Brianwarnock said:
It says yoghurt on mine, Word spell checker accepts both but if you spell it yougurt it suggests yoghurt
I've even seen it spelt yoghourt

This was on the label in the supermarket.
My eating:
7:30-8:00 - breakfast - A bowl of cereal, my current choice is "Muesli Flakes"
10:00-11:00 - big cup of tea (black, 2 sugars), maybe a snack if I'm hungry - anything from a muffin to a chocolate bar (or just a handful of M&Ms)
12:00-1:00 - lunch - usually a hot meal of some sort, either reheated leftovers or something from a nearby cafe or fast food joint. Lately it's whatever looks best at the staff canteen... which may or may not have given me food poisoning last week

Drink either coke, water, or nothing.
3:00-5:00 - another big cuppa, another snack
6:00-7:00 - dinner - could be any of a number of things, but often pasta. Drink is usually just water.
9:00-11:00 - dessert - bowl of icecream, or whatever I can find in the fridge/cupboard. Maybe more snacks before/after...
As for alcohol, I'd describe myself as a social drinker who's antisocial... ie, I only drink with friends but don't do it very often. Wine or scotch, maybe some other type of spirits if someone's offering.