I'm thinking of moving

Measured respectful comments there thank you Richard...

But I must say that Colin has degenerated into his worst form of trolish.behaviour. And here I was thinking he had changed into a decent human being. :(
OK. Given that there are cultural differences between the USA and the UK. I will stop using terms that are perfectly normal here as it upsets sensitive people here.
'Dear' is a perfectly normal turn of phrase in English! Same as m'duck in Nottinghamshire, luv in various places and darling, mate etc.

I also think that whole argument over the Canaries is fatuous .
1. Not when you use it the way Colin does.
2. I agree.
People do that type of thing out of habit or in an attempt to be friendly.
That is not the current context and you know it. You don't call someone you dislike "dear" unless your intention is to insult.
Pat, your reaction was a bit hypersensitive. But you know that old saying about "water off a duck's back" when it comes to Col. You have to decide to ignore him (and thus deprive him of his misguided fun) or react (and thus encourage him to try for another reaction.)
You ignore him. It is not you he keeps attacking. He has declared war. Asking him nicely does nothing.
You are of course entitled to your opinions, however misguided.
Don't get yourself banned because of the troll.

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