What would you look for...


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Today, 02:02
Jun 9, 2004
If you were looking for someone to marry, what would be highest on your list;

1. Love
2. Compatability / Common interests
3. Money
4. Religion
4. etc...

How much diff would age make? Up to 5 years diff? up to 10 years diff?

:confused: :confused: :confused:
I think Religion falls under the category of Compatability...theological arguments with strangers is bad enough without doing it at home:eek:

Love arises from Compatability and Common Interests

Lust is always a good one, but of course, Love has created many a pair of rose colored glasses (or is that beer goggles:D )

Money shouldn't matter...but it certainly greases the wheels:D
Noone under 35, maybe even 40. Not raising another boy!!!!!!

First time married for love, won't make that mistake again. :D
Kenhigg, you hit it right on with #1 and #2. I think love must be the first and foremost reason for marriage and then followed closely by compatibility. You need to have both of those though because without those two then the relationship is most likely destined to be doomed. The ranking of the other reasons are trivial in my opinion and can be interchangeable depending on the people involved.
Yes, you need love, but love can also blind you as well. So that you can't see you truely aren't compatiable.

Last time, I fell hard before realizing it wasn't working. Then felt stuck. Next time, I will make sure everything is in place, before I allow myself to fall in love.
selenau837 said:
Yes, you need love, but love can also blind you as well. So that you can't see you truely aren't compatiable.

Last time, I fell hard before realizing it wasn't working. Then felt stuck. Next time, I will make sure everything is in place, before I allow myself to fall in love.

Although I can relate to what you say, I think it is pretty impossible to control falling hard. If you fall for someone, you fall for someone.

The same thing happened to me, and I ignored every sign of incompatibility. It was a choice, and I can remember deliberately ignoring the signs. Now I am somewhat "stuck", but both of us have our issues that we have to deal with, and we are working on them. I can't say that it will all work out perfectly, but it is something we feel that we should work on until it is clear that it can't work. Especially now, since there is a little one's relationship with her father at stake.

At this point, I would have to still agree that love is the most important factor - it provides the glue for the relationship, so that it can weather the storms. Without it, most people would just jump ship at the first sign of trouble.

Compatibility is second, and the need to pay attention when compatibility isn't there. So combined with both of these is the ability to think with one's head, rather than completely with one's heart.

To that end, it doesn't matter what the age difference is. I've fallen in love with guys who ranged from 16 years older than me, to 6 years younger than me. So from my perspective, there is no safe age at which to avoid getting involved with a "boy". My only additional requirement would be one with a sense of what responsibility and accountability mean. But that falls into the compatability category.

Ok, enough of my soapbox.

Yes, I have two children, that is why I stayed for 10yrs. I also learned you don't stay in a relationship because of the kids. You have to be happy too.

Age to me, I prefer older, however it is not a main factor.

I kid around and say I have a checklist. However, if they fit most of it, they are good. I do have a few items on it, I will not take No for.

So now, I guess the first date I will have to be sly and ask those questions. If they are no..then no need to pursue it any further.

There is over ten years difference between me and my wife. The one thing that has kept us together is that I know what sacrifices I was giving up and just descided how important they where and whether I could live with it. Don't look back.
This is, of course, if the mister was no longer an option.

I'm not much of a romantic, so when you say "love", I'm thinking "romantic love" which is not important to me. The love that is important is definitely based on compatibility and is much more solid. I think I'm totally on the same page as Bodisathva here. Religion is totally lumped in with compatibility and common interests.

Money really should be a factor for older people such as myself. Young people have time to create their wealth... but by the time you're my age, you had better have finances well in hand. So... duh... wouldn't date a guy that still had cinder blocks and two by fours functioning as a bookcase. :p

I wouldn't want to go younger either. Older would be my preference as I would hope that they would be nice and sensible by then, not prone to outbursts... just quiet and wise, with a sense of direction, steeped in experience and lessons learned. And someone who wasn't so feisty and eager to prove themselves intellectually equal or (even worse) superior, just comfortable and confident to have a companion on the same footing. Older would also be better for me as they would be quite satisfied with having a companion of my appearance. Wouldn't want a guy younger than me thinking he'd had to settle or make a sacrifice as far as youthful body types are concerned. Would rather have someone think he is lucky to have landed me! :rolleyes: I'd go as high as 15 years older, but ideally probably more like 10. (Although he still have to be pretty mature for his age.... hmmm.... as mature as a 70 year old, with the mind and body of a 55 year old... ah... perfect! :D )
Careful, You girls may solicit a few resumes... :p
KenHigg said:
Careful, You girls may solicit a few resumes... :p

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and here I was trying to be a good girl today. Between You, Rich and Col, tis not possible in this place. Don't see how any of the women in here are able to be good with such fine stock around. :eek: ;) :D And all married too. Sheesh isnt' it always that way. :rolleyes:

10 - 15 yrs older is also a great range for me. I rarely have much patience for the men my age. As said before, I want one that is already well grounded and set in his life.
Then his life is ready for li'l ole me to come along and spice it up. :D

Ok, outa work and on the prowl. See y'all later! :cool:
lmnop7854 said:
Which may not be all that unwelcome, Ken.....


Yeah, what she said!

Ok, Lisa---we need to compare checklist and see if we can comeup with one completed one. Hades, if it is good..we can charge people for it. :D We can put a paten on it and call it the 'Perfect Man' list. ;)
1. Doesn't treat like a freak.
2. Not embarrassed to be with you in public.
3. Easy going.
4. I'm not fussy.
Rich said:
the best ones aren't :cool:

Really now! ;) Tell us more ohh Richy boy. However, you are only 21. That may be to young you know. Are you mature for your age? :rolleyes:
selenau837 said:
Tell us more ohh Richy boy.
I've filled enough prams to warrant maturity from boyhood to manhood :p
As far as marital status goes, I managed to escape twice and refuse to get trapped again:cool:
selenau837 said:
Really now! ;) Tell us more ohh Richy boy. However, you are only 21. That may be to young you know.

21? yeah right!:rolleyes: ;)

Selena, you have not been here long enough to know:rolleyes:

ColinEssex said:
21? yeah right!:rolleyes: ;)

Selena, you have not been here long enough to know:rolleyes:

You're as old as you feel, and right now I feel like a 21yr old, so I'm off to find one :cool:

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