothing will update. Is that a bug or a feature?
I still can't change my avitar. No matter what the yellow one comes back. My photo on my profile page is my dog but it doesn't show elsewhere.

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