What should Biden do after he wins? (1 Viewer)


Immoderate Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 11:42
Feb 28, 2001
Regarding what happens when you search and how the search engines "own" us, I have a story of sorts:

In the aftermath of Hurricane Zeta, we had to do some things with our router and the Chase Online Banking site didn't like me for a while. I had to use Edge rather than Firefox, but then once I was OK with Edge, I was able to get there from Firefox too.

My dear wife wanted to get online to Chase on HER machine, which is another Win10/Firefox 64-bit like mine. Got funky posts. So I said "Let's get rid of the "Favorites" link. From her machine, searching for "Chase Online" the top six hits were competitors of Chase. Obviously, paying competitors of Chase. I went berserk for a moment, had to apologize to the wife for the foul language and blue air.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:42
Sep 28, 1999
They can't believe that THEY could be manipulated in this way
The belief that they cannot be manipulated in this way is a cognitive bias, and so their own denial proves their bias. How ironic! If you do not believe it is possible, your defences are more permeable.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 12:42
Feb 19, 2002
I guess this is why Democrats are so fragile. I keep remembering old TV shows like Lost in Space and the original Star Trek. When an android was given a conundrum, they would freeze and their heads would shake back and forth and say "does not compute", "does not compute", :giggle: The Democrats can't possibly give Trump credit for ANYTHING no matter how small. They are 100% negative which is how the rest of us know that they're wrong. If Trump found a cure for cancer, they would accuse him of putting oncologists out of work. Leftist are questioning the validity of the upcoming vaccines because they think Trump has somehow manipulated something and therefore they are not safe!!!!!!!! Cuomo doesn't want any vaccine released until Biden takes office. How STUPID would that be if it gained traction?


Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
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Local time
Today, 12:42
Feb 19, 2002
I've got a bridge I can sell you :)

I have explained several times here how I coerced Yahoo into only showing me stories about the British Royals as a test when I realized what was going on and this was 10 years ago. Yes, we all know that previous searches affect new searches but so does what you click on. If you only click on Trump negative articles, you will never see a Trump positive article in the first hundred results. Google can tell your political leaning, your age, your sexual orientation, and whatever else they want based on what you read online.

What people don't understand is that these algorithms. are keeping them from actually knowing the truth about any political controversy. People rarely look at more than the first few results unless they are looking for something very specific and so they have to go deeper. This results in cognitive bias. All I see are Trump negative articles. Everyone thinks he is wrong about everything. They don't even like his ties and they hate the way Melania dresses and they hate her Christmas decorations and they think she cut down the Jackson tree. Trump and everyone around him must really be evil if everyone else thinks he is evil. And now my opinion becomes yours. When information is overwhelmingly negative (or positive, even as we can see with Biden) we can't help but be affected by it.

News feeds will never show you articles proposing an opinion that deviates from what yours is known to be. This has gotten to be extremely dangerous now that FB, Twitter, Google, et al have decided to actively block anyone they don't agree with. Are you really OK with this? Think about it. We wouldn't even be having this conversation because everything I've said would be considered hate speech and I would have been barred months ago when we started talking about Trump.

Here's a test. I haven't tried it but if you have a friend who is actually a conservative get together in your favorite coffee shop. Sit next to each other. Open Google and try some searches. Just see what the differences are between what you both see.

Then do the same thing with DuckDuckGo and Bing and Yahoo.
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:42
Sep 28, 1999
Try an anonymised search if you think that is the main reason. There are over 200 things that go into Google's blackbox of search results. They won't tell you what they are. But we know that the creators of this blackbox are predominantly pro-Democrat. Their truth is not the Conservatives truth. Consequently, the search engine results have inherent bias.


Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:42
Sep 28, 1999
People rarely look at more than the first few results unless they are looking for something very specific and so they have to go deeper.
As a former internet marketer, I know a lot about this stuff. There is a viewing curve, where the top result may get say 30% of clicks, second place gets 18%, 3rd 12% and so on. Essentially, this means the top 2 slots get a disproportionate number of clicks relative to the other enteries on the first page. The second page gets few clicks at all.

There are some charts and tables on this out there on the interweb, so do a search if you want the actual figures, rather than my guestimates above.

So, just skew a few results so they are pushed near the top and you drastically distort the SERPS output. It is a zero sum game.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 12:42
Jul 5, 2006
This past weekend, Trump supporters held rallies in Washington D.C. to express their peaceful support of Trump. They were, later that night, violently physically attacked. Trump supporters harassed, attacked at MAGA march in DC amid clashes with counter-protesters; arrests made. Biden, in a recent speech, sanctimoniously called for unity and healing. In light of these violent physical attacks against peaceful supporters using their First Amendment rights, why hasn't Biden called them out?

Coincidentally, Media takes heat for ignoring violent attacks on Trump supporters at MAGA rally.

Biden and the complicit news media continue to virulently spread the "Trump Derangement Syndrome".


Registered User.
Local time
Today, 09:42
May 22, 2010
Trump maybe out of office but TDS will live rent free forever in their heads. Well worth the price of admission.

Pat Hartman

Super Moderator
Staff member
Local time
Today, 12:42
Feb 19, 2002
If Trump somehow doesn't prevail in the recount, he really needs to leave the RE business to the kids and start Trump news.

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 12:42
Jul 5, 2006
This past weekend, Trump supporters held rallies in Washington D.C. to express their peaceful support of Trump. They were, later that night, violently physically attacked. Trump supporters harassed, attacked at MAGA march in DC amid clashes with counter-protesters; arrests made. Biden, in a recent speech, sanctimoniously called for unity and healing. In light of these violent physical attacks against peaceful supporters using their First Amendment rights, why hasn't Biden called them out?
Seems that Biden has gotten around to gratuitously condemning violence. Words are cheap. Biden denounces 'all acts of violence' after attacks on Trump supporters at MAGA rally; Pelosi silent. But as usual, this appears to be empty pablum as he did not denounce ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter. Biden spokesperson Andrew Bates also continued to toss out the tired trope: "Likewise, he also condemns the repugnant displays of white supremacy that were made in Washington, DC this weekend." Democrats continue to mindlessly regurgitate the falsehood of White supremacy.

Update, November 18, 2020: Biden wants end to 'demonization,' but where's his apology for calling Trump and supporters racists? Unfortunate that the complicit media is uninterested in questioning Biden's silence in light of Biden's fraudulent call for "healing",

Recall, that Biden was never pressed by the media to condemn the violence being instigated by ANTIFA or Black Lives Matter, but Trump was continuously harassed by the complicit media and the Biden campaign to condemn non-existent White supremacy.
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Access World Site Owner
Staff member
Local time
Today, 17:42
Sep 28, 1999
Great idea. Clever!

Steve R.

Local time
Today, 12:42
Jul 5, 2006
Is Biden beginning to show his "true colors"? Joe Biden transition official wrote op-ed advocating free speech restrictions
That is somewhat troubling on its face but also in the light of the recent Senate hearings were the issue of censorship by Facebook and Twitter was being discussed. I only saw a small tidbit. In that small segment, a Democratic Senator was making the case that censorship of so-called hate speech by platforms such as Facebook and Twitter was acceptable. So is Biden setting the stage for bastardizing the First Amendment by making so-called hate speech a crime (however that is defined).


Former Staff Turned AWF Retiree
Local time
Today, 12:42
Dec 26, 2002
You know how the 1st Amendment works right? Facebook and Twitter are not government entities. They are private corporations. They can censor what they want just like you can in your home.


Local time
Today, 11:42
Aug 17, 2020
given the nature of this thread, does anyone identify with these?






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