What did you do for your summer vacation?


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Local time
Yesterday, 23:21
Jan 14, 2002
LOL... Summer isn't over, of course... it's just begun! But well, America can start out this topic by telling us what they did to celebrate the 4th of July.

My plans:
My best friend just closed on a new house, so we're taking an hour drive down to Northport to check it out and then we're meeting the rest of her family at Siesta Key Beach (one of the nicest beaches in America, I'd say!) where her family has rented a few condos for the week.

What are YOOOOOuuuu doing?
Well I don't celebrate July 4, but I did have a long weekend for Canada Day. My girlfriend and I drove out to Fort Frances, Ontario to visit her family. Barbeques in the backyard of her parents' place were nice (even though we got a little sunburned). Her aunt has a house right on Rainy Lake so we did some swimming as well.

Edit: After a quick Google search, here's a photo of Rainy Lake:
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I had to go to work in the sweltering heatwave, I blame the government!:mad: :D
To celebrate I went to the pub and had several pints of bitter washed down with a few vodka and cokes and talked rubbish.

After a quick google seach - (English Pub from google images - its the first one that come up!) here is a picture of a traditional english pub.

Very apt on the 4th of July - no doubt this is the kind of traditional English pub that Rich and Col frequent.
We drove to Atlanta. Our son lives there. On July 2nd, he took us to Stone Mountain National Park. They have a laser show every night night and also fireworks during the July 4th weekend. The next day we went to downtown Atlanta, where we walked thru Underground Atlanta, visited Cocal Cola museum and the Olympic centennial Park.
I hear many retirees are moving to Atlanta. Mild winter and lower cost of living are the main attractions. Atlanta has a lot of greenery which is very beautiful.

Now I have "Georgia on my mind."
Pauldohert said:
Very apt on the 4th of July - no doubt this is the kind of traditional English pub that Rich and Col frequent.

Well actually I think you'll find it's illegal to hang the American flag in that manner :eek: :p
The wife and I went to Las Vegas. I lost some money but she was up more. Took in a few shows and took a day trip to the Grand Canyon (awesome).
The big news in Vegas is that when Celine Dion stops performing next year at C. Palace, the new headliner will be...ready for this...Cher.
It seems that the farewell tour will never end.
Mind you, most of my gay friends have already got their reservations.
Dude... lol... I LOVE Cher!
Anyone who feels confident enough to wear the slutty outfits she does at her age.... totally rocks in my book! LOL
TessB said:
Dude... lol... I LOVE Cher!
Anyone who feels confident enough to wear the slutty outfits she does at her age.... totally rocks in my book! LOL

But she's all plastic and tucks thus can get away with it ;)
Rich said:
But she's all plastic and tucks thus can get away with it ;)
Yes, well, so is Barbie!
And we all grew up thinking Barbie rocked.... so therefore...
Now you all know damn well if she didn't have surgery and hung out in all the places a normal 50 year old woman does, you'd be making fun of her even more.

So, tell me... honestly... what is the message you guys send to us females? Are we only sexy in our 20's?
Just out of curiosity what are the annual leave entitlements in the various countries represented on this forum?

Here in Australia it’s generally four weeks, along with ten public holidays (give or take) depending on which state you live in. However I’m sure that if the current government's current industrial relations policy ambitions are left to run wild that could well be cut :(
I reckon most people in decent jobs have somewhere between 23 and 28 days holiday.

In addition there are 8 public holidays I think.

Many many are not subject to this - ie the UK government has no plan to reduce "illegal" immigrants or workers - because obviuosly they can be subjected to horrific work requirements and terrible pay.

Even legal workers with major companies can have it tough

My mate has 11 (i thinks its 11 very low anyhow) days holiday a year. Plus bank holidays which he doesn't get paid for. And no days off sick - unless they go unpaid.

Apparently this is legal, and the company concerned has no problem filling these positions, with fairly talented people who need a job.

Does Oz has something called long service leave - how does that work?

Of course if you work for the government, you leave is usually longer, you pension better and in lots of cases you pay better then private business - all for twiddling your thumbs all day - this should not stop you complaining and striking however, to demand those less well off in private business should be sunsidising the gravy train even further.
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I think I take the cake on the 4th of July vacations subject. Forty one members of my family and I all went down to Barbados for my cousin's wedding. It was fun in the sun and five star eating during the day and then getting totally wasted every night and laughing ourselves to sleep. Plus, my sister tells me that according to Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, the beach we were on was the third best in the world. I just got back Saturday...and I'm tired of work again already :)

The only way we could afford this was because my cousin and her husband payed for the rooms of everyone at the wedding. That means that their wedding bill is going to approach around 70k.:eek: :eek:
Pauldohert said:
Of course if you work for the government, you leave is usually longer, you pension better and in lots of cases you pay better then private business - all for twiddling your thumbs all day - this should not stop you complaining and striking however, to demand those less well off in private business should be sunsidising the gravy train even further.

Hmmm from the tone I'm assuming you'd include local government workers here too.

I've worked in sales, run my own businesses and now work in LG. My workload is every bit as high as it was in commerce. If you think it's such a gravy train how come you're not riding on it? Principles or is it just easy to slag off other people's occupations and dedication, especially when you probably haven't experienced them from the inside?

People who talk bollocks generally do so from a position of ignorance.
I particularly meant local government workers.

Of whom I am one and I love it. The gravy train here is definately better than private enterprise - I am sure you agree - because you have joined us.

Doesn't stop many complaining about it - when they have no experience of real work ie

"People who talk bollocks generally do so from a position of ignorance."

I couldn't agree more.
Pauldohert said:
I particularly meant local government workers.

Of whom I am one and I love it. The gravy train here is definately better than private enterprise - I am sure you agree - because you have joined us.

Doesn't stop many complaining about it - when they have no experience of real work ie

"People who talk bollocks generally do so from a position of ignorance."

I couldn't agree more.

I refer to my previous point about principles.

Don't attribute your paltry motives to others. You're just the kind of person who gets the rest of us a bad name. With colleagues like you it's no wonder people working outside of government have such a low opinion of us.
With colleagues like you it's no wonder people working outside of government have such a low opinion of us.

At least I admit I have it not too bad!

I have chosen to stay working here precisely because I have it not too bad, that is my paltry motive. How should I pick a job?

What are your superior motives for working in Local Government? What should my principles be telling me?
Pauldohert said:
At least I admit I have it not too bad!
I'm so glad you're happy in public service.

Pauldohert said:
I have chosen to stay working here precisely because I have it not too bad, that is my paltry motive. How should I pick a job?

If that's the only criterion you apply when job hunting, I'm sure your employers are congratulating themselves on employing you.

Pauldohert said:
What are your superior motives for working in Local Government?
The same ones I've always applied, a fair day's effort for a fair day's pay.

Pauldohert said:
What should my principles be telling me?

I can't speculate on something I can't detect any trace of.
TessB said:
What are YOOOOOuuuu doing?

The wife and I just returned from our little French resort where we stayed for some 3 weeks.
Good food and excellent wines. Guess that's what holidays is all about :)
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That clears that up then Barry.

Because I do my job because I think its pay and conditions are fair - the same as you - I am paltry but you are superior?

Because I dare suggest it is possible and common to do very little and to complain whilst still picking up the pay -
I have no principles?

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