What's the best/worst video game of all time? (1 Viewer)

What about COMMANDOS SERIES (Pyros Studio). I think its all time best strategy games. God knows why they have stopped sequels

yeah...i remember playing those....shame they stopped making sequels....nice game indeed
Best: PlaneScape Torment
My personal favorite (due to nostalgia) is Morrowind. Was my first RPG, so many great memorys (though i used cheats to give me instant health regen ^^)
Best of all time, I think I'd have to go with Planescape: Torment. The sheer amount of dialogue and the number of options available are mind-blowing. There are literally only four unavoidable fights in the game, and the final boss is NOT one of them. (There are two options I can think of offhand for defeating him without ever entering combat. Neither is what you'd call easy, however.)

Worst of all time: I am in no way able to answer this. There are some utterly terrible games out there that got published and never played. I think I've seen games get reviews in the 19/100 range on PC Gamer. Worst I ever played, however, may have been ET: The Extra-Terrestrial. Yes, my parents bought that disaster of a game for our Atari. *shudder*
I don't know if I would rank it as one of the best I've ever played, but I will admit to enjoying The Witcher. I know... saying it that way is damning it with faint praise.

The interface clunkiness in some of the dialogs makes it less than perfect, but it is intelligently done and not impossible to play if you have a little patience in picking up your skills. Once you accumulate enough cash to start reading books, you can start honing your skill at making potions, oils, and bombs. The game picks up as your alchemy skills pick up. It is open-ended enough that you can pick and choose the order of your quests and explore a lot. Therefore, there is at least SOME illusion of choice in the game even though your choices are a bit limited.

Of course, games of that genre are merely the next generation of adventure books, because in the end, you are just trying to experience the story being told by the authors. It is merely a new medium for experiencing the action, scenery, and intrigue of a well-written story - a medium where you see (and live through) the action rather than read it; where you see the village rather than read its description.

In the end analysis, that is what makes the adventure genre of games fun, and it is the same thing that makes a book fun. If the story is entertaining, then it is going to work its magic on you. If the story is dreck, you'll put the book down and forget about it. Look at the Harry Potter series or the Lord of the Rings - great stories despite their originally being written for a niche audience. Well, if the storyline behind the game is well-written as a piece of fiction first, it has a chance to become a really good game, just as a well-written book has the chance to become a classic. (It's getting late and I'm starting to ramble, so I'll stop here.)

Just a couple of random thoughts from a veteran gamer.
Best - Super Smash Bros
Worst - there are too many to list.
If I need to pick one game for PC I would say halflife.
For PS3 my favorite was Uncharted 3
Best Half Life, worst... mhmm not so simple... theres too many...

The original Call of Duty
Half life

Doom 3
Game of War
I insist no game will be better than World of Warcraft for a long time.

Recently finished playing Fallout 3 (GOTY edition) and have to say that between the incredible graphics of the Havoc engine, the level of detail in the scenic design, and the intense conflicts with various forces (Enclave, Raiders, Slavers, Mutants, and other critters), this game has an incredible impact.

It got to the point that while enjoying how I was blowing the hell out of my enemies I was at the same time depressed by the desolation so clearly depicted to represent the aftermath of a nuclear holocaust. I don't know if the game could be adapted to VR goggles, but if so, I think I would not want to play that way simply because of the horror and brutality depicted in the game as the (natural and logical) consequence of that level of devastation.
I'm also playing Civilization: After Earth (with the Rising Tide add-on) and it has its moments in terms of the myriad of possible outcomes. It is like a hyper complex version of the "Rise of Nations" game, with maybe 10 times as many things to research, things to explore, things to build. It isn't terrible, particularly once you develop enough to get good artillery units that can blow the Bejeezus out of nearby objects. Nice graphics, too.

If I seem less than totally enthusiastic, it is because I prefer FPS games. This is more of a sim than a shooter. However, as sims go, it is very well done.
You should try Civilization V (just make sure to get the Brave New World DLC); Beyond Earth is honestly just an inferior mod of that. I'll grant that they made it a lot more interesting with Rising Tide than it was without it, but RT completely jettisoned any attempt at game balance.

Civ V initially had some balance issues, but with BNW, they've pretty much got it dialed in.

Also, Endless Legend is a recent, OUTSTANDING turn-based 4x. IMHO, it's the best to have been released in years.

Also, the genre isn't a sim, it's called a 4x (Explore, Expand, Exploit, Exterminate), and it's been around for a while: the Civilization series, Master of Orion, Master of Magic, Fallen Empires series, Galactic Civlizations series, Ascendancy, and the Warlock series are all examples of turn-based variants, while Sins of a Solar Empire, Rise of Nations, Sword of the Stars, Rise of Legends, and Imperium Galactica were all real-time versions.


Sims are actually much more tightly focused and tend to be much more in-detail.
Got - and have played - Sword of the Stars, Rise of Nations, and SoaSE. Liked them. Knew that Sword and Sins were 4X, didn't think about the classification of the others.

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